Sorry about that. I pushed a wrong button. I was saying that I find that so many so called Christian men are forgetting or choosing to just overlook the Scriptures in Corithians and Ephesians. These are the scriptures that I base my Christian values on and that I live by. I just do not understand why others are not doing the same . It is not only the men but some of the women too. How can you expect God to bless your relationship when you are in sin that he has stated clearly is wrong. Can someone help me to understand this.

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How could you expect God to do anything for you when you scare to surrender? and that word means to give up or yeild possession power.
Praise the Lord sister
I was talking to a brother on the phone and he asked me could he nibble on my ear and I responded with "no" and he said just a little bit and again I responded "no" and told him I was a real woman of God. He then responded with that was just a figure of speech. To me it wasn't a figure of speech but disrespect to me and it offended me. We haven't talked since. Do men and women not understand the word of God and that He says what He means in the word and means what He says in the word. Do we not believe God can come back for His church any day,time,or hour without any notification to us.
the Bible declares that every man is drawn away by his Own lust and enticed, when lust is conceived it turns into sin when sin is fully grown it brings forth Death i think sometimes people toy around with lustful thoughtsnot realizing that its in the womb of the mind that such thoghts become sin . the scriptures says the weapon of our warfare are not carnal[fleshly] but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds and bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ it also states that we have a duty each day to yeild to flesh or the spirit. those that mind the flesh will carry out it's demands and those that mind the spirit the things of the spirit. carnal minded christians cannot please God
This is ava from avasnest
My thought is that they are really not saved, not studying the bible like they are suppose to do. I know because
I am married to a man that joined my chruch and does not pick up his bible to read it at all. So maybe this is
what is happening.
Church has become a very "popular" thing, and not in a good way. I use to attend a mega church, and every time I went, I was approached by a man. People are using the church or christian sites thinking they will meet a "better" quality of a person. But for those truly seeking God, it's offensive. I was single for 10 years, 3 years ago God decided it was time for me to prepare for my husband. I say it was God, because it was not me. I made a commitment to seek God's face only. Not a man, not a relationship, but God. There was a poem I read and you can find it on my site, but it was titled "Be Satisfied With Me." That poem blessed me so much. God told me to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. And when I was ready, God hand delivered my husband to me. And I could have never imagined what He blessed me with.

I say this to say, seek satisfaction from God alone. God' knows you desire a mate. And if you continue to find comfort with Him, when the time is right, He will give you what your heart desires.

Just continue to stay in prayer, don't get discouraged. God knows best.

~Stay Blessed

I am learning that he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing.(who wants to miss out on that) I know now that I can put no confidence in man at all; just like the word say. I know that men are going to approach us;( I want to look and be so holy that the holy ghost stop them in their tracks) however we have to act like the good thing that god has called us to be. ( sometime its something on us that reminds them of the world; that make them act like the world) The bible tells us that everybody that go's to church is not going to heaven. We have to make up in our mind its for God will live and God will die. The devil job is to tempt us; ( some men week points may be woman; just like some woman week points are men) he tried Jesus what in the world make us think that he not going to try us. He will do whatever it take to take our eyes off the prize. ( that the name of the game; keep them thinking things and people are not going to change. God forbid.)

When we get save we want to change. Now somethings that we know that just wrong wrong we change fast; (because every church person I am seeing like to show how holy they are) however the strongholds take us all a little longer.( this is the sin that nobody can see or know but you and God) I don't know what going on with the men. However I believe because the man is the head of the house; the devil has a special attack for him. I believe because Adam didn't fall for what Eve did ( well the same way she did) the devil has such a perfect hate for him.

So when we see our brothers in Christ falling into the trap of the enemy we alto be praying. (Love cover a multitude of sin; that is what my bible says) Keep our mouth closed and pray. Don't agree that the enemy is winning because his not. Don't act like it's not happening either; speak life in your brother and Just Pray.

In the book of Genesis they talk about the power of Agreement and the people building a tower to reach the heavens; God himself had to stop them because the power of agreement is so strong. That why we have to watch what we say. The devil has some trick of temptation; but we have the power of life and death in our tongue. God didn't give him them that; from what I read all he has is temptation. We can beat that with love and speaking life and all agreeing that ALL OUR MEN ARE GOING TO BE GREAT MEN OF GOD.

I know this may not be what you want to hear but this is what came to my heart when I read the discussion. Love ya and be Bless great women of God.


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