Easy Qualifier Program: This is our most lenient church loan
program and is generally used for two different purposes. When a church
is growing quickly and can not support the proposed payment on a
historical basis according to traditional bank standards this is a good
program. This is also a good program when a church is in a turn around
situation; maybe they have had some membership declines and are having
difficulty being approved under bank standards. The rates are slightly
higher but a church can borrow up to 4 times its gross income. No
personal guarantees are needed.

Traditional 5/25 and 5/20: This is a traditional church loan
program and offers some of the very best rates around for churches.
Loan to values go up to 80% and rates are extremely good. This church
loan program uses a traditional debt service coverage underwriting
method to qualify a church. No personal guarantees needed on this loan.

90% Purchase Program: A church that is buying a building at a
discount from its fair market value can use part of the equity in that
property to decrease their down payment. For example, if a church is
purchasing a property that is worth $1,000,000 and they are buying it
for $700,000 then in some circumstances we would only require a down
payment of 10% of the purchase price ($70,000 in this instance). Rates
and terms on this program are excellent. The maximum loan amount under
this program is 3 times the churches gross income. No personal
guarantees are required on this program.

These programs work for large and small loans alike.

Whatever your needs are call me and I can review your situation and possibly help your ministry.

Louis Jeffries
direct line 708-299-3244
email churchloans@live.com
Church Loan Request Form  

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