VISION IS the FUEL that propels troops into battle; it's the WHY behind the what; i'd the REASON to forward when other's are standing still.

As we move into '09' What is your Vision for you ministry or even better you life?

The word states, "where there is NO VISION the people perish." Is your ministry perishing due to a poor vision or no vision at all?

May I add that people are confused by DOUBLE VISION. In much the same way that one who needs glasses sees double visions until they receive them, more than one vision on a team leads to confusion and lack of progress.

Or perhaps you're suffering from DIE-VISION. DIE-VISION is what happens when you and your team can't come together to rally around one common vision. This in turn causes your VISION TO DIE, or DIE-VISION!

But thank God we have another promise that states that if we, "write the vision and make it plain upon tables, those who read it WILL RUN!" The problem is that many of have visions in our mind that we never write and reveal to other's until it begins to fail. What good is a vision never concealed? I order for vision to move to action it must be revealed!

Today I'm encouraging you to write your vision HERE AND NOW!

Others will truly benefilt from your wisdom and thought's!

Share with us your plans TODAY!

Here a few of my goaps for '09"

1.(Church) Increased focus on growing and developing a more relevant youth ministry
2. (Church) Infuse new youth leaders to build our youth
3. (Church) Prepare for 2 live recording's with our church
4. ( Church)Continue to teach our Worship & arts department the principles of worship and service to God
5. (Personal) Set aside more time for personal study
6. (Personal) Work to complete my second book as well as videos for instructing up and coming Levites
7. (Personal) Share God's word with more people than I did this year
8. (Personal) Share God's word with more people than I did this year
9. (Personal) Share God's word with more people than I did this year
10.(Personal) Share God's word with more people than I did this year


Written by Kevin Bond

Views: 18

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