Esther, I don’t know who you are or where you are, but you have been chosen to stand, to stand for a people that do not have the voice or the power that you have. You have been selected to go before the throne boldly on behalf of others, your life is that of an intercessor, should you remain silent, many souls would be lost unless you take a stand. The sword has been raised to kill you, but the King has lifted up His golden scepter towards you, on your behalf. You cannot hide when the lives of others are at stake, you have to go before the King. If you are not willing to go before the King, there will be one that will, but what does that do to your reward? Know that you are a Queen or a king and God has given you the power to go forth. You may have to become a living sacrifice, put on your royal garments and go into the “holies of holies”, someone needs you to forget about yourself, your pain, your problems and go to God on their behalf. You cannot be who you are, if you don’t know who you are. Know that you are a son/daughter of the Most High God, of the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who’s name was changed to Israel, you are a part of the chosen generation. Based on your boldness to approach the throne, has God asked you what’s your request? What is the desire of your heart, He will do that thing. Because you are willing to go before the King, He is willing to give you whatever you ask, even up to half of the kingdom. Esther made a step in the right direction, she came before the throne, are you approaching the throne of God for others, what you make happen for someone else, God will make happen for you. Esther was chosen for standing for the Jews, who have you been chosen to stand in the gap for? It is time for you to work that you have been called to while it is day, for night cometh and no man can work.

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