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Father, we thank you for sending your only Son to die for us and to bring redemption, even during this season that man has commercialized so much so until they have X's out Christ. I come to have Mas with Christ. Thereby I celebrate Christ-Mas. I thank you for every friend and family member. I celebrate you Lord Jesus everyday. I thank you for being able to celebrate your love daily. I thank you that I don't need to wait until the last month of the year to give gifts for you have blessed me to be a blessing all year long. I ask that you would look upon those who are alone this year for the first time, the fifteenth time and comfort them. Look upon the elderly that are homebound, in nursing homes, in hospitals, look upon the prisoners, the family members who have loved ones in prison, let them not forget them. Father we ask that you would look upon the ones that are depressed, the barren, the childless, the unmarried, the married yet still alone people who serve you, look upon the ones who are waiting for the manifestation of your promise to them. Father, we ask that you would show yourself strong, mighty and real to the doubters, the unbelievers, to the children around the globe, that You are The Christ, the soon coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Reveal yourself to be who you are as you did for Peter, when he claimed you to be the Christ and you responded to him, that flesh and blood did not reveal that to him, but your Father did. God send the spirit of truth to every believer, every man, woman boy and girl that this Santa Claus thing is a lie and that your word says in Rev. 21 all liars have a place in the lake of fire. God send truth, put the real meaning of Christ back in Christmas. THANK YOU FOR THE GIFTS "UNDER THE TREE", BUT THANK YOU EVEN MORESO FOR THE GIFT THAT "HUNG ON THE TREE". God I pray that this prayer will touch lives and change lives this year in that people that don't know You, will come to know You, through the sacrifice of Your Only Begotten Son, and come to serve Him, as Lord and Savior, thank you that He is no longer the baby in the manger, but He is the Risen Savior from the grave. I ask that you would bless my friend and their family this holiday, with peace, joy, contentment, food, family and fellowship. May some family member come to know you at the dinner table this year in Jesus name, amen.

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