Mr 5:27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
Php 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Have you ever wanted something so bad, that if you didn't lay hold of it there risks the possiblity you just might not make it? This woman had an issue of blood, that was literally draining her of the very essence of life. (scripture calls a certain woman, an unnamed woman, her name is unimportant here, because she could We all have some paralyzing issue in our life, that if we would just touch Him.... hum. things would change. Yours may not be blood, but the truth be told, we all got issues, but today should be the day you press in the press and touch Him, even if you have to come up from behind Him. She had nobody, no money, no doctor, but she had an "If I" in her spirit, she knew that if she could touch Him, she would be whole. You may have tried everything and everybody you know, you may have gone below ground zero and a tsunami has hit your bank account, your investments have become like a candle in the wind, but if you could just say to yourself, "IF I"... God will dry up your issue for you, the moment you press through and touch Him, press through your tears, your pain, your past, your torment, your ex., press through abuse, anger, confusion, unemployment, evictions, pinkslips, repossessions, hardheaded children, cheating spouse--you have got to Press! There is power in the Press, but you have got to go beyond what is paining you to reach YOUR personal breakthrough.

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