God has been dealing with me concerning the discord that is being sown among the saints. He is so prepared to come back for His church, but the church is not ready, the spirit of discord, bitterness, maliciousness, jealousy is running rampant in the church. God is ready to send His Son to redeem His people, but at this moment in time, should He come, He loses, because the spirit of discord has sisters and brothers at odds with one another, yet you will come into the house of prayer lift up holy hands to a holy God, and won't even go to your sister and brother and demonstrate the ministry of reconciliation, because of your pride. God wants to come for His people but the spirit of deception has blinded the eyes of the people of God, thinking that I am right and you are wrong. Wake up son of God, wake up daughter of Zion, your King is soon to come, don't let Him come and find the spirit of strife, discord and bitterness on your garment. God is saying that My people which are called by name, you need to humble yourself and pray and I will hear you, I will forgive you, I will heal your land, yes you! There is no conviction to what is going on within the Kings house, and men and women sit and say nothing in the spirit of meekness to reconcile, take heed to your spirit. This attacking in the body of Christ has to come to an end, before you do, saith The Lord. I AM looking for a people that has prepared theirself for my return, will I find 100, will I find 50, will I find 10 that is living like I told them to, loving like I told them to? I AM coming, I AM coming, I AM coming, I AM coming with judgment in one hand and justice in the other. When you attack your sister, when you attack your brother, you in essence attack ME, saith the Lord, you don't see as I see, you don't think as I think. When I died I died for all, when I rose, I rose for all. I AM coming back, I am coming for ALL, all who have made themselves ready. When you see your sister, your brother, do you see ME? Can't you see, you attacking your sister, your brother, can't you see, that that is MY son, my daughter. I hear you speak in your own words that you are MY disciples, but the true test of discipleship My child is do you love one another, I AM coming back, I AM coming back, I AM coming back for a prepared and ready church....

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