Micah 7:5 tells us to "Trust not in a friend, nor to put confidence in a guide, keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. For the son dishonors the father, the daughter raise up against her mother, the mother in law against her daughter in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house."
But what do you do when you are yet still living in a natural state with physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual pain and you once again reach out to a trusted "friend" only to come back with the bitter sting of betrayal and and a deeper wound to the current pain? What do you do when you really want to just go off to the left, when the grace and the mercy of God just won't let you. How do you bounce back from the bitter bite of a trusted friend. Someone in whom you once held such high honor and esteem and the bonds of trust has been broken? What do you do? Let me tell you what I had to do, while in the midst of ministering to another, I get attacked in the same area, do you do what you told the other sister to do, or do you just sever that has been broken and move on? God is a faithful God, that even in the middle of adverse intense fellowship, one is still to uphold the commands of Jesus Christ and that is to love those that dispitefully use you, pray for your enemies, because any one is not a friend is an enemy. I have learned the valuable lesson once again that no matter who you are "title wise" you can't trust everyone, because it's not the title, but the reputation of your name that the enemy is out to destroy, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Jesus is the only true and faithful friend one can trust with you secrets, your pains, your problems....

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HI Pinki, well spoken, yes Yahshua is the only one one can trust. On one level I'm sorry for your emotional pain at the betrayal, yet, I know God will use that incident to make you wiser, stronger and equipped for the purposes He has for you. With all the natural pain at the betrayal sometimes that truth is a bitter pill to swallow but swallow it we must.

I, myself am going through a fiery trial but this is only to refine, purify me, cleanse me to be used for God's finest purposes.

As so, walk on, the hardest part is when Scripture commands us to 'give thanks in all circumstances.' I'm like 'what?' Come on, thanks for this manure. Wow, there must be a pony.:-) Yet, in God's reality for us, there is one at the end of all of our trials thanks to Yahshua.


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