Hi everyone, I wrote this a couple of years back but think it appropriate to discuss on this wonderful D.I.V.A. site. Enjoy and be enlightened. :-)


Wow! How can we as women describe menopause? It's like a cosmic eruption in our mind and body. No wonder God in Scripture describes 'women' as the more 'precious' vessel. (1 Pet. 3:7). I know the word 'weaker' was used by sexist males. However, scholars have found that the true translation should have been 'precious' and noble. Some Bible translations now use the word 'precious.'

In the God created man/woman dynamics, the woman is like a magnificent ship's "rudder" and the man like the 'ship' itself. For all the beauty of the magnificent ship, it cannot run without the 'precious' rudder. The ship can be splashed, hit, dented and it will still stand. However, the 'precious' rudder if violated, will not, cannot. The ship is then useless and halted.

This is how dynamic God made women. Menopause is a example of the 'precious' and tender power of women. We go through a magnificent cycle of changes and only God knows the depth thereof.

It's like a cosmic burst within us. It can be likened to creation. The universe came forth with explosion upon explosion. Menopause is the same way. It comes upon us with explosion upon explosion of feelings, thoughts, and biological changes.

This is why it is wrong to violate women as God likens such violation as crushing a precious diamond. The woman is that, powerful, precious and dynamic in the eyes of God.

What is happening within women during menopause is God ordained. So in that aspect, we thank God for the gift of menopause as on the 'godly' cosmic, universal plane it has powerful spiritual meanings.

Now, back to the all too solid earth plane, menopause is a time of horror and confusion in many respects. Biologically the body goes through nerve-racking changes. Whew! What woman can be prepared for this? What male doctor can teach us about this since he's never gone through it? How dare sexist males think to even tackle this phenomenon that only women can understand! Thank God for the women's movement that knocked opened the doors to bring women into the medical world to study this phenomenal that we go through. Yes, thank God for all those brave women who dared to arise and 'fight the good fight.'

I don't know which is worst, the biological changes or the emotional changes. Well, wait a minute, I definitely think the 'emotional changes' are worse in the long run for we have no control over them. Pre-menopause we had a 'monthly' timetable to explain the sudden mood swings. With menopause there is no such timetable. You are just in it and oh, what a cosmic ride we are in!

I bet you, if they did a survey of middle aged women who are imprisoned for killing their abusive mate, they would find that it coincided with menopause. If most of those women were being thoroughly abused at that time, it stands to reason the abuse clashed with the menopausal biological and emotional explosions that were going on and as a result, violence erupted as the woman's remedy to rid herself of the abusive brute. Hey, the Bible repeatedly teaches that women are 'precious' and therefore, 'dangerous' vessels. As so, males should tread softly. As many didn't heed the godly teachings they were destroyed by causing the precious woman vessel to go haywire. You play with fire, you get burnt. All in all, it serves them right. Most of the women should have gotten off scot-free.

At any rate, as said, the most difficult part is the 'emotional' changes that come with the many eruptions going on within us. There is no timetable to forewarn that an eruption, high-voltage explosion is coming upon us. Also, sometimes menopause manifest itself different for different women. Some women go through it for a few months, others for years. We need women doctors to explore why this is?

Bottom line, on the spiritual plane, this is a glorious phenomenon that only women experience. A sacred secret between God and His creation, 'woman'. A wisdom for the wise comes with it. However, on the physical plane, for some women, a 'beard' comes with it'. :-) The hot flashes are like a light bulb fizzing in and out, as if showing signs of being ready to blow. The voice changes, and our temperments change. We are easily irritated.

On the other hand, many women become settled, more confident, complete, fearless, bold. All those insecurities that many had just evaporates. We are totally secure and life is fun. A literal, "we are completed woman' mentality takes hold of us. It's all so fascinating, dangerous and fascinating. As so, I suggest males take a second in-depth look into Scripture to find the true dynamic magnificence God made in His creation, 'Woman.'

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