Where is the DIVA that will stand? Got knocked down, got knocked backwards and you thought because of that last night that you were out. Oh yeah, you got knocked down and will probably get knocked down again, but will the Real DIVA please stand up. Your down fall was a set up for you to get up! You can make it, you can take it. You are just like that timex watch, you take a licking and keep on ticking. You are like the energizer bunny, when others have given up on you, you keep going. You are like Motel 6, your light is always going to be on. So will the Real DIVA get up, shake yourself loose and continue to walk. yea though I walk "through" the valley of the "shadow" of death, you are not afraid. You will surely renew your strength, you WILL mount up like the eagle, you WILL run, and not become weary, you WILL walk and not faint. But girl you got to first STAND up, will the real DIVA please stand up? Stand up for what is yours, stand up for your husband, your child, your brother in that court room, stand up for that raise on that job. Will the Real, DIVA, please stand up? You have more strength and do more than you ever thought imaginable, but you have to stand up, stand for you!

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Replies to This Discussion

This is true! Amen all the way. You bring so much joy to me. I just laugh because of all that I know is coming
and breaking forth! This is the year of the women and this is our year! So laugh out loud and release your joy because
blessings you weren't expecting are coming forth! I really do appreciate you Prophetess Pinki Moore you rock!
Hi thank you for the encouraging words. I am going through a fiery trial but am about to come out strong and on top. The Lord God has arisen to help me and my family. I am holding on, fearing no evil for God is with me. I am the head and not the tail. No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that raises itself up against me is already condemned in Yahshua's name. God has given me beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and the anointing remains upon me. Oh yeah, we're DIVAS who are about to explode to heights unknown.

Please join me in daily intercessory prayer that this evil coming against my household in the form of telephone harassments, vandalism, and a host of other evils will immediately be aborted. Pray for my senior citizen mother and father 80 and 84 who are daily harassed by these wicked fiends who would not be found out. Stand with me and I know the victory will come.

Thank you my sisters in Christ.


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