Global Christian Leadership Association


Global Christian Leadership Association

This association is for all Christian leaders to fellowship, to grow and to learn from one another that we may be more effective witnesses for the furtherance of The Gospel and the building up of the Kingdom of God.

Location: International
Members: 149
Latest Activity: Oct 16, 2023


On October 9, 2010 at the Century Center, 120 S. St Joseph St, South Bend, Indiana at 5:00 pm est. Bishop W.C. Maddox D.D. will be honored with a Black Essence Award. Bishop W.C. Maddox is the founder of Bishop Maddox Ministries, which include Mesarim Tabernacle, and the Global Christian Leadership Association, JahdaiGroup International Ministries as well as Mission N Action Ministries which began as a radio broadcast on KXEN radio and grew into a community outreach and evangelistic ministry. Bishop Maddox has served as interim Pastor for several years in the St. Louis area before being called to Pastor at Maryland Heights Bible Church where he was ordained as an Elder. Bishop Maddox also serves as the Co-Pastor at Lillian Ave. Outreach C.O.G.I.C.C. along with Pastor/Founder Elder Matthew Jones, where he is a Nationally sought after Speaker, Preacher and Teacher. He also served simultaneously as the Pastor's Assistant at Lane Tabernacle C.M.E. Church. Bishop Maddox has had the honor of giving the invocation and benediction for the Who's Who in Black St. Louis awards in 2008 and is a Chaplain for the St. Louis Montford Point Marines. He currently serves on the College of Bishops for AWKA well as a member of the International College of Independant Bishops and is a council to several Presiding Prelates for several different reformations worldwide. Bishop Maddox also serves as a chairperson on the Faith Committee for the St. Louis Area Jobs With. Justice Organization, and has also served as a membcr on the Board of Directors for the In it 2 Win Coalition for Dropout Recovery.

Discussion Forum

Next Level Training

Started by Howard Sands Jun 17, 2021. 0 Replies

Are you looking to move ahead in your ministry? Not quite sure of the next move? Need a little help, a nudge, a sounding board or a mentor? You know God has called you for more but not quite sure how to get there?This forum post on Next Level…Continue

Is your Social Media Presence Helping or Hindering your Ministry

Started by Howard Sands Mar 25, 2018. 0 Replies

As I look through this and various other networks to which I belong, I see a common problem with the online presence of many ministers distracting me from connecting further with them; I also see some ministers to whom I am attracted because of…Continue

Tags: social, Training, media, training, reputation

Remnant Church Bible Institute

Started by Bishop August Francis Mar 2, 2014. 0 Replies

Remnant Church Bible Institute is accredited and ready to help you in distance learning, certification programs, assisting you in your licensing and ordination process.If you desire to have a Bible Institute at your church location, we can…Continue

Tags: Institute, education, anointing, ministry, study

Christian News

Comment Wall


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Comment by Bishop August Francis on February 21, 2012 at 11:15am

Comment by Pastor Olori Godwin on February 18, 2012 at 4:37pm

Hello Friends,

Do you know that many miss opportunity without knowing? I am presenting you with an opportunity which I believe will be a blessing to you, equip your friends, members and loved one.

For only by equipping the saints to do the work of ministry will the church gather the harvest. Do you know that availability is the step of faith that gives God the opportunity to do what He wants to do: meet needs by the power of the spirit.

What is this opportunity? I want you to visit: Click the media section and register for free. By registration you will gain access to free on-line messages which will lift your soul, equip and bless you.

And this will also give you opportunity to build our relationship. It will give you access to hear me teach the word. And it will also give you access to know how I speak or sound.

Stay bless

Pastor Olori Godwin

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on February 12, 2012 at 4:20am

Whitney Houston

In the days to come, rumor-mongers will be at full-throttle and in high-gear, churning out a range of product from idle speculation to damnable lies regarding the life and death of Whitney Houston. And the sad part about this is that many of these are so-called "Christians."

If you can't say "Amen," say "Ouch."

Read more here...

Comment by Pastor Olori Godwin on February 6, 2012 at 11:23am


How are you? It is a privilege to send you this mail. For better networking and also to access my messages on-line. Check it out:


Love you


Pastor Olori Godwin

+2348036726337 - Nigeria

+231880843572 - Liberia 

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on January 16, 2012 at 6:24pm

In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (New Blog Post):

Today we observe the birthday of a great American, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is clear the nation owes him a debt of gratitude for what his accomplishments in the realm of social justice and equality. However, I would like to speak briefly regarding Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., the man of God.

Dr. King understood something the Body of Christ misses today: that if you want to change the social fabric of a nation, you must first change the hearts and minds of that nation. He understood that what plagued America was a spiritual problem and that it required a spiritual solution.


Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on January 5, 2012 at 5:53pm

On Leadership (New Blog Post):

The hallmark of a great leader is that they not only leave organizations in BETTER shape than when they arrived but they leave the PEOPLE around them in better shape!

Good leaders equip and edify; poor leaders rob and tear down (John 10:10).

Having been a leader in both corporate America and in ministry, I submit the following:


Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on December 29, 2011 at 5:21pm

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

We are approaching another New Year. Soon, 2011 will be but a memory and 2012 will unfold with promise. The question is, what will you be in this New Year?

Read More here!

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on December 24, 2011 at 12:40pm

CHRISTmas = Emmanuel

There are many meanings that may be derived from the CHRISTmas holiday. The birth of the Savior, the fulfillment of prophecy, peace on earth, and goodwill towards men are all pertinent aspects. However, there is one more that deserves a more detailed treatment.

Emmanuel – God With Us. Isaiah 7:14 describes Him thusly:

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

God With Us. Give that a minute to sink in! God was with man at creation but sin separated the two. For many generations, God was apart from man. Imagine the sorrow of a loving Father separated from His children! This was God’s great sorrow; He is a Holy God and cannot abide in the presence of sin. Therefore, God had to be separated from that which He loved the most so that His holiness would not be compelled to destroy His crowning creation.

God wrapped Himself in human flesh…but why? One reason was that Jesus needed to be the perfect sacrifice; He had to be conceived of seed that was not tainted by sin. An imperfect man could neither be the sacrifice nor a spirit being. The sacrifice had to be fully man – because man had (Genesis 1:26-28) and lost (Genesis 3) dominion – and fully God, for the perfection of the seed and the perfection of the saints.

But wait – as they say in infomercials – there’s more! For parents reading this, rewind to when your children were toddlers. You often gave instruction from a seated or standing posture, but when you really wanted them to understand your will – or for you to understand their perspective, you would kneel down to their level.

Jesus was God, Himself, kneeling down to our level! Through the Person of Jesus, God was tempted as we are, to know joy and sorrow as we do, and, most of all, to taste death as humans do. Like a loving Father, He stooped down to our level to instruct us and to gain our perspective!

What Love!

So in this Holiday season, remember that Jesus is, indeed, the reason for the season. But know that your Heavenly Father ordained the birth of His most precious gift to be given as a sacrifice so that mankind could be reconciled to Himself. It is through the chastisement of our peace (Isaiah 53:5) that peace on earth and goodwill toward men is possible because the conflict between sinful man and Holy God was reconciled once and for all in the Person of Jesus Christ

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on December 24, 2011 at 12:21pm

Jesus Wasn't Poor

The Magi (and there weren’t necessarily THREE) brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh; all of which were precious, costly commodities (Matthew 2:11).

I’m going somewhere with this…

Joseph went to Bethlehem to be counted in a census and TO PAY HIS TAXES; y’all hear me, you don’t pay taxes on nothing! The situation was not that there was no money for Mary and Joseph’s lodging, rather ALL THE HOTELS WERE BOOKED!

I’m gonna get there, y’all stay with me…

God told Joseph to take his wife and son into Egypt to hide from Herod (Matthew 2:12-13). Now, recalling from the Exodus, Egypt was about 8 days walk from Canaan – you need provision for the journey…and that costs MONEY.

And while Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were in Egypt, they needed sustenance until Joseph could get a job!

I submit to you, the cash value of the gifts of the Magi would have provided ample means to make all this possible. Remember, God does not give vision without sending provision!

Thanks for staying with me – we’ve hit our destination: Jesus wasn’t poor!

Jesus’ poverty was this: he came from Heaven and it’s infinite resources to finite earth. In that context, even if he came to earth as a billionaire, he’d have still became poor for our sakes (2 Corinthians 8-9)! Contrary to popular belief, Jesus was not a poor, vagabond, itinerant minister. He was acknowledged as a Rabbi or Teacher, and his garments were costly enough that Roman soldiers cast lots for them (Matthew 27:35).

Now don’t misunderstand me, We are here to minister (serve) as Jesus did. That’s so clear a blind man could see it! The point is that folks try to say Jesus was poor to equate poverty with piety – and that is absolute rubbish. Likewise wealth does not equate to sin. We need to change our traditional paradigms to line up with Scripture!

Bonus information: Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went into Egypt to hide from Herod. Herod sent soldiers into Egypt looking for the Christ child. In order to successfully hide, perhaps they had to look like the natives.

Give that a minute to sink in!

Merry CHRISTmas, y’all!

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on December 9, 2011 at 8:09pm

Be sure to visit, where you can get essays, podcasts, and teaching outlines. You can also find out how to book Bishop Derrick Day for your upcoming conferences, seminars, or revivals.

FYI, I have no set honorarium and no peculiar requests for fresh-cut flowers, east-facing rooms, or anything of that nature. And I'll feed myself! My only request is that you provide airfare (coach is fine) and a clean hotel room. What you'll get in return is a spirit-filled, revelational, life-changing Gospel teaching!


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