Global Christian Leadership Association


Global Christian Leadership Association

This association is for all Christian leaders to fellowship, to grow and to learn from one another that we may be more effective witnesses for the furtherance of The Gospel and the building up of the Kingdom of God.

Location: International
Members: 149
Latest Activity: Oct 16, 2023


On October 9, 2010 at the Century Center, 120 S. St Joseph St, South Bend, Indiana at 5:00 pm est. Bishop W.C. Maddox D.D. will be honored with a Black Essence Award. Bishop W.C. Maddox is the founder of Bishop Maddox Ministries, which include Mesarim Tabernacle, and the Global Christian Leadership Association, JahdaiGroup International Ministries as well as Mission N Action Ministries which began as a radio broadcast on KXEN radio and grew into a community outreach and evangelistic ministry. Bishop Maddox has served as interim Pastor for several years in the St. Louis area before being called to Pastor at Maryland Heights Bible Church where he was ordained as an Elder. Bishop Maddox also serves as the Co-Pastor at Lillian Ave. Outreach C.O.G.I.C.C. along with Pastor/Founder Elder Matthew Jones, where he is a Nationally sought after Speaker, Preacher and Teacher. He also served simultaneously as the Pastor's Assistant at Lane Tabernacle C.M.E. Church. Bishop Maddox has had the honor of giving the invocation and benediction for the Who's Who in Black St. Louis awards in 2008 and is a Chaplain for the St. Louis Montford Point Marines. He currently serves on the College of Bishops for AWKA well as a member of the International College of Independant Bishops and is a council to several Presiding Prelates for several different reformations worldwide. Bishop Maddox also serves as a chairperson on the Faith Committee for the St. Louis Area Jobs With. Justice Organization, and has also served as a membcr on the Board of Directors for the In it 2 Win Coalition for Dropout Recovery.

Discussion Forum

Next Level Training

Started by Howard Sands Jun 17, 2021. 0 Replies

Are you looking to move ahead in your ministry? Not quite sure of the next move? Need a little help, a nudge, a sounding board or a mentor? You know God has called you for more but not quite sure how to get there?This forum post on Next Level…Continue

Is your Social Media Presence Helping or Hindering your Ministry

Started by Howard Sands Mar 25, 2018. 0 Replies

As I look through this and various other networks to which I belong, I see a common problem with the online presence of many ministers distracting me from connecting further with them; I also see some ministers to whom I am attracted because of…Continue

Tags: social, Training, media, training, reputation

Remnant Church Bible Institute

Started by Bishop August Francis Mar 2, 2014. 0 Replies

Remnant Church Bible Institute is accredited and ready to help you in distance learning, certification programs, assisting you in your licensing and ordination process.If you desire to have a Bible Institute at your church location, we can…Continue

Tags: Institute, education, anointing, ministry, study

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Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on August 21, 2011 at 2:30am

Anyone who thinks God “took out” Pastor Zachery Tims “because of his sin,” probably ought to be looking over their own shoulder. You see, God is not a murderer (check out Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — who did Jesus kill?). Everyone will give an account of their lives: those who are in Christ will do so before the Judgment Seat of Christ, and those who are outside of Him will do so before the Great White Throne Judgment. I am absolutely tired of these self-righteous “christians” who are quick to pass judgment on someone when they, too, walk around with the sin that so easily besets them.

Instead of throwing stones, we should be collectively mourning the loss of a General of the faith and praying for the four young children surviving Pastor Tims. We should also collectively “pump our brakes,” rather than jumping to conclusions about what led or contributed to his demise.

© 2011 – Bishop Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Robert Durgan on August 3, 2011 at 4:47pm
All About Christ Network of Churches and Ministries is looking for those leaders who have been called to lead other pastors if you are ready we are looking for Bishop's, Overseers, and Area Coordinators to join our services provider network to serve the local pastor or ministry leader call Bishop Robert Durgan today at (909)242-0163
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on July 30, 2011 at 10:45am

What we know as The Rapture will happen ONLY when THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM is preached FULLY throughout the nations (Matthew 24:14). The FULL Gospel has neither been preached in its entirety, nor is it FULLY preached throughout the world. We need to be diligent about RENEWING our minds, BUSYING our hands, and MOBILIZING our feet…We have a lot of work to do!

In Ephesians 5:27, The Apostle Paul writes Jesus is coming for a church without spot (backbiting, gossip, leadership failure), wrinkle (denominations, musical disagreements, day-of-worship), or blemish (racism, cultural divides). In other words, we have a lot of washing and ironing to do before the wedding!

Why are we looking for the way out? Jesus came to restore the DOMINION originally given by God (Genesis 1:26-28) and lost by man. He gave us durable power of attorney (John 14:13-14, John 15:16, John 16:23-24,26) to be AGENTS of His AUTHORITY in the earth. Instad of looking to leave (fear-based) we need to be invading and influencing the earth with God’s will, culture, and intent (faith-based) — in other words, WE NEED A TAKEOVER MENTALITY!

If you’re saved and all you’re doing is trying to discern the signs of the Lord’s return, you’re not fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Get off your Blessed Assurance and go forth INTO THE WORLD, winning souls AND making disciples in the name of Jesus!

I’m tired of hearing preaching on the exit strategy when Jesus clearly laid out a takeover strategy!

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on July 27, 2011 at 10:33pm

One thing every believer can agree upon is that God is just. But, if all there is to salvation is getting your ticket to heaven punched, then as soon as we accept, believe upon, and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, we’d be raptured up immediately into heaven.

But we remain after the New Birth. What’s up with that?

The New Birth, contrary to popular belief, is not a religious experience, It is a change of citizenship into a new nation (Colossians 1:13), whose Government, Provision, and Protection CANNOT fail! You become a royal subject of the King of Kings, who delights in the prosperity of His servants (Psalm 35:27).

There are no illegal immigrants in the Kingdom of God. That’s why you have to be born (again) into it.

Along with your citizenship, you become an Ambassador of the Most High God (2 Corinthians 5:20), His Beloved Child (Romans 8:14, Ephesians 1:5), and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). You are to have ALL sufficiency to ABOUND to EVERY good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).No earthly government dispatches ambassadors and emissaries into foreign lands without adequate provision. If you have forsaken all you know to obtain Kingdom citizenship, you have a promise of abundance in this lifetime AND eternal life in the world to come (Mark 10:29-30).

If you’re a citizen of the United States, it is in your best interest to have knowledge of the Constitution. If you’re a Citizen of the Kingdom of God, it behooves you to hide the Word of God in your heart (Psalm 119:1) and know your Covenant rights! As an Ambassador of the King of Kings, I know that when the enemy (satan) tries to oppress me, all I need to do is stand on the Word of God and declare DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!

As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you have certain inalienable rights endowed by your Father/Creator and ratified with the Blood of His Son, Jesus. However, without full knowledge of your rights and benefits, the devil is more than happy to try and usurp them. That same devil is on a mission to steal from you, kill you, or destroy your life. But Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly — IN  THE HERE-AND-NOW (John 10:10).

I say all this to say that religion teaches you that, after salvation, you are to simply await the Lord’s return. Now, Jesus is, indeed, coming — and we need to be ready. However, until Jesus’ return or the end or our mortal lives (whichever comes first) we are to influence this earth realm with the will, culture, and intent of our King. We are to have dominion in the earth, not sit timidly and idly waiting for the Savior’s return!

The kind of teaching that implies you are powerless while you are here is utter religious foolishness and a yoke on the necks of God’s people! Salvation is more than a ticket to heaven, it is a connection to the Divine Power Source. Folks are quick to proclaim they “…are waiting on a move of God,” when all creation is waiting for a move of man (Romans 8:19)!

The Bible teaches us that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). But if all you’re getting is rote religion, God sent me here to tell you, He ain’t in your religion. If you can’t say “Amen, say “oh my!”

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on July 19, 2011 at 11:52pm

Y’all, there are churches that grow numerically without Christ-centered preaching and teaching. Without naming names, there are churches with 10K+, 20K+, 30K+, and even 40K+ members and many lack a concise Christ-centered message.

That said, these institutions may be growing numerically but not spiritually. My evidence? The first century Church grew organically because of the compelling message of the risen Christ (Acts 2:22-41), but also because of the Church’s approach to ministering to the lowly, healing the sick, sacrificial giving (Acts 2:45), and the well-being of God’s people (Acts 2:44). These ministry aspects are increasingly missing in many churches.

Another reason many churches grow numerically is that there is a hoarding spirit present.


Oh, yes, many churches are good at looking good. They take in lots of money and sponsor many mission trips. They have great community outreach programs. They have beautiful sanctuaries and annexes. They have polished television, radio, and internet ministries.

But how many new churches do they plant? How many smaller churches do they bless with material or financial resources? How many LOCAL churches do they fellowship with? Not many.


Because it’s better to direct resources toward packing their own houses! Increased tithes and offerings provide vital capital for ambitious programs and projects that increase the prestige and visibility of that ministry. Fellowshipping doesn’t happen for fear of “sheep-stealing” and the resulting reduction of revenue.

And, while we’re on revenue, let’s talk about money. A lot of churches grow because they have built psychological models of guilt, coercion, and fear for tithing and offering. Some of their pastors and teachers are in touch with their inner-pimp, while others resemble the snake-oil salesmen of the late 19th century.

In other words, love is not the center of their giving! In order to properly understand giving, folks have to be inculcated with the principles of love. When you give out of love, you give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7) and when you give there’s a blessing coupled with that (Luke 6:38).

I could go on and on but the net of this is, church doesn’t have to be big to be effective. An old preacher told me once, “It’s better to have 5 effective saints than 5000 pew-sitters.

©2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Antwon 'Doc' James on July 2, 2011 at 6:31am
Comment by ManuelStanleyAndrews on June 22, 2011 at 3:00pm

The lord God  said " My people ,who are called by my name humble themselves,and pray,and seek my face,and turn from their wicket ways ,then I will hear from Heaven,and I will forgive their sin and Heal the LAND.

Time has come right now for us to kneel down and pray for the HEALING of the Nations ,and for massive break out of Great REVIVAL among the  people of God must be Revived .

Comment by Apostle Gibson Myers on June 22, 2011 at 2:46pm


I write to humbly request your prayers and support to enable me succeed in a recent assignment I received from the Lord. The assignment is taking me out of the city into a remote part, Sinoe County; about two days drive from the main city of Monrovia for a week long ministerial seminar and evangelistic services. Many of our interior pastors and ministers lack adequate training for effective ministry which is making it very difficult for them to experience growth and development in kingdom building. This is because almost all of our city pastors’ ministries are focused in the city where they consider to be safe haven and a comfort zoon for good electricity and easy movement.

The Holy Spirit has been dealing with me to go and help the brethren in the interior for some Theological training and Spiritual Revival for effective ministerial activities. For this I am praying and believing the Lord for moral, financial and spiritual support from all God’s loving people as we labour in the building of His kingdom. Many of our city pastors with good theological knowledge refused to go out of their comfort zoon in the city. So those other ministers in the interior far from the city are not making much impart in ministry for their limited theological knowledge. It is against this back-ground that I making this move to help those brothers become more effective in their ministries.

I got this burden for some four months now and have not made any move for the lack of funds. But quite recently the Holy Spirit has been troubling me to create any means of fulfilling this mission and I don't want to disobey Him. So while praying from last week till now I was directed to make an opened request to you my brethren to see what help you could render to this worthy cost.

The actual place for this task is in one of our counties-Sinoe County- a two-day drive distant place. I have a team of three other ministers going with me for at least two weeks : teaching/training ministers and church leaders there, we also will conduct one week evangelist revival services every evening.

Following your viewing of this mini budget for the mission, I will highly appreciate whatever seed you and the ministry can afford to sow to this worthy cost and the Lord will surely bless your labour in him.


Liberian dollars: $52,000.00 But in USD: 800.00

1. Round tripe fair......... . .Liberian Dollars..$10,500.00--USD $150.00
2. Little refreshment for ministers during seminar.. 17,500.00--- " 250.00
3. Generator and instruments rental for one week. 10,500.00--- " 150.00
4. One banner, postals, fliers & announcements 7,000.00---- " 100.00
5. Printing of lesson outlines and handouts............. 3,500.00---- " 50.00
6. Miscellaneous................................................... 3,500.00---- " 50.00

Grand total: Liberian dollars: $52,000.00 USD: 800.00

Other important things about the teaching seminar and evangelistic revival:

General theme: Building kingdom leadership for effective ministry
Scripture texts: Ephesians 4:11-13 and 1 Peter 5:1-11

Sub-topics during three days teaching sessions:

1st day sub-topic: Recognize and appreciate the five-fold ministerial gifts of Christ to the church.

2nd day sub-topic: Identify and maintain your own gift, office and placement for effective ministry
3rd day sub-topic: Recognize the personality and ministry of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling your calling.

Apostle / Rev. Gibson Myers
Personal contact incase of anything you would like to know or do…. Email: Cell # +231-655-7792 Or +231-755-7792
Comment by Pastor Olori Godwin on June 3, 2011 at 10:59am
Join me at this power pack program as I minister from 18th - 21st June 2011. And also join me in prayers if you can not come. I love you
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on May 14, 2011 at 12:24pm


WARNING: This lesson consists of strong meat and will challenge long and widely held religious notions about faith in the Body of Christ! 


Love and Faith, Lesson 15 of The Love Walk, a video teaching series by Bishop Derrick Day. In this lesson, Bishop Day illustrates that faith is the Currency of the Kingdom of God and the Key to appropriating God's promises.





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