

This group is for ministry leaders and lay persons who are in the Houston, Texas area.

Location: Houston, Texas USA
Members: 437
Latest Activity: Aug 9, 2023


Ephesians 4:15-16

15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

It is my desire and I also encourage each of you to join together as ONE body, fitly joined, supplying the needs of one other for the advancement of the Kingdom of God and for the edification of the Body of Christ.

Join us for fellowship, encouragement and networking. We can share announcements & events in the Houston and surrounding areas and support one another's ministry efforts.

~Minister Tracy Curtis~


COMMENT WALL - Please do not post a sermon or long testimony on the Comment Wall. The comment section is reserved for brief announcements and for exhorting one another.

DISCUSSION FORUM - Feel free to post your testimonies, extended thoughts, prayers, and discussion topics in the Discussion Forum.

EMAILS TO ALL MEMBERS - Please be considerate of the members when sending an email to everyone. We love sharing information with one another but SPAM should be kept in a can.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of HOUSTON,TX to add comments!

Comment by Apostle Jerry A. Howard on December 10, 2009 at 2:33pm
Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on December 6, 2009 at 10:34am
Friends, I want to share my latest voiceblog with you titled - IS GOD YOUR CHRISTIAN CAFE' BUDDY?

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Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on December 3, 2009 at 6:21pm
The Kingdom of God Conference 2009 is Coming to Sugar Land, Texas...Audio.

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Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on December 3, 2009 at 12:55pm
Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on December 1, 2009 at 6:25am
PRESS RELEASE: Dr. Sandy Murphy and Elect Lady School of Ministry and Mentoring Academy Sponsors Ministry License and Ordination Services Exclusively for Women, Sunday, December 6. Evangelist D Tyler Brown and others to be ordained at this service.
Comment by Evangelist Anna Huggins on November 30, 2009 at 4:41pm
We invite all ministers to come and share a word from the Lord with us. Our purpose is to reach God's people...if you have a word from God, we have an ear!!!

Join Alpha 2 Omega Ministry every Tuesday Night for a time with God Fellowship Call. This is a Spirit-led call that is NEVER the same each week. If you want to break strong holds, need a prayer answered or need deliverance, then show up with a spirit of expectancy!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009
9:00 p.m. (EST)
8:00 p.m. (CST)
6:00 p.m. (PST)

Phone: 712-432-0080
Access code: 816961
Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on November 30, 2009 at 3:17pm
Connect with me on FACEBOOK

TeeRenee' Curtis

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Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on November 30, 2009 at 2:35pm



Visit TAG Ministries International
Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on November 30, 2009 at 1:24pm
Founding Apostle Jerry A. Howard of The Kingdom Church International holds premiere of The Kingdom of God Conference - Apostolic Prophetic Invasion 2009 on Friday and Saturday, December 4th and 5th, 2009. See Press Release:
Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on November 29, 2009 at 2:50pm

Members (437)


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