Outer Court (Part I)
It occurs to me that many don't know the different levels found within the sanctuary as set forth in Scripture. It is a pattern that still remains true in the Spirit revealing the dimensions of God. Let us begin with the Outer Court. This dimension consists of all flesh.
The gates: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and enter His courts with praise, be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. Praise and thanksgiving is found in the Outer Court. All creation praises God if it chooses! Nothing is excluded from praising, but this is a very basic and elementary level.
The Altar of Sacrifice: The place where the offering was killed (sacrificed) representing that flesh must die. "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service." This was the bloody place. This is the place of salvation where the blood of Jesus is applied to us, and our sins are blotted out by the blood of the Lamb. This place deals with our hang-ups, our shortcomings, our areas where the blood must cover us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. At this stage of sacrifice, even as people talk of offering "the sacrifice of praise" they remain in the Outer Court. If praise must be given sacrificially (which at times is the case when flesh doesn't want to praise based on situations and life events) this is still placed in the Outer Court. When a deeper dimension is obtained, praise will no longer be a sacrifice but an offering at all times giving thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us. It becomes a pleasure to praise at all times! This is still a very basic and elementary level.
The Brazen Laver: Before the priest could enter into the 2nd dimension, the blood had to be washed and cleansed. The priest could not enter into the next dimension without being washed thoroughly. If you are still struggling just to stay clean, you are not ready to enter into the 2nd dimension, The Holy Place. That is not to say that you are not saved, but you are not ready to enter the 2nd dimension.
The Light Source: Natural sunlight. When there is light outside, there's light. When it's dark outside, it's darkness. This interprets to those who when life is going great, they are up, but when situations become hard and difficult (dark), they are down. For people in the Outer Court, when the environment and life's situations are dark, they go into depression, sin, wrong thinking and behaviors, the Light Source reflects that the individual is residing in the Outer Court. The light in which they walk in (or lack thereof) is directly determined by the external (outside) environment.
These three elements are found in the Outer Court. In Hebrews Chapter 9, the Outer Court is not even listed in the detailing of the Tabernacle. It begins with the Holy Place. Why? Because it is so elementary, that one has not really come into a spiritual depth in Him as long as there remains the "strugggle" in Outer Court living.
All of the elements contained in this dimension are made of brass or are called brazen. This deals with the brazen or brassy nature of the flesh to go forth in its own contrived plans, but the blood arrests this sinful nature.
Ministries that are constantly dealing and preaching on sin, righteousness, cleaning one's life up, etc., are Outer Court ministries. This is just the beginning. Can we go deeper?

The Inner Court (Part II)
The 2nd dimension in the realm of the Spirit is the Inner Court or the Holy Place. This begins a level of relationship that exceeds beyond Outer Court living, and begins to bring one into the Presence. This dimension consists of our flesh participating with the Spirit.
The Oil-Filled Lamps. The Lamp is indicative of the oil of the Holy Spirit shedding spiritual light and revelation into our lives. The priests had to fill the lamps with oil to ensure that the light never went out. This action displays the priests (flesh) cooperating with the Spirit (the Light) to serve and minister in the Tabernacle. We must come into a revalatory realm that is birthed forth from the Spirit. Jesus is the light of the world, and then the Word declares that "ye are the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden." As we come into this 2nd dimensional realm, there is a transformation that now allows us to be a light on a hill for the world to see. God will not place flesh (Outer Court) ministry on the hill for the world to see lest He be mocked and derided as a weak King with not even the power to keep His people. We must walk into the light, and become light.
The Table of Shewbread: The priest once again had to bake the bread to make sure that the Table of Shewbread remained fresh. Thus, again we see flesh participating with the Spirit. "Give us this day our daily bread." The priest must have something by which the people can receive nourishments to sustain healthy and well-balanced living. There is no feeding in the Outer Court unless the people are to be fed bloody, raw meat. God had strict laws forbidding eating anything that still had the blood! Why, then, do we attempt to feed God's people from the Outer Court. It is not so! We must come into the 2nd dimension to feed the people. As Jesus declared, I am the bread of Life! A hungry church must come into this dimension then to be fed.
The Altar of Incense: The priest had to keep the censor full of incense. Again, the flesh is participating with the Spirit. The Altar of Incense is the prayers of the saints. Since we know not how to pray as we ought (flesh), the Spirit makes intercession (Spirit) for us in groanings that cannot be uttered. The Altar of Incense is not seen in Hebrews (which means transitioning) 9 because when Jesus was crucified the veil of the temple was torn in two (the middle wall of partion being taken away) and He went into the Most Holy Place and is now seated on the right hand of the Father making intercession for us!
All of the furniture in this dimension was wood (man/flesh) covered with gold (God/Spirit).
Light Source: The Lamp of the Spirit. Whether it was dark outside or light, there is always the Light of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Place/Inner Court.
While this place of the Spirit is a glorious place, can we go deeper?

The Most Holy Place (Part III)
The 3rd and greatest dimension in the realm of the Spirit is the Most Holy Place. This dimension consists of that which is ALL GOD! Thus, man rests from his labors, and God becomes all, in all, and through all.
This dimension consists of the Ark of the Covenant (all One) which within it contained the Mercy Seat, The Tablets of Law, a dish of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded. Every piece of furniture was made of pure gold representing it was completely God.
It was made with two golden cheribums with wings facing each other who cried one to another "Holy, Holy, Holy!" As we cry Holy one to another, the glory of the Lord descends among us, and the power of His Shekinah manifest with glorious light that illuminates the entire chamber of this dimension.
The Mercy Seat: The Mercy Seat is seated above the other aritifacts in that if we offend in any, the mercy of God covers and obliterates any and all that has yet to be reckoned with as we come into the presence of The Most Holy. As we come into His manifest presence, He translates us into the glorious image of His bride without spot, blemish, wrinkle, or any such thing. He beautifies us in a glorious array that discards our old garments and trappings of the old, and crowns us with glory, and robes us in royalty.
The Tablets of Law: Jesus came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it. Once the law was fulfilled, we were no longer under the law or indebted to the law. Only He could keep and fulfill it, and His righteousness is now imputed to us. To impute is to place His holiness and right living in place of our own. We then go free from indebtedness to the law, and stand free and complete in Him. In the Most Holy Place we are no longer struggling with the knowledge of this fact. We walk, talk, and live in the understanding of imputed righteousness and rest from our labors to "be holy", and we plain and simply "are" holy.
Aaron's Rod that Budded: The identity of the priesthood is established and certified in Aaron's rod that budded. When a challenge was presented as to the Levitical validity of Aaron and his sons, God allowed that Aaron's rod budded AND brought forth almond fruit to prove that they were the chosen to minister unto the Lord. Although Satan is the accuser of the brethren, in the Most Holy Place we are certified as the true Sons of God and the Royal Priesthood, and the challenge of our identity is completely and entirely laid to rest.
The Dish of Manna: Manna represented bread that came from heaven that man did not make, but was the divine provision of the Most High God to feed His people. It had to be gathered daily, and was enough for the day only. God will feed fresh manna daily to those who will enter into the 3rd dimension to taste of His divine! It is straight from heaven, and man's ideology, traditions, doctrine, theology, or belief system has nothing to do with this bread from heaven. It is straight from God and all God.
The Light Source: The Shekinah Glory of God was the laser light (light with exponential power) of this dimension. In Him there IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL! This laser light has healing power, and when we become one in communion and intimacy with Him (that I might know Him in the same sense that biblical characters knew their mates and they conceived and brought forth) in this dimension, we, too, become laser light.
There is no brow-beating of God's people to worship Him in this realm. To do so would constitute rape. You need not be forced to make love to the King. If there is no desire to do so, the King does not want you to approach until the desire is mutual. No one can force this upon you, shame you into it, nor coax you into it, but rather it must come from within youself. Likewise, the King is not a pedaphile. He does not have intimate relationship with underage children. He will not be intimate with those who have not come through the 1st and 2nd dimensions first. He does everything decently AND IN ORDER. The saints in the 3rd dimension come poised and prepared, bathed and perfumed to enter the bed chamber to become one with their Beloved. The joy of this experience keeps them willfully and gladly coming back daily with bated breath and excited anticipation. Nothing need be forced between two consenting mature peers.
Since Jesus is making intercession for me without ceasing, I cease to pray prayers of supplication and request in this realm because I realize that as Jesus has already prayed and continues to pray in my behalf regarding those things which concern me, I have peace that passes all understanding and confidence in Him. IT IS ALREADY DONE! All I'm waiting on is the manifestation that shall come in the fullness of time. "The hour has come and now is when they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. For the Father SEEKS SUCH to worship Him." In the 3rd dimension, God is not seeking those in five fold ministry, He is not looking for prayer warriors, He is not looking for those with spiritual giftings. He is looking for those who know and have worship that comes from the spirit and the truth. I now bring the incense of WORSHIP into the 3rd dimension, and as standing one with Him now as His bride in the bedroom chamber of the King, the Queen worships, loves, and adores the King. This intimacy reproduces after His kind, and together we are fruitful and we multiply... Blessing upon blessing. Increase upon increase. Wealth upon wealth. Health upon health. Riches upon riches. LOVE UPON LOVE!

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