My Name is Bishop J. T. Harper,


I am asking that you keep me and my wife in prayer, because she don't want to listen to the word of God,

she is always in the front of the TV, and i am asking her to spend time with me in the word, 1st Cor. 14:34-35.

and she is always listen to other People and watching TV than what the word of God says, it is ok to watch the TV every now and then,

I would love to spend time with her in the Word of God, and Pray for our Family, and do the Work of the Ministry, and watch Tv, and on, I told her I am trying to live a Holiness Life Style,


In Jesus Christ of Nazareth Name.


Bishop J. T. Harper



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Be Jesus

Seriously. That was the apostle Paul’s advice. It is extremely difficult in today’s day and age, I know, but Pauls advice, was to treat her as Jesus would.

Women are taught today in the world that we live in that submission means domination. Nothing could be further from the truth, Biblically. Submission is NOT domination. But that’s what women are taught in Satan’s world.

Paul wrote:

“Therefore, become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved you and delivered himself up for you as an offering … Be in subjection to one another in fear of Christ. Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord, because a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation, he being a savior of [this] body. In fact, as the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, so let wives also be to their husbands in everything. Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it” – Ephesians 5:1,2, 21-25

Notice how Paul phrased that …

“go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved you”


“a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation”


“just as the Christ also loved the congregation”

As the Christ was the head. We’re to try to act like him. As Napoleon stated, Jesus was such an effective leader, he can command ones – without even his visible presence. That’s how good of a leader he is. And a leader? Does not have the option of losing his temper. I talk about this, because as a Christian man? I have a temper problem. It’s something I fight against, and apologize for constantly.

But a temper? Is simply not an option.

Just as Jesus loved us, and showed us the way by his leadership? We are to try to act like Jesus. It isn’t hard. We have our imperfect flesh trying to cause us to lose our temper. I know. I’m a Christian husband. But that’s not an option. We must not give in to the imperfect flesh. We have to try to be like Jesus. There is no record of him ever losing his temper.

Wives are to be in subjection to us as husbands, as the apostles and disciples were to Jesus. But think about it? How did the apostles and disciples act at times? Haughty. Self-righteous. Peter even presumed to take the son of God aside, and proceed to COUNSEL Jesus !! They were always arguing over which one of them was the greatest.


But Jesus never did that. He never said that. His response, was to serve them. Yes, he was their master, and he said

“You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you” – John 15:14

So their discipleship WAS dependent on obedience to what Jesus said. He WAS in charge. But Jesus never acted in a manner that was that of “I’m the guy in charge, listen to me”. When they fell short? He tried to help them understand where their attitude needed adjusting.

But there is never a record of Jesus ever losing his temper. He always tried something different to help them see the point.

The apostles bickered and argued over who was the best one of them, and Jesus tried for YEARS to correct their thinking. They just wouldn’t listen. He was telling them he had less than 24 hours to live, and they would no longer have his daily influence, and they STILL started to argue about it !!!

What was his response?

He was Jesus.

He washed their feet, to try to teach them a lesson of humility. At that point, Judas was still there. He was dismissed before the Lords evening meal.

But think about that. He washed the feet of the man who would betray everything he believed in. He already knew Judas was bound for Gehenna. There was no saving him. Judas was dispicable. But he was willing to wash THAT guys feet, if it meant helping his disciples.

The world we live in, is influenced by an angel who is a narcassistic sociopath.

“We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one” – 1 John 5:19

Satan teaches women that subjection is domination, which it isn’t. That’s not surprising though. Satan is the original rebel, that hates anything about anyone telling him what to do. A complete and utter narcissist. God teaches us that subjection means that our role? Is that we have to act like Jesus. And when we are frustrated due to disobedience, bad attitude, willful, rebellious thinking?

We have to think of another way to help them. Trust me, as a husband, I sympathize. I understand how difficult it is. But it’s the job we signed up for. Not to “tell them what to do”, but to patiently act as Christ, and try to figure out something else that will work; to help them grow as individuals and spiritually.

It’s a very, very difficult job, to lead.

My brother all u can do is live the life before her and keep her in your prayer. God is the one for that job to bring her in and be by your side in the ministry.


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