

I have something new coming for musicians in 2009. If you are interested in growing your music ministry or learning how to play piano or another instrument, this group is for you.

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Gospel Piano Resources

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Comment by Apostle Dr.H. S. Gibson:Chaplain on May 14, 2010 at 9:59pm
Comment by Apostle Dr.H. S. Gibson:Chaplain on May 14, 2010 at 9:58pm
Comment by Apostle Dr.H. S. Gibson:Chaplain on May 14, 2010 at 9:58pm
Comment by servant Sampson ApostleAmbassado on May 12, 2010 at 3:56am
120 DAYS OF REVIVAL- FIRE UNDER THE TENT. The Five - Fold Fasted-up, Prayed -Up, to win souls, salvation, restoration, re-positioning, super-natural miracles, divine healing and breakthroughs, re-establishment...Calling every intercessor to war, Apostles to tare down Baals Alters, Prophets to loose the Holy Word Of God, Evangelists to bring in the lost, Teachers to expound on the truth executed by the Holy Spirit, Pastors to lead the flock and feed them with wisdom and knowledge. God revealed His secret things and hidden mysteries to His Holy Apostles and Prophets. God will do nothing except He reveal it to His Prophets first. Christ Jesus has established the foundation of the church upon the Apostles and Prophets. God is sending signs and wonders to His people. His love has not been enough to turn to Him. Yet replaced by the god of this world, materialistic, lust, perversion, concreteness, envy and more. His Prophets continue to be killed by the mouth of the people that reject the mouth piece of God! Time to Shake up the foundations. Calling every General, Ambassador(dress), Priest, Women of Zion, Men of Valor, Children of God, come before the Lord Thy God and let your voices be heard under the Tent OF FIRE. HOLY GHOST - CLARION - A CALL TO HOLINESS - REFORMATION - CALL UPON THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND! SEEK HIM WITH ALL THAT IS IN YOU. PREPARE YOURSELVES THE PRESENCE OF GOD ALMIGHTY! IN HIS PRESENCE IS FULLNESS OF JOY NO ONE CAN REMAIN THE SAME. SOLICITING WARRIORS, VOLUNTEERS TO ASSIST...1-800-427-8540 - 281-330-8446 - See Daniel ch. 09...This thing that has crept in church globally must be destroyed! Awake! Sound The Trumpet! Wail before the Lord! One Million Wailing Men and Women prostrated! Time to be about your Father's business!
Comment by servant Sampson ApostleAmbassado on May 12, 2010 at 3:49am
Seeking a holy-ghost filled musicians to assist with up-coming events as well as seeking full-time position in sanctuary. Drummers and or guitar players. Please email Elder Hale at a non-denomination, five-fold prophetic ministry. Leave message at 800-427-8540
Comment by servant Sampson ApostleAmbassado on May 12, 2010 at 3:45am
120 DAYS OF REVIVAL- FIRE UNDER THE TENT. The Five - Fold Fasted-up, Prayed -Up, to win souls, salvation, restoration, re-positioning, super-natural miracles, divine healing and breakthroughs, re-establishment...Calling every intercessor to war, Apostles to tare down Baals Alters, Prophets to loose the Holy Word Of God, Evangelists to bring in the lost, Teachers to expound on the truth executed by the Holy Spirit, Pastors to lead the flock and feed them with wisdom and knowledge. God revealed His secret things and hidden mysteries to His Holy Apostles and Prophets. God will do nothing except He reveal it to His Prophets first. Christ Jesus has established the foundation of the church upon the Apostles and Prophets. God is sending signs and wonders to His people. His love has not been enough to turn to Him. Yet replaced by the god of this world, materialistic, lust, perversion, concreteness, envy and more. His Prophets continue to be killed by the mouth of the people that reject the mouth piece of God! Time to Shake up the foundations. Calling every General, Ambassador(dress), Priest, Women of Zion, Men of Valor, Children of God, come before the Lord Thy God and let your voices be heard under the Tent OF FIRE. HOLY GHOST - CLARION - A CALL TO HOLINESS - REFORMATION - CALL UPON THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND! SEEK HIM WITH ALL THAT IS IN YOU. PREPARE YOURSELVES THE PRESENCE OF GOD ALMIGHTY! IN HIS PRESENCE IS FULLNESS OF JOY NO ONE CAN REMAIN THE SAME. SOLICITING WARRIORS, VOLUNTEERS TO ASSIST...1-800-427-8540 - 281-330-8446 - See Daniel ch. 09...This thing that has crept in church globally must be destroyed! Awake! Sound The Trumpet! Wail before the Lord! One Million Wailing Men and Women prostrated! Time to be about your Father's business!
Comment by Pastor DC on May 11, 2010 at 6:26am
James 2:19-22 (King James Version)
19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
21Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
22Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
Comment by Alisha Cosby on May 10, 2010 at 10:49pm
This 10 year old is awesome.

Comment by Bishop Herbert Burroughs on May 3, 2010 at 10:16am
Meet God in Prayer with Prophetess Brenda, and jumpstat your prayer life. Pray for anyone in need, discouraged, sick, etc. This is not your traditional prayer line. Wisdom Prayer Line 6:00 am-6:15am Mon.-Fri.Prayer and Bible Enrichment on conference Line 218-844-085 Code: 695433#
Comment by Xavier C. Joshua Th.D., on April 27, 2010 at 4:07pm
I have been planting churches since 93' from California, Louisiana to Mississippi. I was the first African American to earn a Doctorate of Theology Degree from an ABA seminary in the southern states and second nationwide. I became the first African American chancellor of a ABA seminary which now is assisting great men and women earn legitimate degrees to enhance their teaching ministries. Our seminary specializes in producing scholars of the Word through equipping students in translating Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic alone with offering other seminary courses. I became sick of degree mills, which sell paper, but not the knowledge to compliment the title. This is a disgrace to the prophetic calling and make such calling appears to be a joke. I put together an online seminary that from day one; people will recognize your skills in rightly dividing the Word of God. As a result you will discover the true power of God's Word unto salvation. Thats why Apostle Paul said, for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the Power of God unto Salvation. Contact me for a free

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