Pastor Andre Eaton

New Pastors/ New Ministries


New Pastors/ New Ministries

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Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on November 4, 2011 at 5:27pm

Women as Preachers and Pastors

Folks have misinterpreted scripture concerning women in ministry, e.g., 1 Corinthians 14:34. Here, Paul was dealing with specific folks with specific issues (Corinth had women who were out of control), hence the use of the word “your” instead of “all.” It’s important to note that many, if not most of the first century churches were started by women, the woman ad the well (John 4) was sent by Jesus to preach to the Samaritans, and Mary Magdalene was the first person to preach the resurrection.

A little story, a Deacon I know back in Crockett, TX had a conversation with one of his daughters that went like this:

“Daddy, God called me to preach.” His reply, “Oh Lawd!”

That night, God took the ol’ Deacon back to his childhood in a dream. On their farm, they had a reliable rooster that would crow on time every day. Well one day, that old rooster up and died.

Now, if you know anything about chickens, you know a good rooster is hard to find. So, during the search for a new rooster, one of the hens jumped up on a fence post and began crowing like the rooster did, and did so until they got another rooster.

The Spirit of the Lord asked Deke if he ever cursed that hen for crowing, and Deke said, “no…”

The Spirit continued, “Then don’t curse your daughter.”

The Deacon’s daughter pastors a thriving church …with her Daddy’s blessings.

True story…

The point is, God calls, God anoints, and God appoints. It is not for man to decide. This is one of those traditions that burdens the body of Christ and needs to be done away with.

© 2011 – Derrick Day (


Comment by Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness on November 3, 2011 at 10:18am

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Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on October 28, 2011 at 11:27am

The Purpose of the Church

The reason why many “churches” do not have the nature of The Church is because there is a widespread lack of understanding of what The Church really is. First of all, the Church is not a building, a charter, or a gathering of folks. The Church is a living, spiritual and natural being comprised of many members that carry out vital functions.

Contrary to popular belief, she is not a “country club” for the saints or the museum of the “frozen chosen.” When you become a member, you are not simply a number, you are grafted in, as a finger to a hand! The body nourishes each member and the Head, Jesus, gives each member instructions for the work to be performed.

While I’m here, let me hang my hat for a minute…Each member has a UNIQUE function. All of us are not called to preach just like every cell in the body is not called to be the eye. Imagine a body full of eyes…that is a freak of nature! While we’re speaking of the ministry, not everyone is called to preach the same message or preach the same way! We are fearfully and wonderfully designed — individually and expressly — by the Hand of God with a unique purpose to carry out equally unique assignments.

The Greek word for “Church” in Matthew 16:18 is “ekklesia.” It is a word meaning “called out assembly.” More to the point, it is a GOVERNMENTAL word not a RELIGIOUS word! Many folks don’t know this, but the government of Rome called thieir upper legislative assembly theEkklesia. The ancient Greek city-state of Athens called its legislative bodyEkklesia!

Now put this in context…When Jesus said “upon this rock (the truth spoken by Peter) I will build my ekklesia; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it! In other words, what Jesus is saying is upon the truth that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, He will establish His everlasting government!  This is what was prophesied in Isaiah 9:6.

Jesus did not come to establish another religion; the world had (and has) enough of them. What he came to re-establish was the governmental order that was ordained from the foundation of time!

That said, the Church is not about religion. The Church is the point where God connects with man through Christ. It is God’s government, duly deputized and empowered to take over the earth! Church should be an ER for the wounded, a kitchen for the hungry and a sanctuary for the besieged. It should be the point where God’s Heavenly Government is dispensed on the earth! It should be the place where the lost catch the revelation of a loving Father, who wants to reconcile them to Himself and loved them so much that He gave His very best in the Person of His Only Begotten Son!

I feel like preaching, but I’ll take my seat now…

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by E-Church Connection - Directory on October 27, 2011 at 4:00pm

List your Church on E-Church National Church Directory for FREE

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Comment by Apostle T. S. Starks on October 23, 2011 at 1:15am

Praises and honor to the most high God.

    My dear Apostle, with all due respect but this is how I view your comment. Without using scripture but in layman's term. It is time for those of us correcting each other, calling each other out among the Saints, commenting on one another views, and debating among each other's personal beliefs. My dear Apostle, like it or not but this is the United States of America and I like it like this and you should be as well. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion is something we should praise God more and more each day. First, and foremost everyone has the right to believe the way they wish. According to Holy Scripture may be wrong. However, they have the right to be. I'm one who has learned to appreciate denominations. I don't view as you do and I have the right not to. I believe and notice as you've expressed peronal beliefs; I'm stating "I believe".  I believe denominations define one's personal beliefs according to their interpretation of scripture. Why doesn't God make us believe the same. Apostle I fellowship with all denominations that celebrate Jesus as Lord. Some of my fellow clergymen and clerygwomen I know are in God's presence. I know they fast and pray.  I know that they are spirit filled. I know that they study God's word. Therefore, I ask you Apostle, how is it that we can all walk together in the spirt of Christ but differ in doctrine. After being in a HolyGhost filled prayer service and worship service where the holy spirit has moved upon the Saints and we are willing to follow His spirit. Why do we yet differ. I am one who grew up in baptist doctrine and that is all well and good. However, when my understanding and interpretation of scripture changed, I became apostolic and then Church of God in Christ and later founded a apostolic faith church. Even later after founding the church that I pastor, I was convicted of not honoring the Sabbath day and keeping the feasts of God. In my understanding I believe that I am right and everyone else is wrong other than accepting Jesus as Lord. Notice I said 'in my understanding.' Other than Christianity itself, who are we to say who's right and what's wrong. Personally, I preach nothing but a apostolic sabbath keeping doctrine. You can be pentecostal and not apostolic but you can't be apostolic and not pentecostal. However as i stated before, 'it's MY belief.'

Comment by The Apostle on October 22, 2011 at 1:23pm


Real Talk
Real Talk
From The Desk of The Apostle...To "ALL" Apostles,Bshops,Pastors & Ministers, if you are not teaching " The Apostle Doctrine " that Jesus taught The Original Apostles and Paul, then you are teaching faslehood. Jesus did not teach no apostolic, pentacostal or holiness doctrine; these are man made to mislead His People. And if you have been a apostle for more than a year and are teaching any of these..., then Jesus has not chosen you. Like Apostle Paul, he did not have him teaching only that Jesus was the Son of The Almighty because all Paul knew what the Pharisee doctrine after his conversion until was in the mist of The Original Apostles going in and out among them (Acts 9v28) Jesus would not permit any of His Chosen Apostles to teach any other docrine but " The Apostle Doctrine"If you have been chosen then get your copy at www.realtalkministries.synthasite.comSee More
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on October 1, 2011 at 10:07am

Jesus is Real


Someone asked me, "How do I know Jesus is real?" This is my reply:


Jesus is THE way to relationship with Father God, THE way to everlasting life, and THE way to abundant life!

Jesus is not only real but all reality was created FOR Him and BY Him! Jesus is the most pivotal character in the annals of human history. The very years we chronicle are demarcated by His Birth.

Those who love Him will give up everything to follow Him; those who hate Him will stop at nothing to discredit Him and destroy His followers.

Jesus is love personified. No other figure was known to lay down His life, not only for those who LOVE Him but for those who HATE Him as well!

When compared to other “religions,” well, Krishna is dead, Buddha is dead, Muhammed is dead, Zoroaster is dead, Joseph Smith is dead, Charles Taze Russell is dead, and L.Ron Hubbard is dead. Jesus, on the other hand is alive at the right hand of the Father!

When I experience each breath, I experience Jesus’ Love for me. When I witness a sunrise or a sunset, I experience His majesty. When I held my sons for the first time, I experienced His meticulous creativity.

Indeed, Jesus is not only REAL, He is the REALEST thing I know!


©2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on September 21, 2011 at 8:45am
The Wisdom Tree

People often talk about others “anointing” as if it is something unobtainable. No person’s anointing is greater than another. What makes the anointed look “anointed” is knowing to apply the Word of God according to what I call the Wisdom Tree.

Start with the trunk of INFORMATION. The Bible is full information that you can aggregate into branches of KNOWLEDGE. Then you begin to grow your knowledge into limbs of UNDERSTANDING. Then the sum total of these, properly applied equals the fruit of WISDOM.

Your journey begins by first accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, then praying to God that the eyes of your understanding may be opened (Ephesians 1:18).

Then open your Bible and begin reading.

Ask God to send you the Holy Spirit, that the fallow ground of your heart may be broken up so that the seed of the Word can be planted deep. Then apply the Living Water that is Jesus. Abide (that means, LIVE) in Him and allow His Word to Abide in you. Then you begin to see the stalk of your faith and your life in Christ grow.

But don’t give up here, because now the enemy comes to try and steal from you what God has planted. Allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in your life, and you will soon find that you are being pruned to grow strong and purged to eliminate the excess in your life (Matthew 13 – ALL) . At the end, you will see yourself bearing Kingdom fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).

When you start bearing Kingdom fruit, when you’re under pressure, you will release the Word of God — just like the orange, when squeezed, produces orange juice.

But notice, the juice is only pleasant when the fruit is mature! You have to go through a maturing or perfecting process. Without the maturing process, the juice is often bitter and unprofitable. The process is not always pleasant but it always produces the desired result!

Praise God!

© 2010-2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on September 18, 2011 at 7:50pm

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Satan, Let Me Refresh Your Memory (Reclaiming Your God-Given Power)...


This book was written to show Christians how to remind the devil of his fallen and defeated state. It will help the Disciple of Christ reclaim his or her God-given authority over the devil, his plans, and his devices.


Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on September 11, 2011 at 6:00pm

On 911...

Today, the United States commemorates the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks against New York City and Washington D.C. Truly this a solemn day to pay respect to the lives lost in the tragic events of that day, reflect upon the price of eternal vigilance, and to honor the heroism of those aboard flight 93, who thwarted an attack on the White House.

Unfortunately, many “prophecy hounds” decried this as the beginning of the end of days. Others of the “religious judgmentalist” faction cited these events as “God’s judgment against America.” Both assessments are as far from the truth as the east is from the west!

The simple truth is that we were victims of our own way of life. Liberty assumes a certain amount of risk. And, even thought security is tighter in airports and seaports, we haven’t fallen into either martial law or a police state.

For the “prophecy hounds,” I submit to you that the events of September 11, 2001 have nothing to do with the end of days. Jesus, Himself, outlined the conditions surrounding the end of days in Matthew 24. More to the point, in verse 14 of this chapter, the Lord declares:

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

The true Gospel of the Kingdom has not been preached to all the world. If it had, we would see the power of God extended toward men in the form of the Greater Works Jesus said we’d do (John 14:12). Is healing by the laying of hands as commonplace as during the Lord’s earthly ministry or even during the time of the Book of Acts? Not even close. And let’s not talk about the raising of the dead…

Now, to address the folks who like to stand in judgment of others, I say, “pump your brakes, dawg!” ALL of God’s wrath and judgment toward man was heaped upon Jesus at the Cross at Calvary. Isaiah well prophesied of the price Jesus paid for the redemption of man:

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

Notice the boldface! What, you ask, is the chastisement of our peace? It is the punishment that was intended for us! Man that is good Gospel news! Because God laid His wrath upon Jesus, IT DOES NOT COME UPON MAN — EITHER SAINT OR SINNER! Until the season of the Book of Revelation commences, God will not pour out wholesale wrath!

Jesus, Himself, put it best:

54And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? 55But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. 56For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village. (Luke 9:54-56)

Of course I must caution you, dear reader, not to get this twisted. There are laws in the earth that will judge you, i.e., if you step off the roof of a building, gravity will cause you to fall or, if you engage in fornication, the end result may be pregnancy or a sexually-transmitted disease. If you engage in any sin, the sin will judge you, not God!

So, in this era of the Blood of Jesus, there will be no more God-sourced floods. No more God-sourced Sodom or Gomorrah. No more God-sourced captivity. When these things do happen, they are because of the fallen world we live in, not because “God is kindling His wrath!”

This is the season where God is calling out to mankind, giving all an opportunity to receive the free gift that is Jesus!

© 2011 – Derrick Day (


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