Pastor Andre Eaton

New Pastors/ New Ministries


New Pastors/ New Ministries

A group to encourage Pastors or those who God has led to start a new ministry for God's kingdom in the past five years or less.

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Latest Activity: Oct 16, 2023

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Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on September 9, 2011 at 12:34am

Breathe...On Purpose!

Have you ever given thought to that breath you just took? Or the next one you anticipate taking? Every breath you take is precious because it is that one breath that separates your existence from the temporal to the eternal. Each breath you take delivers vital oxygen to your cellular structure and removes carbon dioxide and other less-than-beneficial gasses from your body.

God showed me that, for most of my life, I had been breathing autonomously; even accidentally!

The Breath of life is illustrated in Genesis 2:7:

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

When God breathed the breath of life into man, He imparted Ruach (Hebrew) — the spirit nature — into man. This Ruach was intended to be the part of the man that communicates with God’s Spirit, the Pneuma (Greek).

Now, theological scholars may rake me over the coals over my mixing of Hebrew and Greek, but stay with me…

God does EVERYTHING intentionally! There are no accidents; no “Plan B.” Moreover, He created us to live life purposefully and intentionally. God created us with a specific purpose in mind but we have to tap into His will, culture, and intent for that purpose to be fully revealed.

That said, if He was so deliberate with the breath of life, we, too, should be deliberate with our breathing.

Since this revelation, I make a conscious effort to breathe intentionally. I take time during each day to breathe deeply — drawing in as deep a breath as I can take, holding it briefly, and exhaling. This manifests two blessings: first, being aware of each breath teaches me to be a good steward of the breath God has given me and, second, the deep breathing invigorates and energized me and reminds me that God has paid for my healing by the stripes of Jesus (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24).

Don’t get it twisted, though! I’m not talking about some new-age foolishness; I’m talking about being conscious and aware of one of the most fundamental, essential gifts God has given us. I’m talking about Christ-centered spiritual and physical refreshing.

I pray this will help you in both your walk of faith and the quality of your natural life!

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on August 21, 2011 at 2:22am

Anyone who thinks God “took out” Pastor Zachery Tims “because of his sin,” probably ought to be looking over their own shoulder. You see, God is not a murderer (check out Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — who did Jesus kill?). Everyone will give an account of their lives: those who are in Christ will do so before the Judgment Seat of Christ, and those who are outside of Him will do so before the Great White Throne Judgment. I am absolutely tired of these self-righteous “christians” who are quick to pass judgment on someone when they, too, walk around with the sin that so easily besets them.

Instead of throwing stones, we should be collectively mourning the loss of a General of the faith and praying for the four young children surviving Pastor Tims. We should also collectively “pump our brakes,” rather than jumping to conclusions about what led or contributed to his demise.

© 2011 – Bishop Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Michael O. Peter on August 17, 2011 at 7:00am
Hearts Filled with the Love of God

Romans 5:1-5

And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
[Romans 5:5]

Romans 5:5 speaks of the Holy Spirit as filling our hearts with the love of God. The original Greek uses the verb “to pour.” The Spirit doesn’t give us the love of God in small doses, but generously pours God’s love into our hearts.

God doesn’t want us simply to believe that he loves us in an intellectual way, though such belief is central to our faith. Rather, God wants us to know his love both intellectually and experientially. The Spirit helps us both to know that we are loved and to experience God’s love for us in an immediate, personal, and transforming way.

The more we know God’s love, the more we will love him in return, and the more we will love others. The love of God simply cannot be contained. It must be shared in worship and service.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: When have you experienced God’s love for you? Are you open to an even deeper experience of God’s love? Have you asked for this gift in prayer?
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on July 30, 2011 at 10:36am

What we know as The Rapture will happen ONLY when THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM is preached FULLY throughout the nations (Matthew 24:14). The FULL Gospel has neither been preached in its entirety, nor is it FULLY preached throughout the world. We need to be diligent about RENEWING our minds, BUSYING our hands, and MOBILIZING our feet…We have a lot of work to do!

In Ephesians 5:27, The Apostle Paul writes Jesus is coming for a church without spot (backbiting, gossip, leadership failure), wrinkle (denominations, musical disagreements, day-of-worship), or blemish (racism, cultural divides). In other words, we have a lot of washing and ironing to do before the wedding!

Why are we looking for the way out? Jesus came to restore the DOMINION originally given by God (Genesis 1:26-28) and lost by man. He gave us durable power of attorney (John 14:13-14, John 15:16, John 16:23-24,26) to be AGENTS of His AUTHORITY in the earth. Instad of looking to leave (fear-based) we need to be invading and influencing the earth with God’s will, culture, and intent (faith-based) — in other words, WE NEED A TAKEOVER MENTALITY!

If you’re saved and all you’re doing is trying to discern the signs of the Lord’s return, you’re not fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Get off your Blessed Assurance and go forth INTO THE WORLD, winning souls AND making disciples in the name of Jesus!

I’m tired of hearing preaching on the exit strategy when Jesus clearly laid out a takeover strategy!

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on July 27, 2011 at 10:26pm

One thing every believer can agree upon is that God is just. But, if all there is to salvation is getting your ticket to heaven punched, then as soon as we accept, believe upon, and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, we’d be raptured up immediately into heaven.

But we remain after the New Birth. What’s up with that?

The New Birth, contrary to popular belief, is not a religious experience, It is a change of citizenship into a new nation (Colossians 1:13), whose Government, Provision, and Protection CANNOT fail! You become a royal subject of the King of Kings, who delights in the prosperity of His servants (Psalm 35:27).

There are no illegal immigrants in the Kingdom of God. That’s why you have to be born (again) into it.

Along with your citizenship, you become an Ambassador of the Most High God (2 Corinthians 5:20), His Beloved Child (Romans 8:14, Ephesians 1:5), and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). You are to have ALL sufficiency to ABOUND to EVERY good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).No earthly government dispatches ambassadors and emissaries into foreign lands without adequate provision. If you have forsaken all you know to obtain Kingdom citizenship, you have a promise of abundance in this lifetime AND eternal life in the world to come (Mark 10:29-30).

If you’re a citizen of the United States, it is in your best interest to have knowledge of the Constitution. If you’re a Citizen of the Kingdom of God, it behooves you to hide the Word of God in your heart (Psalm 119:1) and know your Covenant rights! As an Ambassador of the King of Kings, I know that when the enemy (satan) tries to oppress me, all I need to do is stand on the Word of God and declare DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!

As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you have certain inalienable rights endowed by your Father/Creator and ratified with the Blood of His Son, Jesus. However, without full knowledge of your rights and benefits, the devil is more than happy to try and usurp them. That same devil is on a mission to steal from you, kill you, or destroy your life. But Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly — IN  THE HERE-AND-NOW (John 10:10).

I say all this to say that religion teaches you that, after salvation, you are to simply await the Lord’s return. Now, Jesus is, indeed, coming — and we need to be ready. However, until Jesus’ return or the end or our mortal lives (whichever comes first) we are to influence this earth realm with the will, culture, and intent of our King. We are to have dominion in the earth, not sit timidly and idly waiting for the Savior’s return!

The kind of teaching that implies you are powerless while you are here is utter religious foolishness and a yoke on the necks of God’s people! Salvation is more than a ticket to heaven, it is a connection to the Divine Power Source. Folks are quick to proclaim they “…are waiting on a move of God,” when all creation is waiting for a move of man (Romans 8:19)!

The Bible teaches us that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). But if all you’re getting is rote religion, God sent me here to tell you, He ain’t in your religion. If you can’t say “Amen, say “oh my!”

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Antwon 'Doc' James on July 20, 2011 at 11:18pm
Well saints, it is that time again September 25-29, 2011 all roads lead to Cowtown, “Where the West Began”, Fort Worth, Texas. Gearing up for our 2nd year, we are going higher in Christ! Same Holy Ghost anointing new name!

Our theme this year is “THE MANDATE!” II Timothy 4:2 - Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

Sunday September 25, 2011 - 6:45PM
SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE EXPERIENCE - Gospel Explosion - featuring choirs, mimes & more!

We have moved from traditional classes to forum’s which cover the following:
Sept. 27 – Preaching & Pastoring, Overseer Rodney Finch, Sr., Milwaukee, WI
Sept. 28 – Ministry & Music, Min. Ja'y Bass, Houston, TX
Sept. 29 – An Effective Witness, Pastor Tremaine Combs, St. Louis, MO

You certainly don't want to miss this awesome experience!! For detailed information visit http://www.kingdombuilders​​ders-summit/4...
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on July 19, 2011 at 11:47pm

Y’all, there are churches that grow numerically without Christ-centered preaching and teaching. Without naming names, there are churches with 10K+, 20K+, 30K+, and even 40K+ members and many lack a concise Christ-centered message.

That said, these institutions may be growing numerically but not spiritually. My evidence? The first century Church grew organically because of the compelling message of the risen Christ (Acts 2:22-41), but also because of the Church’s approach to ministering to the lowly, healing the sick, sacrificial giving (Acts 2:45), and the well-being of God’s people (Acts 2:44). These ministry aspects are increasingly missing in many churches.

Another reason many churches grow numerically is that there is a hoarding spirit present.


Oh, yes, many churches are good at looking good. They take in lots of money and sponsor many mission trips. They have great community outreach programs. They have beautiful sanctuaries and annexes. They have polished television, radio, and internet ministries.

But how many new churches do they plant? How many smaller churches do they bless with material or financial resources? How many LOCAL churches do they fellowship with? Not many.


Because it’s better to direct resources toward packing their own houses! Increased tithes and offerings provide vital capital for ambitious programs and projects that increase the prestige and visibility of that ministry. Fellowshipping doesn’t happen for fear of “sheep-stealing” and the resulting reduction of revenue.

And, while we’re on revenue, let’s talk about money. A lot of churches grow because they have built psychological models of guilt, coercion, and fear for tithing and offering. Some of their pastors and teachers are in touch with their inner-pimp, while others resemble the snake-oil salesmen of the late 19th century.

In other words, love is not the center of their giving! In order to properly understand giving, folks have to be inculcated with the principles of love. When you give out of love, you give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7) and when you give there’s a blessing coupled with that (Luke 6:38).

I could go on and on but the net of this is, church doesn’t have to be big to be effective. An old preacher told me once, “It’s better to have 5 effective saints than 5000 pew-sitters.

©2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by Evangelist Nellie on July 12, 2011 at 11:30pm

"S.O.S. - A Cry Out of Darkness"
        A Stage Production

The time is finally here! We are ready to embark upon another division of Singled Out By Design Ministries. We are pleased to announce the formation of S.O.S. Drama Ministry!!

The name of our first production is called "S.O.S. - A Cry Out of Darkness". Our vision is to present a 12 character play with women of any age, including three tweens or teens between the age of 12-19 years of age.

We are working in the second phase towards completion of this project and we need your help. We are seeking sisters who would like to be a part of this production who are willing to share their testimony, be transparent to be a conduit to some other sister’s breakthrough/deliverance. Only those who are serious will be considered and you must be willing to present yourself in a way that will capture the audience and cause another sister to want to come to Christ hence changing their lives.

All we are asking at this time is to submit the application along with a one page testimony of your life in brief detail to for consideration.

All submissions are due no later than July 25, 2011. All others received after that date will be considered at a future date. Depending on the volume of submissions, we will contact you at the earliest August 25, but no later than sixty days from submission.

Once we receive your submission, we will notify you in writing of our decision and let you know the final details of the play if you are chosen.

Acting experience is not needed, but let us know if you have any acting experience no matter how small or large.

Selected candidates will also be considered for another stage production. More information will be forth coming.
We look foward to hearing from you!!
Continued Blessings,
Min. Donna M. Kennedy
S.O.S. Drama Ministry Coordinator
 Evg. Nellie Griffith
 Singled Out By Design Ministries
SOS APPLICATION.docx    & SEEP Fellowships Founder/Exec. Director

Comment by Apostle Gibson Myers on July 9, 2011 at 10:48am

Scripture text: Matthew 16:13—19; Ephesians 4:11-13



A). what is the call of God to ministry?
B). Knowing the stages of the call to ministry
C). the horizontal and vertical order of calling
D). no one is allowed to take such honor to himself


A). defining the phrase—five-fold ministry gifts
B). knowing the main purpose of the ministry gifts
C). meaning and function of each ministry gift


A). the origin of administration and management from biblical perspective
B). knowing the difference between administration and management
C). what are the qualifications and functions of church administrators and managers?
D). principles to consider in church administration and management
E). how can I become a good church administrator or manager?

I am very much grateful to the Lord for making us successful in our just ended training session of church leaders, pastors, ministers and lay-workers in Sinoe County; two days drive from the main city of Monrovia. The training session brought together some fifty church leaders and other lay-workers who received a five-day intensive ministerial lesson. During this meeting a ministerial net-work of pastors--Covenant Ministerial Fellowship Net-work (CMFN)—was established as a means of creating a united force to help foster kingdom activities in that area.

Right now we are praying and trusting the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of those who love kingdom growth to sow into the ministry as we prepare to reach another county a month from now. We need funds for transport, printing of handouts, feeding of pastors, letters to churches, pastors, ministers, radio announcements, etc.

Comment by Evangelist Eghosa Agbonavbare on June 23, 2011 at 11:52am

I am led to write a mini book on "spiritual battle".

The case; Most faith teachers have ignore the reality of spiritual warfare and the so call deliverance ministry have over emphasis it.

The answer: spiritual warfare in line with the gospel of Christ.

Any comment or contribution are welcome


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