Genesis 24 should be required reading for any Christian single looking for a spouse. In this scripture, we find that Abraham realized no local woman would be a suitable bride for his son. He therefor sent a servant (unnamed) to find a prospect among his kinfolk in the north. However, the patriarch made the assignment all the harder by refusing to allow Isaac himself to come along on the journey. Abraham was convicted by God that Isaac must never leave the promised land, even for such an important task as finding a wife.

This restriction on the servant left him with a daunting mission: he had to make his way to Padan-aram, track down the relatives of his master, and compel one of their maidens to leave home and join herself to a man sight-unseen. In his own strength and wisdom, it was a "mission impossible." So he called upon the Lord (ver. 12), and asked Him to place directly in his path the very young lady that met his master's requirements and would be willing to return with him to Canaan. The servant left the matter entirely to providence.

The Lord wants His children to entrust the course of their lives to His divine will. For those who He has willed marriage, He has already chosen the ideal spouse. But His definition of "ideal" may confound us. He may send a mate with foibles to cultivate in us the graces we lack; a mate whose strengths may rub up against our weaknesses, and cast a "light" on our faults by comparison; a mate whose partnership may only prove to be prosperous in the fullness of time.

If we rely only on our own estimations, we will seek out prospects that meet our predilections and preferences. We will approach finding a mate just like any other choice in our consumerist society: we will cater to our appetites, avoid taking any chances, and judge according to what we can observe outwardly. We may even employ the myriad of tools available to us these days: the advice columns, the match-making services, and and even the registries of available candidates. Modern times have made the process as convenient as shopping for a new car. Some people even propose "test driving" each prospect--by living together before marriage.

But as we sow to our flesh with these worldly techniques, we reap corruption. We engender truly dysfunctional unions, for which the best that can be said is the partners tolerated one another. The frequency of divorce increases, and second and third marriages become routine. Ultimately, few children will enjoy the benefit of being raised by the mother and father who respectively bore and sired them. At the end, the best we will aspire to will be serial monogamy: faithfulness to one person for a season--until the relationship implodes and we seek out a new partner.

The unions we make on our own are fragile and temporary--like we are. We should rely on an eternal and immutable God to design marriages that last for a lifetime.

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Replies to This Discussion

I absolutley love the syncronization of this insight..Truly this was ordered by the King and strategically placed line by line into your thoughts birthing it into the earth realm for all the King's kids consumption. I understood what He wanted me to do in this subject matter but I needed to see it in another perspective and this is divine. I bless the Lord for your obedience brother. God bless you..

You know what I also believe according to the Scriptures? I believe that as Eve was pulled from Adam's rib that God is still the same today "For He changes NOT" says the Scriptures. I believe IN THE SPIRIT a rib from every man is missing and a women is formed for a man according to the design were this need for the other is soooo great they both seek each other out. But from the imaginations of our vain heart we try to form this "better half" ourselves by what we THINK is what they should be according to past experience rather than the pattern God has set out for us. Every relationship prior to one truly finding their ONE of a kind soul mate is us at an attempt trying to BUILD GOD'S HOUSE--CHURCH--WIFE--ON SAND! When God has pulled the RIB and is preparing her (just enough to be accepted but not perfect so many things you can work out together with His aid) is like BUILDING ON THE ROCK! Jesus said He would build His Church right? This principle applies to our future spouses. He will also prepare each other for one another just as He did with Adam and Eve; Issac and Rebekkah; and Himself and the Church.


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