My husband and I have many responcibilties within in a growing ministry and sometimes it seems as if between revivals, bible studies, practices, church maintenance and the administrative aspects of ministry...we lack that quality husband and wife time. We try to shut off the phone and lay low sometimes to enjoy and minister to each other. It always ends with one of us breaking and checking voicemails and getting back into the grid of Kingdm work. Sometimes it seems as if we are passing ships in the night although we are working together most of the time. Our bond is strong and we are deeply in love but we really need to find that balance. Just need some advice from those who have encountered this problem. We have been married for 2 yrs and were in ministry together long before we were married.    

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I say this to you out of experience; Your first and most important ministry is to each other. There will be times that you will have something important come up that has to be address at that moment; however I have found that if it is important today it will be important tomorrow. The time that you have together let nothing come in between that and ask the lord to give you peace in your heart knowing that you are doing the right thing. Charity begins at home and a lot of time we forget that; most of the things that we are able to help other with is thing that we have accomplished our selves. So make sure you always have your things in order; meaning God first, you next, your husband next, children and then who ever the lord would have you bless. If we learn to follow the rules thing will be a breeze. Be Blessed
Thank you so much for your reply. We are going take a week-end in April to disappear some place warm and focus on each other. It is long over due. Your comment is true and well received....thank you for taking the time to pour into our marriage and our walk together in ministry ....God Bless and Keep you.


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