I was just curious. What makes women flock to preachers. What do they feel they will gain by throwing themselves at them or making sure they let the Man of God know that they are willing and available to do whatever they want.What is so exciting about these preachers. It doesn't seem to matter what they look like or have sometimes, they just want them. What makes the Man of God so weak and vulnerable to her advances? What makes them willing to take a chance and lose everything, the wife, kids, home, ministry. Their even willing to take a chance on losing their personal one on one relationship with God. Men of God, what is it? Women, what is your problem?

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The "fantasy" of being connected to a preacher is no different from the "groupie" mentality that many women exude when throwing themselves at celebraties.

Even if the preacher is not well known... the "idea" of being the "preacher's wife" is alluring to many women.

Unfortunately, this comes from a place of insecurity and misplaced identity or lack of identity and individuality. What I mean is, a woman must know who she is FIRST before she connects with any man or she will be a "ball and chain" that holds him back or a "leech" that sucks the life out of him.

Just a thought

Be blessed.

~Minister Tracy Curtis~
Do you mind if I borrow that?
Be my guest dear (smile). I know people will try to overspiritualize it but it is as simple as the "groupie complex". I'm sure some women who have never followed thru with their fantasy have at least "fantasized" for a moment or many moments in their mind.

"Welcome to the mind....fantasy island... the place where your fantasies come true."

Remember the word "fan" is short for fanatic.
And let's address some of your questions about the men.

What makes the Man of God so weak and vulnerable to her advances? What makes them willing to take a chance and lose everything, the wife, kids, home, ministry. Their even willing to take a chance on losing their personal one on one relationship with God. Men of God, what is it?

Not all preachers are easily lured / tempted. And not all succomb. But those who do... well it is as simple as this:

A person is tempted when he/she is lured and enticed by his/her own desire. (James 1:14)

A fish takes the bait because it WANTS something. Whatever that want or desire is will be the very thing that they will be tempted in and lured away from ministry, family and relationship with God.

Satan was unsuccesful in tempting Jesus' flesh because Jesus' desire was to please God.(John 4:34) He could only be "tempted" into pleasing God more today than yesterday. LOL

When our hidden or secret desires are not dealt with, they become our own bait.

Going back to the fantasy island idea; some preachers are like Mr. Rourke. Their "desire" is POWER. They know how to attract persons who are not living in reality and then make that person's fantasies come true. They know they sit in a position of power and well, power can corrupt and absolute power can corrupt absolutely.

"I have the power to make you happy or sad"....
"I have the power to allow or even encourage you to follow me around"...
"I have the power to control how I feel about you while your emotions go out of control"
"I have the power to increase your desire for me by allowing you to do things for me that I shouldn't allow"

And just like Tatoo was always by Mr. Rourke's side, there is always the demon of pride next to the Man of God who is or is becoming consumed with his "power" that his position has given him over a person with uncontrolled desire for him.

BOTH the preacher and the woman are tempted/lured by their own lusts and both will be consumed by it if they don't identify it, confront it, and conquer it.
So what can a wife do to make sure that doesn't happen? Or at least make sure she's done all she can as a wife not to make it happen? Or it doesn't matter, he's gonna do it anyway?
No one can completely control the thoughts nor actions of another person.

She can do everything by the book (The Bible) and it could still happen.
She can do everything sensual and sexual for him and it still could happen
She could do whatever he asks of her and it still could happen.

Why? James 1:14.... its as simple as that.

But the good news is that the Holy Spirit can "keep" us if we allow Him to. When both are submitted then it works out. If either husband or wife refuses to submit in any given area (thoughts and actions) then there will be trouble.

I can say this because I've been there, done that...and am even finishing a book on it LOL
Sorry, I'm so late in commenting on this topic. The question was why do women flock to preachers? It's not the person they are attrative to it's the anoiting that draws women to those men of God! and lets not forget it's the same for the women of God as well. And! men & women of God are aware this, some preacher use it as a tactic to draw.
Yes, I was reading some of her book. She said that once that anointing is gone, the women aren't going to want the Man of God anymore.
I have read your topic and the comments of everyone! The truth is it is a daily process to stay free from messing up in the minisrty peroid. Woman can can have good intentions that go totally wrong. I personally know a sister who was claiming her pastor as her future husband. The pastor was single and never even had a clue what was going on with this woman even tho some of the saints that knew her told her to correct her thinking she refused in the end the pastor passed away and her children turned on her becuase she always told them that he would marry her even tho the man never approached her. I have never forgotton that day sitting in her house with a few saints when the kids found out the pastor died it was very said becuase the situation confused the kids.
Woman need to understand just becuase a Pastor /Preacher smiles at then while he is preaching doesn't mean he is thinking about them or wants them. The man of God is surpose to smile and show a friendly spirit.
I personally do not like woman getting up in my face I have openly rebuked a few ,I feel this way if a any preacher wants to really stay clean before God he has to know his limits every man knows what type of woman turns him on it no secert to him.
I personally been down that road when a sister gets around me that seem overly friendly I make my exit. We must always remember flesh is flesh if you turn it on it not easy to trun off.


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