This is a message to the ladies on behalf of the righteous brothas out there.

Sisters, don't cry over milk you ALLOWED to be spilled.

When we are tempted we are led away by our OWN lusts...

For those who are literally lusting after men or making acting like idol worshippers or groupies to these men with leadersthip titles... I say STOP IT!!! You are setting yourself up for failure and heartbreak. No man wants a woman so desperate for a relationship that she will allow him to treat her any ole kind of way. Sometimes these men are testing you and you are failing the test miserably.
That doesn't make it right.. but sometimes if you are to easy or too quick to call him "Boo" he'll allow it but Boo won't stay with you. He will let you give him all that you want to "freely give" and then walk away. And you will say he manilpulated you. No dear.. you played yourself. He was just a willing participant in your own game.

The only way brotha man tricked you is that you ALLOWED yourself to be tricked becasue you were led away by your OWN desires. He was just feeding off the vibe YOU gave him. You draw to you what you are putting out. If you put out desperation ... even if you never say the words.. but if your actions are desperate then so are your thoughts. As a (wo)man thinks so is (s)he.

You know you had an "icky weird" feelin about ole boy and BUT noooo, you ignored it because he was cute, he was handsome, he was a pastor, a deacon, a prophet or an apostle and all you saw was how his "titled" arms could wrap around your wanting soul...

Start with the woman in the mirror when you are ready to blast the men in sheeps clothing.

After all...

it takes TWO to tango. A manipulator needs one who can be manipulated in order for his plan to work.

And don't think that there aren't women on BPN who aren't stalkin men as if they are some trophy. Ooo look.. Pastor so-in-so left me a sweet comment. Oh my.... Apostle Joe Blow invited me out on a date. Hey Prophet So Fine asked me to help him with a project. Next thing you know you gettin all moist and all the brotha wanted was help. When you realize he doesn't want a relationship then you walk away rejected and full of bitterness.


Are these desperate times for desperate women who are ... like a moth to a flame... attracting desperados??

Just a few things to think of before you go singing that somebody done somebody wrong song.

I won't apologize for my harsh words. Not ALL men on BPN are villanous. A righteous woman has to stand up for the righteous men so they don't get dumped in he category of men who are being bashed by the women who have been dumped on.

Marriage is honorable but also learn to be content in your singleness. Can you work alongside a brotha without the FIRST thought being.. "Lord, is he the ONE?"


Brethren... what say ye???

~Minister Tracy Curtis~

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My my my.. you're just as long winded as me LOL
People are probably lookin at us and saying TAKE A BREATH ... LOL

I'm not this talkative in person. I just love to write my thoughts more than speak them! Although I can have a verbal word or two share (smile)
Just wanted to say that the man I fell in love with the second time around claimed to be a minister, a Godly man, but was still married and still searched every single site on the internet and still is.
Beware my sistas of wolves in sheep clothing. Every man that says Jesus Jesus is not I repeat NOT a child of God. Let God send him that is the only way that you will be assured that he is the one for you. Don't let your emotions, or loneliness overule what God is saying. God knows who he has in mind for you, continue to worship and seek after God and His rightoueness, seek after the things in the Heavenly realm and let God handle your singleness, for as I said, will give you just what you need to compliment you! Praise God somebody, I had to learn this the hard way, but I'm waiting on Him.
This post is real talk!
Thanks for posting the TRUTH Sis! We as women (and men) of God need to remember WHO'S we are as well as WHO we are and not yield to the temptations men/women put out for us. The enemy comes in many shapes, forms and fashions and is NOT limited to using a "title" and "the word"...YES..."THE WORD OF GOD" to get what he/she wants. There is a spirit of lust floating around on BPN and I pray EVERYONE'S strength in the Lord. Be blessed!
Great discussion HOPE- Psalm 43:5.
Good word. Sound the alarm. warning !!! warning !!!


brother Rock


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