What a background check WON'T tell you!
Whether you are networking for business or pleasure, doing some online dating or call yourself looking for love on the internet, performing a background check can find out a few things, (like if he is a recent criminal) but it is totally WORTHLESS when it comes to gauging someones personal personality.
You can usually tell within 90 days whether this person is someone you need in your life. But here are some clues to take heed to and RUN FOR THE HILLS!
A Background check won't tell you if he/she is :
1. A LIAR- is their photo up to date? are there photos on their profile that do not belong to them or are no longer relevant? Do the photos have names on them or just numbers? You be the judge!

2. A SCAMMER- Owns or rents a house but won't allow you to come visit? Won't give you his correct address? Time to move on!

3. HAS ANGER PROBLEMS- Watch their reaction when you say "You can't come this weekend, something has come up." Keep Stepping!

4. SEE'S YOU AS DESPERATE- To some people, if you are single, middle aged and alone on a saturday night, you must be desperate for love and will have an affair with ANYONE! Yes, this hurts when you find out that's what they think of you and think's that you would stoop to their level.

With that said, be careful and watchful and prayerful about whom you seek.
God bless you!

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Thank you!
First, I wanted to say thank you for writing this post. As a man who has not always been saved and has done some "dirt in my past" I realized that one word can keep us out of allot of trouble. The word is "HONESTY". Just tell the truth. The truth will tell you what my picture won't show you. If I tell you the truth, my sisters of God will either like me or not. Real simple and if not, amen, I wasn't the friend nor man whom you desired for anyway and we can move on. I also agree with what Sister Robynne Moore said about the Holy Spirit. He can speak on my behalf and say yes he is right or no he is wrong.


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