Why do we study the Bible?

If there is no Bible study, there is no proper holy conduct; if there is no proper holy conduct then there is no Bible study.
If there is no wisdom there is no fear of God; if there is no fear of God there is no wisdom. If there is no knowledge there is no understanding; if there is no understanding there is no knowledge. Without the wisdom of the Father and the knowledge that is the Word Jesus, the understanding or enlightenment or illumination can’t come from The Holy Spirit.

It is a balance of Gods Wisdom, Knowledge and understanding when we read the Holy Bible. Gods grace is poured out on those who seek God and truth. The Father’s will is that all would have life in Christ and its His will that wisdom be given to the children of God but to others it is not given.

If there is no flour (sustenance) there is no Bible; if there is no Bible there is no flour."
Our daily bread is just that, a continual feeding on the spiritual sustenance that can only come from a personal study of Gods word found in the Bible.;

The Bible contains the mind of God, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It’s the travelers map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilots compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christians charter. Here now reading the Bible, Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and the gates of Hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good the design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.

We can look at this holy walk in another way if your ready, by introducing what are basically circular- logic dilemmas. In a discussion of this particular case, let's take a look at the structure: If there is no X, there is no Y, meaning, one cannot acquire Y unless he has first acquired X. And now, continues our holy walk, how does one acquire X? With Y! (Gee, there's a hole in the bucket, dear... ;-) We are thus caught in a circle -- with neither beginning nor end. X and Y are both necessary for one another; neither can be achieved on its own. If so, how does one ever embark on the paths of X and Y (say of Bible study and of proper holy conduct -- our holy walk first example)?

To impress upon us the challenge of spiritual growth is not to give us a quick-fix recipe on how to achieve it. To achieve Bible Truth, wisdom, or any of the great endeavors of life, one does not advance in simple linear progression. There is no simple, easily defined, step-by-step program. One must first make an effort in X -- say Bible study, and then he will slowly begin to improve his personal conduct. Having made himself a somewhat more decent and refined human being, he will then begin to truly appreciate his Bible study -- and it will impact upon him all the more. And as he becomes a more caring and sensitive human being, he will *really* appreciate the depth and beauty of the Bible's teachings -- and then they will *truly* impact on both him and his understanding of the Bible. Ad infinitum.

And this, of course, introduces us to the true dilemma of spiritual growth. There is no simple cause-and-effect process. One has to work, to push himself in the necessary directions without noticing any discernible gains. Time spent is not time lost. Isa. 55:1-3 Mt. 25:1-10 Rev. 3:18 Jn. 6:27

(How does learning some obscure laws of leprous houses or of Temple meal offerings make me a greater human being?)

And eventually he will find that he has become a different person. An old friend of mine once repeated to me what his karate teacher told him: "For the longest time you will run drills and practice moves feeling like it's just a bunch of forced motions. Then one day you will wake up a karate-ka."

When we advance spiritually, we're attempting to penetrate something deeper than our bodies or minds. We are trying to get in touch with our very souls, that hidden piece of Godliness within ourselves. And there is no direct route. When it comes to spiritual growth, there is no start, finish, or clearly-defined course of action.

We latch onto a circle -- at one of its infinite points -- and begin to spiral upwards meeting eternity and a loving God. Eze. Chapter 1

Let us now move to our holy walk first statement -- "If there is no Bible there is no proper holy conduct." The simple understanding is that the Bible teaches us the proper way to behave towards others. Our consciences provide us with some guidance for distinguishing between right and wrong, but they alone will not provide us with sufficient direction for living. How much charity should we give, to whom should we give, what is too little, what is too much, how do we honor our parents and raise our children, what is fair advertising, invasion of privacy, a meaningful relationship, etc., etc.

The Bible fills in all of the blanks. It not only tells us to love our neighbors (Levit. 19:18), but it defines it with volumes of detail, without which "love your neighbor" is little more than poetic cliché.
But even more fundamentally, the Bible teaches us what *is* proper conduct and what is not. Human wisdom alone can never be trusted to dictate moral behavior -- as the past century's experiences can certainly testify. Scripture provides us with an important case in point. Look at Germany in the 1930’s with Adolf Hitler.

Scripture says there is a way that seams right unto man but the end there of are the ways of death. Pro. 14:12
Study to show yourself approved unto God, not man. 2 Tim. 2:15 1 Thes. 4:11
God will use his mind to talk with you. If you don’t know his mind how will you understand what he’s talking about?

Eze. 37:1-6
When you have met the Lord, you will never go away the same. The place where you are when He calls you is not the same place where you end up after He carries you. If you read Gods Word long enough you will notice that God will ask the questions that pertain to the things He requires you to do. For an example He asked what can be done with these dry bones.

God is asking do you see any potential in your own situation. Do you see yourself as a grasshopper that’s hopping around or what? The limit of mans extremity is just the beginning of Gods opportunity. Jesus our greatest example and teacher who told us that all things are possible to him that believes. Mt. 9:19-29 (23) Tells us to believe in Him and God, but we have to ask.

Give us this day our daily. • The proof of Gods wisdom is in the actions it produces. Mt. 11:19 • The proof of wisdom is in all the kinds of people it produces. Lu. 7:35 Seed is Gods Word. • Faith comes from hearing the truth in Gods Word, God said it, I believe it. Ro. 10:17 Ro. 5:1 • The spoken promises of God to His children allow opportunity for Gods powers to operate; it speaks to principalities and powers of God in heavenly places.

However neither angels nor any power ordained of God available for the heirs of the kingdom will not abide in a bush of unbelief. There is no salvation for angels once fallen in your mistakes. Jude 9 Mt. 13:31-32 Mt. 17:20 •

Ask of God the question as He also asks of you. Ask and it shall be given. Mt. 7:7-11 God is light and there is neither darkness nor shadow. Ja. 1:17 Num. 23:19-30 Num. 24:1-25 It is all going to happen as it is written.

Bless the wisdom that is given in Gods Holy Word of Truth.

Blessings Steven

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