Quoting; The Hebrew Press on This day they said; “Ma'ariv uses a joke to make a point, "'I'm going with an alternative treatment. Maybe that will get rid of the disease', says the patient. 'I already told you,' sighs the doctor, 'there is no cure for diabetes. What is this new treatment you are about to try?' 'Chlorine injections, the substance will clean out my system', says the patient. 'That will kill you, shouts the doctor in amazement!' 'Either it will or it won't,' says the patient; 'anyway, what's your alternative?'" The author concludes, "There's not always an alternative.”

Do we have to kill the patient to rid the collective body of an American heart without God? A nations government whose been taken over by secular humanists with humanistic ideology? Or will it be give and it will be given; There are two choices in life: Give and it will be given, or take before you are taken. If we look at our present political, economic and cultural meltdown, we can ask ourselves -- how much "taking before you are taken" is going on? I think it has reached pandemic levels, as trust is being corroded across the whole culture. The only answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and hence, the power to give and it will be given. But how do we inject trust into an untrusting world? This is what Jesus did on the cross, and we need to grasp the depth of the theology involved.

1. Will it be "give and it will be given" or "take before you are taken?"

2. Will it be "pre-partisan politics" (a level playing field for all ideas where truth will rise to the top) or "post-partisan politics" (where debate is declared over and political will is imposed)?

3. Will it be "Our heavenly Father" (the Source for strong and loving earthy fatherhood) or "big daddy government"(the disastrous wake of the chosen absence of the biological father)?

Thus, a prophetic challenge to those in political power: What is biblical, and who serves that which is biblical? Only a heart for change in a Godly direction will have a heavenly outlook and outcome. If America strips God from its fabric it will continue to come apart and be destroyed. We are seeing God now take his divine hand off of a once great and Christian Nation.

The cry for security and freedom are not yet heard because the thundering herd has not yet been fenced in and trapped. Prayer and fasting are the only thing that we as a people who know the Truth can do right now, and it is the only thing that will move God in improving our Countries downward spiral into the pit of Despotism and Anarchy.

Think about it, I’m praying, and praying hard. How about you? Steven

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