Many know the truth and are in preparation for the fight that is just over the horizon. We are not fooled nor are we blind to all of the tricks of the devil. Many from this land are still and waiting upon the Lord to move as one at Jesus command. In our hearts we know what is at stake for our eternal purpose and that’s life.
Mt. 10:19-20 / 2 Tim. 4:17 / 2 Sam. 23:2 / 2 Pe 1:17-23

Today a friend posts his thoughts on The Long and Short of the Word of God on another web site regarding the most recent writings. I will share his thoughts with you here now. Blessings Steven

General Edward Lee on October 16, 2009 at 11:21am

Posted in The Long and Short of the Word of God

The reason we are willing to fight to regain at least part of this country is because we once again want God in the center of our nation and its government. We fight for our freedom to worship God, for the only god that we'll be allowed to be worshiped will be under the NWO Beast ... Christians and Jews will have to go underground to continue to worship the one and only true God, and His Son Jesus Christ. We know that the prophets have told us in Scripture that the day will come in which all nations of the world will be put under one government, with one currency, and with one religion. So that's a given, a one world government, a one world currency, and a one world religion and it will happen before Christ returns. The only question is in all of this is that of each individual’s response to it. Will we cave and take the mark of the Beast so we can live on this temporal plain? Or will we fight to resist the Beast, his mark, his armies, in order to obtain our eternal life with our Lord?

If indeed we are witnessing the beginnings of the tribulation and the reign of the Beast, we are told in Revelations to resist the Beast, for he who endures till the end will be saved. Jesus said when He returns it will be with a shout and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and those who remain will be caught up with Him to be with Him for all eternity. So if there will be those that belong to Christ who still endure (still alive) on the earth when He returns, then we will have been enduring, rejecting the mark of the beast, Standing up for God in defiance of the Beast. The only way we will have to be delivered then is by either dying for Christ during the tribulation, or using our resources that God has permitted us to have, to defend against the minions of the Beast that try to kill us, or capture us, or forcefully give us the Mark of the Beast.

This is why it is important that we are prepared to fight to the death in this war. We MUST endure until the end to be saved.

General Edward Lee

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