You know us Americans think we have a patent on everything. Simple water can’t just make what we want. You have to know what you’re doing. My great, great, grandmother, and my great grandmother came from Ireland. I don’t remember my grandfather’s because they died at very young ages. But my grandmothers who came through the toughest of times would tell you if they were alive; “What’s the problem”?

“Simply boil the water, and quit screaming at God in the mean time.”

You see it takes a bit of trouble, to boil the water for a cup of tea. We Yankees chose a cup of coffee instead, it’s again; a choice to make a stand or not.

So what’s the problem my grandmothers would say; you Sissies. Just boil the water and make a cup of your pleasure and give thanks to God and He will be pleased, and Jesus glorified.

Sometimes it takes a bit of old school thinking to get things done. Without a fire under the pot, the water will never boil, and the coffee will never be made, or drank. So lift up your cups this morning and give thanks to God, because one way or another the fire is kindled and the pots been put on the boil and you know its coffee we drink and not tea.

Blessings Steven

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