1 Co. 10:21-24, 31

You can’t drink both a cup of the Lord and a cup of demons; you can’t partake in both a meal of the Lord and a meal of demons. Gods Word is holy and protects, providing for kingdom living for the here and now and latter for a life with God in His heaven forever later. The God haters or the lawless whose language is the lie would not be comfortable with God in His heaven. Why? Because they would reject everything of Gods divine plan for man.

Demons who know their fate will continue to try to blind man and deceive those without truth of a living loving God. Jude 9- Angel Michael he did not dare bring an insulting charge, to satan regarding Moses, but said “May Adonai (The Lord) rebuke you”. Gods Word is power and a light in complete darkness. Amos 8:4-14 Amos 9:11-21 When we drink from the Lords cup and eat at His table what exactly does this mean? What this means is to take time each day to seek God through the His Word given in the Bible. When we spend time with Jesus drawing near, we receive Gods Spirit the new wine that is Gods revelation with great joy in truth. Revelation because it’s from the one who can not lie, and joy that uplifts and enlightens giving direction and real meaning to life.

God desires to establish relationship with His children born from above. This can only happen through Gods invention with His Word of truth. Without truth (the mind of God) Understanding spiritually becomes dull, but to eat daily at the Lords table your mind, body, and spirit are renewed and ready to receive something that is unmistakable from God, a flow of His grace. Sometimes God’s wisdom pertains to you, your family, your church, or community. To not allow God into every aspect of life is to deny His power and only rely on yours alone. Know that it is always a very personal experience when walking with the Creator. You must read and believe becoming pregnant with Gods truth giving. What’s been given is always a flow of Gods grace that comes in the spoken word from a born again believing heart.

Gods grace and truth are poured out to the glory of God through the spoken truth not in the lawlessness of the spoken lie. When you touch the living water you will live, you just have to come as you are, and see if God is faithful or even better still, two come together speaking Gods truth out loud continuing in the presence of The Holy Spirits call. There has to be a great falling away from the real truth of God before the lawless one will appear and it is coming fast. We are precious to our heavenly Father when the truth of His only begotten son Jesus is spoken of. Why? Because Gods word (Jesus Christ) will be glorified again and again and again forever. Gods Word is for the believers comfort, peace and is unmistakable the way in which God has chosen to communicate with every individual believer. There is no other way to the Father but by the Word (Jesus) His Word.

We are Gods children and will all be taught of God himself. Error can creep into any church where the Word of God is not confirmed by its believing congregation with signs and wonders of the truth of Gods Word. By trusting in the Word of God you will receive eternal life because it is the living water and life eternal you receive. When it flows out of the believing heart like a river, Gods Word Jesus speaks life to the lost with a great light in total darkness. Amos 8:11 God is the same today as he was in times past. To cling to the only voice that promises life more abundant is a choice. To choose to turn off the other voices that continually speak of nothing but death, half truths that lead to death, is not much of a thought on how not to obtain peace.

God’s word gives peace and life and whoever has the son has life. But again it is a choice to choose the only one who gives life. The more darkness that is allowed, the more of a thirst for Gods light will grow. The people who hear the Holy Spirits call are the ones who spend time with God. A hardness of heart is coming to the ones who say they believe, but have no time for God and His Son Jesus. One day the believing or so called, will be dull of hearing Gods voice His call due to the world and its chaos, confusion, and death that the world’s spirits proclaim. Those who hear God are those who have a relationship with God. They are those who now spend time with Him in relationship.

One day it will be very hard to establish a relationship with our merciful God. Why? Because of a polluted cup of an ungodly world and it’s knowledge, and the continual desires of the want of more pleasure for man. Those sensitive to The Holy Spirits leading will be given more, and to others who have not tried to seek the Lord, their portion will be taken away being given to those who do. They then will become overcome, blind, deaf, and bald starving for a Holy God not knowing real truth and completely doomed.
Mt. 7:21-23 Workers of lawlessness.

Blessings Steven

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