Psalms 87

We sometimes feel the dullness in our heart; it's as if we are carrying around something that has died in our deepest recesses. Life's hurts get the better of us; we become worn and weary. We know that we want to be refreshed, and we seek something that will lift us above our cares of our everyday life that we find ourselves in.

To meditate and reflect upon God’s word is such a place. It is silent yet alive. God’s Word has so much, and gives so much strength throughout all the ages to all who seek. God’s Word is light and life to those who posses it the Spirit of Love.

The center of the universe is a holy city called Jerusalem, and its temple is nothing but a wall that Holy Jews come and pray at. To pray prayers in anguish, over the desolation, not only of this site, but also of their inability to have a temple restored and now see only lonely walls.

Here they come to pray opening their hearts and spilling out all the burdensome baggage they carry. Reciting Palms in prayer speaking the anointed Word of God at this special corner of the world. They have a sense of God's presence more here than anywhere else, and feel His comforting touch all the better. Astoundingly, every spirit can find strength in this place. Your background means nothing; it just takes a bit of heart. So you sit there in prayer, speaking to God in your own way. You thank God for this comfort, your heart swells with love, and you are entirely ensconced in the web of God's Will.

Like the Jew who prays at the wall it is finally time to leave your holy place. You start to leave, walking backwards, stopping every few feet, wanting to remember the sight before you, and engraving it in your mind for future reference. Like our Jewish counter parts there will be other difficult times ahead, and you won't always be able to touch these stones, the altar stones in your heart, but they will always be within you. These moments will guide your heart with God’s peace in the days of trouble that are ahead.

The Psalms speaks of Jerusalem many times, for David wanted us to realize how much this holy place has to offer. In this capital we can find many of its attributes.

"A psalm of the sons of Korach, a song, its foundation is in the holy mountains. ADONAI loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob."

In times of crises, when we can come and beseech The Lord in His holy place, we realize how glorious this location is not only in Jerusalem but in our hearts. No matter from whence a Jew may come, to Jerusalem he becomes enraptured by the awe of these "gates." True, we can find The Lord anywhere, no matter where we roam, but this place is special, and its uniqueness is spoken of by all.

"But of Zion it can be said: 'Man after man was born in her,' and He Himself will establish her as the most high."

Every place in this world was created with a purpose. Jerusalem and its Mount were created to breathe new life into man's soul at God’s return. There is no other place where one can find such renewal and God’s presence so real. Jesus is coming back to establish and rule over all of creation at this very spot. You may well be feeling dull and drained from life's travails, but when touching God’s living Word of Truth you invite ADONAI in your heart and feel His calming embrace, you find yourself with new creative hope for tomorrow. Our Jewish brothers show an outward love for and inward God. The heart is where God lives and the source of everything. Scriptures says to be renewed, to stir up the gift of salvation and God’s Spirit that we have been given. You stir the gift by acknowledging Gods TRUTH and His ways worshiping Him in Spirit and Truth.
2 Tim. 1:6-10

Blessings Steven

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