Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press - 18 October 2009

(Israel Government Press Office)

Yediot Aharonot argues that "One would have has to be deaf, dumb or blind in order not to be able to discern what is happening around us: They're closing in on us." The author contends that "In a sharp and exaggerated tone, it is possible to say: The US is throwing us to the dogs. And the dogs outside, too numerous to count, waited just for this opportunity: For 42 years they have claimed that Israel is recalcitrant, rebellious and is laughing at the world; now we'll show Bibi Netanyahu and company who laughs last."

Ma'ariv suggests that "As far as Netanyahu is concerned, it is the spin of spins. All of the Left will applaud him for his effort, his leadership and on the boy that he returned home. Two days later, the Palestinian street will take over the West Bank. Abu Mazen will crumble and Hamas will be the owner, of the Gaza Strip and of the West Bank. Say good-bye to peace. There is no one to talk with and nothing to talk about."

Yisrael Hayom opines that "The radical left branch in the American administration has surrendered to the left-center. The issue of settlements no longer commands Israel-US relations."

Nana10! says that "The US is quietly preparing the ground for imposing an arrangement on Israel and its neighbors based on the Arab peace plan. Obama knows that without this deal, he cannot withdraw honorably from Iraq and Afghanistan

America is not standing with Israel. God help us as a nation. Steven

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