ACLU Amicus Brief in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale

The Boy Scouts of America has more than a million young members and 420,000 adult members in its scouting program. It aggressively solicits new members and tells the public that "any boy" is welcome to join. It holds that moral fitness is a matter of what an individual's own head and heart tell him is right, and it discourages its scoutmasters from discussing sexuality at all. Under these circumstances, the Boy Scouts has no more right to discriminate in violation of state law than the Rotary Club or the Jaycees. Like those other organizations, whose earlier efforts to evade the civil rights laws were soundly rejected by this Court, the exclusionary anti-gay membership policy that the Boy Scouts now so vigorously defends falls outside the scope of any associational or expressive freedom protected by the First Amendment.
The boy scouts lost this case not to allow gay men to be scout leader in their organization.


Fast forward from 1973 to date;

America since the early 1970’s has been fighting a loosing battle with its judges and their opinions. Every President even the last one has fired every judge prior to their administration and appointed their own judges with similar agendas. A people reap what they sow and we are now reaping seeds sown from the past and those are seeds of destruction.


Starting in the early 1980s, Supreme Court justices knew that federal judges were:
Repeatedly blocking former federal agents from reporting corrupt, criminal, and even subversive activities that were being reported to a federal judge under the mandatory requirements of the federal crime reporting statute, Title 18 U.S.C. § 4, and failed to act, even though they had supervisory responsibilities over federal judges.

Repeatedly blocked these reports being made to them, which they must also receive under the federal crime reporting statute.

Repeatedly violating the rights and protections guaranteed under the laws and Constitution of the United States against former federal agent Rodney Stich. The violations were dual efforts to block Stich from reporting and exposing the criminal activities that he and a group of other former government agents sought to report.
The Supreme Court Justices chronology of involvement was as follows:
Aiding and abetting the obstruction of justice by Ninth Circuit district and appellate judges who refused to receive information and documentation of corruption in the FAA and NTSB that continued to play causative or permissive roles in a series of ongoing airline crashes that federal air safety inspector Rodney Stich discovered and documented. The first examples of Supreme Court Justices' cover-ups, and direct involvement, occurred in the late 1970s.

As the legal process was used to halt Stich's exposure activities, including massive violations of California and federal laws and constitution as part of a scheme initiated by a CIA-front law firm in San Francisco.

From 1986 to the present date, Supreme Court Justices aided and abetted the tactics by federal judges that prevented reporting of criminal and subversive activities.

From 1986 to the present date federal judges have engaged in such major criminal and civil rights violations as:

Rendering orders permanently terminating the legal and constitutional due process right to file papers in federal courts, which terminated for Stich all defenses against the onslaught of major civil rights violations and great personal and financial harm, and prevented the reporting of criminal activities as required by Title 18 U.S.C. § 4.

Sentencing a former government agent to prison on a criminal contempt of court charge for having attempted to report criminal activities in government offices and for exercising federal defenses to halt great personal and financial harm arising from massive violations of state and federal laws.

Issuing unlawful and unconstitutional orders inflicting great harm and then issuing orders barring the exercise of federal defenses.

Seizing and liquidating $10 million in assets, unlawfully and unconstitutionally, and then issuing orders barring the filing of any objections; and when objections were filed, they were unlawfully unfiled and Stich was charged with criminal contempt of court for exercising this right.


Those seeds have now sprouted to produce government take over’s of major corporations, and bankrupted others throughout this country in an effort to push even further the agenda of a power hungry crowd to rule over this countries people.

Corporations, banking, government, schools, private institutions, local and state governments, and finally the family are affected by this tearing. The fabric is torn and the question is what we are going to do about it? We are fighting something we can not see it is invisible, but it is as real as what you deal with in every day life. The heart of the matter is where it has to start. The heart of America has grown hard and has no love for God. In God we trust is even being taken off our money. How far must it go for the people of America to stand up to unrighteousness? When the righteous do nothing evil flourishes.

God please Bless American, I know we as a people have turned our backs on you, and ran after other things, but have mercy upon this people. Give us your grace to turn once again to draw near to you, and find peace and solace in your love. Let “In God we Trust” mean it from our hearts spoken with real love in ever home town, city, and state, here in American. Let a reviving spirit of the old ways come onto this people, and let every one love his neighbor as himself. A great pioneering spirit of the knowledge and love of you oh God. Let the fabric of this great nation be restored and the families be healed with you again reigning once more in all our hearts as your Spirit moves upon us. You can do this God, and we believe in you and love you. Thank you. God.

Blessings Steven


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