why do you think so many black men are not regular church goers or why do you think there is a shortage of black men in the church outside of the preacher

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in the spirit it has alot to do with the authority and the belief system of the man. You see, the devil, our adversary has come to steal kill and destroy. Since he is the prince of the air his assignment is to distort the image that God has given to man inclusive of our power and authority. The men have allowed the enemy to change their concept and view; how they see them selves, remember the story of joshua and Kalib? the rest of the men saw themselves as grass hoppers, and were in the wilderness for another 40 years because they did not know who they were in God. It is our responsibility as the believers of God to pray that the men who God has annointed will realize and stand in the authority of who God has ordained them to be.
When God created man,he created man in his image and breathed life and man became a living soul. Satan looks to kill that which God has created, not only black men,but all men. As long as men seek after the riches of this world rather than truth which is Jesus Christ. Women will be predominate in attendance in our churches and any other worship services held throughout this country and the world. Men have been turned over to reprobate minds and see their strength in the daily task that they perform and the accomplishments in their lives. As long as the material things(self) are foremost men will be lacking in services. "What is man,that thou artmindful of him? and the son of man that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels,and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: Psalms 8:4-6 When man realizes this power then shall the mighty men of God in the name of Jesus rise.


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