Prophetess / Lady Kim Reames

, Female

Hillside, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
World Shakers Cathedral International
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you ,before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nation. Jermaiah (1 v5)

Prophetess Kimberly Reames serve as CO-Pastor a long side with her anointed,preacher machine Bishop Andre Reames SR. Of World Shakers Cathedral International 505 Central Ave, Newark NJ. A Place Where there is not one feeble one among us. (Translation: when one hurt we all hurt:)
Prophetess Reames was apointed and set aside to preach, teach and prophetess in the last days. Prophtess Reames is a anoint women of God, who fears God and have a endntime word from God.
Prophetess Reames is the founder of Single, Save, Holy & waiting etc. Ministry. Prophetess Reames empower single women to hold on and hold out, to continue to live a save & holy life as they wait for God to bless them with there helpmate. ( Proverbs 18:22) He who finths a wife finds a good thing and recieves favor from the Lord.Women Let the man find you, but as you wait ing, stay focus, dedicate, and remaine faithful with your walk with God.
Favorite Preachers:
My Pastor Andre Reames, Pastor Jill Matock, Juanita Bynum, ZacharyTims,My overseer Bishop Liston Page SR, Pastor Kim R. Brewer,Overseer Michelle White-Haynes, Apostle Kendra Horn

Comment Wall:

  • Jasmine

    All is well thank you? I noticed that you are having a service of dedication in April. It is wonderful that you are giving back to God what he has given so he can continue to bless and increase and increase you will. This may sound strange but I am hearing something about a New testimony, I realize that i do not have to understand all that God gives but will share. If this makes sense to you at all let me know that I have not missed. I also saw the word "Transformers." As I said, though I may not understand it all, I hope it means something to you. God bless you.
  • Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

    If you want to come to Ghana- Africa the Doors are opening in Jesus name. We are also Praying for you here in Jesus name it shall be well with you now in Jesus name.
    They that know their God shall be strong and do exploits( DANIEL

    God is the God of purpose and time and he has a divine outline for
    anybody in life and it is up to you and me to live up to expectation
    in life.

    The time has come for you to have a positive out look and mindset if
    not you can never do anything good in life, one thing that you have to
    understand is that the enemy has nothing good for no matter how life
    may seems good to you.

    And if there is anything good you need in life you must stand firm
    for it based on God's word and his promises he has set before you if
    not you will end up by saying that God has not being good to you, but
    I want you to know that he has really being good to you because he
    gave his only son for our us and even when we were still sinners he
    came to die for us. Whatever we can do now in life came out of the
    death of Christ and we have to talk in that assurance and know that we
    can do exploits in his name.

    Never allow anything to stop you from going to where God has destined
    you to go or be in life because you have being given the divine
    mandate to do that so take it in faith and know that no matter where
    you come from through Jesus Christ you can do exploit in life.

    His word says he came to his own but his own never accepted him but
    as many as believe in him to them he gave power to be called the
    children of God, if you believe it or not so far as you have accepted
    him divinely you have being given power to become the child of God and
    as from the very moment going you should see and called yourself God's
    child because it has divinely been accept and in the heavenly places.
    (John 1;10-12).

    So start seeing yourself that you are strong and you can do exploits
    because he that lives in you is greater than he that is in the world
    (1John 4:4), and it is never by mighty and not by power but by his
    Spirit says the Lord (Zachariah 4:6-9). It is my prayers that God
    through these teachings will open the eyes of your understanding so
    that you will seek him as never before and your life will never be the
    same Eccl. 9:10. In JESUS NAME AMEN AND AMEN.
  • pastorfw

  • Jasmine

    Thank you so much Prophetess Reames. I have been encouraged by you confirming what God has spoken. It also encourages me to step out in faith when he speaks. Hearing from you has really brought joy to my day, I thank God. Even as I speak to you I feel a stirring in my womb and a tugging, I am at work and I literally have to tap my stomach (funny huh!). I do not know if you have started but be in a place of travail, so much to be birthed, know you will feel the confirmation in your womb!

    God's Blessings
  • Prophetess / Lady Kim Reames

    Jasmine, I'm glad that you are fill with Joy on today, keep that pretty smile on your face. when the devil come in like a flood, just Smile. Its something about when you smile..So your baby leap at work... I know how that feel.. Cont to let the Lord use you. I'm happy today, just to know that you are.happy and encourage. Cause sometime in the walk we need and want to be encourage sometime.
  • pastorfw

  • pastorfw

    find and share recovery images at
  • Prophetess / Lady Kim Reames

    Hello Pastor and First lady

    I would like to send out an inviation to you and First Lady to come and help us celebrate this great Miracle that God released upon us and our church. God has bless us with our very own Cathderal church. On April 6th at 6pm 84-89 Custer ave Newark NJ we are having our dedication service. If your schedule permit we would live to fellowship with your on this special day... Grace and Peace
  • pastorfw

  • pastorfw

  • Pastor Denise Jamison

    Bless Prophetess/Lady Reames. Thank you so much for the comment.
    Yes I will send you my email address. May The Lord Bless You Richly.
    In His Service Elder J. :-)

    712 OHIO AVE