Brandon The Servant

, Male


United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
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Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
Focused Family Evangelistic Ministries
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
"He that hath an Ear to Hear, let him Hear what the Spirit has to say to the CHURCH"

An end time voice......that is rare and not familiar to the Christian arena.... He has been to the Holy Place.....and has Received a Word of Deliverance and Correction.....That is followed with glorious signs and wonders......He has faith....that concerns the religous......He has been anointed to Declare and Decree......What everyone else has been afriad to...Prophet Brandon E. God's servant...serving the body of Christ........True Worshippers are an Endangered Species....Are You On The List? Worship is his Life and Lifestyle......He has been commissioned to make a safe haven for the true worshippers. He is often found saying.....The church is throwing out the true worshippers, because when true worship enters a place it commands change"
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus Christ, Pastor Glennwood Butts,Prophetic Evangeist Urania Haynes( San Diego, Ca) Pastor Sheryl Brady, Prophetess Sharon Elland, Apostle Stacey Woods, Pastor Dionne Wood, Prophet Trevor Terron Greene, And A Catholic Scholar In His Own Right Father Jae-Anthony Browne!

Comment Wall:

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  • Scott R. Newman

    Tit 1:1 "Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness"

    Hey brother servant.. Isn't it amazing how one of the most powerful Apostles that ever walked the Earth calls and labels Himself a servant first, then Apostle second?

    Just wanted to holla at you from another servant to another.

    Peace and Love to the Brethren and Elect of Christ.

    In His Grip

  • Elder Donald M. Ross

    Preacha how are things going for you?
  • Dr.Evang.Chad C.R..Logan

    God Bless you, Thank you!!
  • Minister Ian T. Simmons

    Bless you man of God, I pray all is well. Althought I need for you to refresh my memory doc, where did we meet?
  • Deacon Smith

    thanks be blessed by the best
  • Deacon Smith

  • Elder Donald M. Ross

    Things are going great. Just positioning myself in prayer for this next move of God.
  • Elder Donald M. Ross

    Things are going great, Just positioning myself in prayer.
  • Sally Williams

  • Sally Williams

  • pastor sureshbabu.p

    Dear brother in jesus nam epraise the lord . howa re you ? i hope ur good and doing well in the lord , can i be ur brother in jesus name . im pastor sureshbabu from india . could plz remember me in ur pryers about my work wich im doing for the lord . i wish u happpy and merry christmas to u.
  • pastor sureshbabu.p

    dear brother in jesus name praise the lord . can i be ur brother in jesus name . could plz rememberf me in ur prayers im pastor sureshbau from india . i wish u happy and merry christmas to u .
  • Richard Okoe Tetteh

  • M.K. Williams II

    Have a Blessed Christmas, my brother.
  • Minister Maurice Bailem

    Thanks for the warm welcome and I do intend to network and meet new people. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Be Blessed!
  • Elder Michelle Fordyce

    Merry Christmas to all my brothers and sisters in the Lord. I would like for all of you to go to my blog and start blogging me from my site. I will be featured in a major magazine in the first of 2009 and they are interested in the traffic and fellow clergy and friends who may visit my site. So please take time and visit my site and start blogging with me. Also my book is currently available on e-book for $4.99. from the home page click on BLOG button, under the ABOUT button click on juke box below and listen to my commercial.

    Once again thank you and "Happy Holidays"

    Love Pastor Michelle Fordyce
  • Raymond Forte

    Brandon, thanks for the love shown! Be Blessed and Keep In Touch!
  • William Gorman Jr

    Thanks Bro....Praise HIM, for HE is worthy!!! Please lift me up in prayer, as I will you!! Lift up your eyes Brother, and be led by HIM in all things!!!
  • Prophet Joshua D. Smith

    Happy New Year! Haven't been ignoring your message, just been busy and I don't come on here often. ~Prophet
  • Deacon Smith

    thank you and happy new year to you
  • Joseph Pridgen

    What's good, Family!
    Glad to be able to catch up with you on a site that is not (hopefully) full of mess! :o)
    What's been going on with you?

    God's Grace,
  • karen d washington

    Brandon, Where is Marq? I do not know his name but I know his face. I believe you will know who I am talking about. He has truly been on my mind and I need to know if he is alright. Please if he is still part of the website leave me his information so I can go to his page and check on him.

    Love Prophetess
  • Raliegh Jones Jr.

    Hello Brandon, We are currently working on options to provide a mobile version of the site. Thanks for being a part of the family!!!
  • Prophetess Pinki Moore

    Hi Everyone.....YES! we can do this!!
    This is one of the easiest things on the net today, all for less than a McDonald's breakfast, it is simplicity at its best…guaranteed to make You money! SIGN-UP IS $5. Find you a quiet place, with a pen and paper to take some notes and be ready to experience change.

    I am excited because everyone that wants wealth can invest $5.00 and get started.
    If you would like to learn more, I will invite you in the business.
    Listen to this conference call first: 1-712-432-1283….PINCODE: 408736#
    Then contact me after you’ve listened to the conference to discuss the details.

    Call my office line after you have heard this 22 minute overview for additional information.
    641-715-3900 ext 11037#
  • Raymond Forte

    Brandon, how are you man? Send me your phone number again. I forgot to save it in my phone! (lol)
  • Prophet John Adeniyi

    Calvary greeting to you my Brother in Christ and joint heir of kingdom of heaven.How are you doing and the ministry hope things are working fine.May i know the name of you church and how the Lord is blessing the ministry tremediously but i believe that God will not leave his church for anything to suffer.this is my phone number +2348033277122
  • Pastor Rodrick Sweet,ThM

    Man how are you, it is very nice to meet you. May God bless you today.
  • Equally Yoked Marriages

    Bless you young man of God
  • Ambassador of Christ

    Brandonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....Thank Bro for the love..... Returning it back...
  • Ambassador of Christ

    Brandonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... Thanks for the love... Just returning it back at you lil bro.... Keep It Kingdom
  • Carnel Dupar

    Thanks for the welcome .Looking foward to speaking to you again.
  • D.Brandon Campbell

    Man'd of GOD!!!!! WHAZ UP MAN!?!??!
  • D.Brandon Campbell

    Charge it to the head man, not the heart bruh. I promise to get at U in the nex couple days. I told U turkey on rye on me. LOL
  • Raymond Forte

    I'm sorry man! (lol) I've been having problems with my phone! Please forgive me!
  • Prophet Urania Haynes-Hunter

    Bless You B,
    Just wanted to come by and show some love.
    You're in my heart and my prayers always.
    I love you Greatly.

    Prophetic Evang. Urania
  • Minister Aaron McNair Jr.

  • Minister Aaron McNair Jr.

  • Prophet Larry E. Powell III.

    Bless you Man of God! How are you doing?

  • Valencia

  • Prophet Michael D. Millner Page!

    Alright that fine with me BRUH!!!!
  • Prophet Michael D. Millner Page!

    Hey, My Big brother in the Gospel i just stopped by to check on you hope all is well Talk too you soon!!!
  • Ajani Brown

    Bless You Prophetic Servant! It is an honor to speak with you. I know that this network will allow us to hold each other up in effectual & fervent prayers of righteousness! I pray that you will be able to give Godly wisdom concerning my cultivating gift of prophetic deliverance & spiritual warfare!
  • Prophet J. Stubbs Jr.

    God Bless u sir.. dat comment u left on my page was on point,cuz i just finished teaching that very thing to an online conference call to teenagers and adults,about preaching instant in and out of season...dude u waz on thnx 4 da comment n i luk 4ward to hearn from u,n further fellowship!!
  • Minister Eric J. Goode

    Well my brother, God bless you, and I Pray that God will continue to give you all the desires of your heart.

  • Minister Eric J. Goode

    God bless you man, How are yoiu doing
  • Prophet Larry E. Powell III.

    Grace & Peace, I do apologize for not getting back to you right away. Whats going on with you?
  • Elder Chris

    back to the heart of worship
  • Bishop L. A. Reed

    God bless you sir!
  • Prophet Quinn Thompson

    God bless that heart, may the Lord keep and perserve you for a great assignment. Have fun in each season of life your in and enjoy Jesus!!!