Pastor Sean M. Lee


Hockessin, Delaware / Durham, North Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Hockessin Delaware / Durham North carolina
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Impact Family Worship Center
College Attended (optional):
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Elder Sean M. Lee is known as a man of character, integrity, and musician extraordinaire. He was born on August 14, 1973 in Wilmington, Delaware to Ms. Joan A. Lee and the late Eddie Lee.

Licensed and ordained, he received his college education from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. He is currently studying at New Destiny Bible College with the anticipation of pursuing his Masters degree and Doctorate in Divinity.

Elder Lee is a man with a God-given mission for ministering to the whole man, spirit, mind, and body. He is the new millennium David. He is one of the world's renowned and anointed musicians and has played and traveled with several artists.

Elder Sean M. Lee felt God's urging to reassign his commission from just music ministry to a more Word-oriented capacity. His passion for impacting the body of Christ toward deliverance came from the adversities he faced in his life starting from a young age.

Definitely not your typical minister, Sean has entered into a covenant with the Lord to impact the body of Christ toward deliverance. Elder Lee maintains, "Our biggest enemy lies within our own being." Today, through the lives of his spiritual fathers, Elder Sean Lee's ministry has grown and prospered, touching lives worldwide.

He has preached deliverance through North America, England, and Africa. Elder Lee serves on the Elders Board of New Destiny Fellowship where he also serves as director to the Ministry of Creative Arts. Sean firmly believes God has called him to the Latter Day Evangelism of the World - to edify, strengthen and to bring deliverance to the Body of Christ!
Favorite Preachers:
Apostle T. Wesley Weeks Sr
Dr. Willie campbell
Bishop T. D. Jakes
Dr.Creflo Dollar
Dr James Woodson
Pastor Bill Winston
Dr. Miles Monroe
Prophet Todd Hall
Bishop Noel Jones
Bishop Eddie Long

Comment Wall:

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  • Evangelist Cookie Hunter

    Greetings Man of God! I love the idea of MySpace Revival. I look forward to the next one! Have a blessed and beautiful day!

  • Pastor Odane James

    Bless you man of God,
    I'm blessed man and sill standing in the faith. I pray all is well with you. That myspace revival idea is a great one man.
  • Bishop Robert L. Carter

    Doc, let me know, we can fellowship, let me know when and where. I can set a schedule. I look forward to fellowship and relationship.
  • Bishop & Elder Conner

    Praise The Lord. Pastor Lee

    How are you Man of God. This is from your comment back on Jan 23, 2009. I'm Bless and Highly Favored!
  • Bro Lavell Dumas

    hello man this is bishop clark u can call me later man I have to tell u something man so get back with me later this evening 615. 329-1449
  • Christopher Montgomery

    God bless you man of GOD! I'm wonderful. Thanks for askin. How are you?
  • Rev. Clinton Chambers-Prophet

    all is well!! I'm just working within Gods, blueprint!!! keep me in your prayers!!! And of course, I'm praying for you!!!
  • Rev. Clinton Chambers-Prophet

    all is well!!! I'm just working within Gods blueprint!!! keep praying, looking to fellowship with you, please email me some info so that we can make it happen!!
    be blessed!!!
  • Elder Tracey E. Hammond

    I am well. Hope all is well with you. Take Care and God Bless!
  • Eric M. Mackey

    Hello Elder Lee. You have been a busy and productive servant of God. I have never been a pastor. But I heard that their shoes are not easy to fill. Instead, I preach from time to time. But mostly I am a writer on God's grace. Visit my website----to see the three books I have published. They are actually sermons on grace. But they are useful for a lot of other things in the service of the Lord.

    God bless you.

    Eric Mackey.
  • Pastor A. Christopher Burt

    God bless you Sir all is well Blessed of the Lord
  • terrance douthard

    i'm blessed brother,how about yourself?
  • Pastor A. Christopher Burt

    where in hotel at the moment Praise God Look forward to fellowship
  • Brother Andrew Joseph

    i just want to hello you in the name of lord jesus? the lord should continue protecting you all the days of your life and give you more and more GRACE, favour of God Amen.

    Andrew Joseph.
  • Apostle Rolanda Ross

  • Bishop Dr. A.D. Hyman

    Blessings sir, all is well we are bless excited about what God is going in 2009. The lord bless.
  • Dr. Regina Williams

    Hi Pastor,

    How is it going? How is the church coming along? We need to connect and fellowship, I am now pastoring also. I am Co-Pastor for Kings Kingdom in Raleigh. God Bless!
    Dr. Regina Williams

    My prayer for you today is, "that He would grant you, according to the richness of His glory,
    to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ dwell in your
    heart through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend
    with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of
    Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" Eph. 3:16-19

    Have a wonderful day!
    Lets keep the fire burning
  • Apostle Deborah Anderson

    God bless you Pastor Sean! Thanks for the comment. Have never been to Durham, NC or SC! Send for me! LOL! I pray the power of God be upon your ministry to shake nations within the people you minister to. Pray that you stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free to impact nations! Raise the Standard! Make a Sound in the earth like a trumpet!

    God Bless You Sir!
  • Apostle Deborah Anderson

    You'll send for me - I'll send for you - I love you - I need you to oblige!
    The remix! I think I'll just make your Myspace Revival - LOL! God Bless!
  • T. Simpson

  • Apostle Deborah Anderson

    You asked how is the ministry going? THE LORD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE! I hear "THE SOUND"! Going great!!!! LOL!

    Grace and Peace Pastor Lee,

    How are you doing? Im very sorry for not writing you back right away because my computer was down but now its back up. but im bless and i pray all is well with you man of God. I pray we can get a fellowship started. i come to you and you come to us. ive been pastoring a year on Feb.22,2009 will be a year. and its been hard people left but God has been still good to me. keep in touch.
  • Bishop Robert L. Carter

    Hey Preach, hit me at
  • Evangelist Rachelle L Sullins

    I am good and you?
  • Prophet Timothy Williams

    Hello Man of God how are you havent been on in a while so i just seen you hit me up
  • Pastor Wade Sams

    God bless you man of God I apologizes for getting bacto you so late I havent checked my messages in a wile but all is well. we are getting ready to take a faith step and purchace our first building so please pray for us.

    hello, just flying over dropping some are you doing today and how is the ministry and those saints the lord has placed in your hands.
    may the good lord continue to increase you in favor and grace.
  • Prophetess/Evangelist Toussaint

    Thank you for the request!

    God Bless you in everything that you go to put your hands to do!
  • Pastor Allen L. Bruton

    To all my new friends,

    Thank you for considering my ministry a friend. I blessed the Lord for this site and connecting Allen Bruton Ministries with wonderful, anointed servants. I look forward to getting to know each of you better in the future.

    Pastor Allen Bruton
  • Bishop Dr. A.D. Hyman

    Blessings pastor I pray that all is well with you sir.Im bless just glad to be among the living. just excited about what God has started to do in 2009.
  • prophet angelo swinson

    blessings man of God i like what u are doing

    I would Love to Come to your Church to Share Gospel Hip Hop Ministry

  • Worship

    If the people will stop looking at the material things and look more to the spiritual things of God then shall they all find peace and God will satisfy the soul. Follow the instructions, repent meaning to pray at your bedside and name your sins to God then forsake sin. Then be baptized so that you are washed clean do this now and you shall know the truth.
  • Apostle Dr. J. Lemuel Spence

    Grace and Peace Man of God. We have got to connect. I was visiting another site and saw your ministry and I believe we have a mutual connection. I Extend my ministry at Visit me We know each other.
  • karen d washington

    Hello Pastor Sean

    Love Prophetess
  • Pastor Azizah Morrison

  • karen d washington

    Praise the Lord Pastor Sean,

    I am doing fine and I have to say God is just so good. His love reign forever and it shall reign forever deep down in my soul.

    Love Prophetess

    Helo Pastor Lee!
    Just sending you a word of Jambo, in Kenyan swahili language it means hii. How is the minitry doing?
    God is good to me and my family. The church is doing fine. God bless you man of God.
    Pastor Emmanuel

    That will be owesome. The Bible says 'my people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge.' Pastor Lee, I look forward to God sending you to Kitale, western part of Kenya.
    I am in Atlanta Ga, in Bible college but do go home to be with family and Ministry.
    My email is : drop me an email and I will learn from you alot. God bless you.
    I was just checking on my site and came across you. Thanks alot for accepting to be part of us. We need your wisdom and gifts to be able to accopmplish what God has put in us to do.
  • Evangelist Reginald Mack

    Log on today:
  • Pastor R. G. Moore

    Hello Pastor,
    Thanks for the contact. We are still blessed and highly favored in the family of God. I pray all of your work and efforts are flowing in the will of God.

    Be Blessed!
  • Apostle Sherman D. Farmer

    Pastor Lee,

    I'm sorry I am just getting this information. But just to give you the fyi. We start each Saturday at 12 noon. Our location is 5501 Silver Hill Road Suitland MD 20746. The name of the church of Bethany Lutheran Church (and we are using the annex).

    God bless you and thanks for even considering the fellowship,

    Pastor Sherman
  • Raymond Boney

    Hello Pastor Lee. Your page is really nice. That sister is really bringing the Word. Feel free to check out my web site at
  • Pastor PJ Edmund

    ..blessings and thank you for the contact..God is sustaining us here and pray increase in ministry for you also..
  • Charles Johnson

    Hello, I'm Chuck Johnson the CEO of Faith Video On-Demand multimedia company that broadcast church services worldwide using the digital technology of streaming media. Please visit our website at We would also like to talking to you about broadcasting your easter service live using streaming media. Please give us a call at 1.866.847.6793 9am - 6pm Monday - Friday
  • Archbp Leonardo Marin

    Greetings from Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra, primate of The Latin American Anglican Church. Now I live in Canada. God bless you, + Leonardo
  • Raliegh Jones Jr.

    I'm good bro... how have you been? I need to chat with you about some advertising that I saw you doing. Hit me up when you get a chance.
  • Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala

    Thank you to meet you and welcome to minister to us in Kenya.
  • Apostle Garland Scott

    I, am doing pretty good sorry it took song long to get back , just haven't check my site in a while