Leonard Copeland


Westerville, OH

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Westerville (Columbus)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
Mt.Gerizim Baptist Church
College Attended (optional):
Central State (Ohio) and Ohio State University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I specialize in Fundraisers for small and Large congregations.No more Bake sales and dinners.
Favorite Preachers:
My Pastor Rev. Clifford Riley

Comment Wall:

  • Minister Robbin Swinger Otey

    you have a great self-sufficicency idea? that's great! let's hear it. ybey44@gmail.com
  • Minister Robbin Swinger Otey

    oh.. okay... we are not looking for income, residual or otherwise. we are looking for self-sufficiency as in SURVIVAL. you know, safe food, clean water, appropriate habitation, etc. thanks anyway.
  • Pastor/Evangelist Joyce

    I Greet you in Jesus name,

    I need your prayers, info and support please.

    I am praying to network with someone for space: a room for a small office space, a room for a food pantry, a room for a clothes and shoes closet,- and we assist each other with reaching our unique ministry vision goals in the Kingdom of God.

    2009--praise God!! for renewed mercies daily.. I am decreeing this to finally be my year. I am busy this week seeking to network on behalf of the out-reach ministry that I need to get more fruitful with --I try hard to omit or let it go-yet God keep dealing with me so strongly concerning it-

    "you reap what you sow" - I have spent the past 7 yrs assisting others with their ministry visions, projects and fundraising and i am praying that this is my year to reap some of those seeds of helping and that God will allow me favor to network with some people that will assist me now with my visions and projects.. for I have sown seeds of my physical assistance and finances in other ministries and i am believing these seed to be sown in my ministry with assistance and finances needed as well.

    Well the bible states "You have not because you ask not" so this new yr. of 2009 I not going to sit back being shy and fearful to ask for advice and info as I have done in the past--so here i go i am asking.

    I have a non-profit 501C3 business that my late husband assisted me with setting up before he was called to be with the Lord in 2001 and I desire to beginning to carry forth the visions for "New beginnings Out-Reach Ministry, Inc." for reaching the needy, elderly and hurting women. I have a calling and gift for women ministry. I was used to being a team player with my husband and when he was called to be with the Lord in 2001 i really lost a lot of my faith in my ability to be able to carry on alone in his absence and this have delayed me too long.

    My desire is to open a "residental care home" for senior citizens and a" starting over home" for hurting women to include food, clothes, shoes, mentoring, educating for seeking jobs, etc..

    I need info on locating a place ,any available grants/ funding, building good business plans, budget project analysis, ect that is available for such projects as well as info on: operating rules for such homes.

    If you can share any information or connect me with contacts who can assist or network with me it will be greatly appreciated..

    Thanks In advance.

    Pastor/Evangelist Joyce Reed