Howard Sands


Penrith, NSW


Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Blue Mountains, NSW Australia
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Ministry - Beautiful Feet Task Force *
College Attended (optional):
Life Ministry Bible College, Hope College, Good News International University.
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
In 1980 the organisation was founded by its director, Howard Sands, with a burning desire to both win souls and encourage the church to be active overcomers in everyday life, fulfilling the Great Commission. Born on the Scripture found in Romans 10.15, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring good news ..." B.F.T.F. is based soundly on the Bible as the Word of God, historically correct, spiritually powerful and relevant for today. We believe that outside of Christ man is eternally lost and that Christ's substitutionary and sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary is the only way which man can find peace with God and eternal life; it is therefore necessary that this gospel be preached to all men, everywhere.

Howard graduated from Life Ministry Bible College, Melbourne in 1976. He founded B.F.T.F. whilst on the ministry team of the Christian Convention Centre at Mildura, Vic. He has been, salesman, sales manager, branch manager and managing director of various business enterprises, Howard was awarded an honours certificate stage 2 from the Life Underwriters Association of Australia in 1987, he completed his Bachelor of Business with a double major in Business Management and Marketing in 1994 and received the Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry from Hope College Gold Coast in 2000. Howard is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God in NSW.

B.F.T.F. is currently involved in evangelism and leadership training in Asia and Africa, particularly, India and Indonesia, Uganda and Tanzania. Howard has taken many small teams there to minister in evangelistic crusades and leadership conferences. He has ministered in churches and outreach crusades across Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, U.S.A., U.K. U.A.E., Romania, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Ghana, Cameroon, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa.

Howard believes that the most effective ministry is achieved both in and sent out from the local church. Howard & Joy lived for 7 years in Wagga Wagga, N.S.W. where their 2 children, Kylie & Joshua were both born. Joy graduated from Vision Bible College, Sydney, CRC Bible School Victoria & Psalmody. At Wagga, Howard acted as church administrator and Dean of Part Time Bible School for Wagga New Life Centre. Howard has been an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God in NSW Australia since 1993, and for 2½ years Howard & Joy were the founders/senior pastors of Canberra New Life Centre, AOG. He was a lecturer & founding board member of the Canberra Ministry Training College a multi denominational ministry training college (now Unity College). They were active at Riverlands Christian Church, Penrith NSW for over 11 years where Howard was the Missions Director and board member, Joy was the Senior Pastor’s PA for 7 years. They have since pastored an AOG church in Sydney’s north west and now minister through regular victory services, missions and itinerant ministry.

Howard was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity in Sept 2014 at Chennai, India from Good News International University.

Follow BFTF blog at

If you are interested in ministry to Africa come and join us at Africa Network

Favorite Preachers:
John Maxwell
Oral Roberts
Myles Munroe
Cliff Beard
Charles Finny Joseph
Ian Woods
Brian Houston

Comment Wall:

  • HGM OutReach

    Don't Give Up
  • Francois Prinsloo

    Dear Howard,

    Thank you very much for the invitation to the Africa network. I have since joined them and I'll see you there. God bless, agape
  • Brother Andrew Joseph

    Dear Howard Sands,

    I will to thank you so much for decision on Africa on programmer well we will receive you if you’re ready and will to inform my senior pastor on it. God almighty will surely bless you and your entire family long life and happiness the Grace of GOD WILL continue to follow you where you’re AMEN.

    Brother Andrew Joseph.

  • Chaplain Dr.Gabriel Ogunjobi

    Hello Apostle,

    God be with you and forever He will be with you for He called you and you are trully doing that which the Lord has called you to do.I praised God for you.

    Apostle,the witnessed i had in my being stirred me up to contact you to c how possible it will be for you to come to my ministry in Ifo town,Ogun State of Nigeria to host a program among us here so lives can be built and refreshed for the Living Jesus Christ.


    Dr.Gabriel Segun Ogunjobi
    Nehemiah Network
    Ifo Town
    Ogun State
    West Africa
  • Apostle Nicholas Stanley

    God bless you apostle, Iknow you are doing great in the Lord together with your family. I praise the name of the Lord for what He is using you to do across the nations.. I do hope to hear from you soon
  • Christie Nakris

    Thanks Apostle for inviting me to join your ministry network to the nations. I can see the great things you are doing for the Lord in Africa. I will join and pray along.

    God bless you.
  • jeanbosco

    Hi Howard, may God bless you for inviting me . I wish together we shall work for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ as it has said in Matth 28:19-20
    God bless you all in your ministry
  • Amrit Nepali

    Dear Howard, Greeting in the highest name of Lord Jesus Christ from Nepal. This is in aisa where is very difficult to serve the Lord. if God lead you to serve God in Nepal how you can it will be great source to develop the spiritual kingdom of Nepal. God Bless you.
    Amrit Nepali.

    Thanks for considering me to be your friend may the lord richly bless you man of God.
    You are a blessing to me and my ministry


  • Worship

    Prepare for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Put on the full armor of God
    Message: To show faith you follow the instructions which are ordinances
    1. Offer the sacrifice of repented IHS which is repent= Name your sins to God Almighty privately in prayer in the Name of His Son, Jesus then IHS.
    IHS= Immerse(baptism in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost)
    Sanctification(free from sin)
    2. While in prayer ask God for understanding so you can Sow seed which is:
    Sow= to read
    Seed= the Word of God Almighty
    3. Keep the Commandments and Statues they are the way of living for the righteous. Remember that Ordinances of God Almighty come and they must be done in order to prove that you have true faith. Always know that God says nothing unrighteous. He never mislead His people. If instructions you receive are contrary to His way of living remember never to do them because they are not His.
    A word of knowledge: The Name of God Almighty is Yahweh in Hebrew.
    wisdom for you:
    Sin brings death to your soul
    repentance brings life from the dead
    light means no sin(repented, IHS)
    darkness means sin(unrepented, IHS)
  • Rev. Tamba Eric M'bayo

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am blessed to be a friend of yours and i believe together in His kingdom we would do exploits for the Lord. We are blessed in hospitality and the people are friendly and receptive to the gospel in Freetown Sierra Leone and hope that one day you would find time to come and be a blessing to us. God bless you and family and your ministry. I am going to be a member of africa network.
    I love you with the love of the Lord.
    Pst. Tamba
  • Dr S.A David

    I am happy to read from you and accepted you as friends.
    i am singing up for the Africa Network
  • PROPHET David


    how are today?
  • PROPHET David

    i want us to talk

    I greet you in the love of our Lord JESUS CHRIST! I want to thank you for having invited me to be your friend and to join the African Network for the Ministry in AFRICA! because it is a joy for me to work with you to the lord!
    I am a christian girl evengelique and the name of my church is: ASSEMBLY OF GOD!
    I loves the Lord as you, and I hope to keep in touch with you for the work of GOD !!!

    be blessed


    Bless You Pastor, and thank you. I look forward to felllowship and friendship.
    God Bless Your Family and Ministry.

    Blessings Pastor E.

    From Darkness to Light (my personal testemony)

    I was born in an orthodox Hindu Family. I was brought up in an atmosphere of much piety. As a result I took pains to learn a good number of the Hindu Ethics. I was growing up in the fear of Hindu Gods. My sins also abounded in proportion to my piety. Sin prevailed upon me. In this way I completed my seventeenth year. If anybody chose to argue with me about Christ I gave them strong answers and dismiss them quite easily by hushing them into silence. One day a close friend of mine began to talk to me about the love of God. But I argued with him and boldly refused his claim that Jesus Christ alone is the real living God. I gave my assent to the fact that there is only one God but gave emphatic "No" to his claim about Jesus Christ. In this way, I whield away a few more months. The Lord began to speak to me in manyways. I was indifferent to it. He spoke to me through proverbs 28:13. But I turned a deaf ear to the divine talk too and was continuing to waste my life. Many time the Lord made this gracious intervention in my life. Finally the Lord unmistakably spoke to me by getting me involved a dreadful bus accident. At this stage I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. I commited my whole life into His blessed hands of protection and confessed all my sins sincerely. The Lord pardoned all my sins, and I was quite convinced to His matchless Grace. From that day, He has enabled me toenjoy heavenly joy and peace of mind which the world can never give me nor can take away. He also gave me triumph over sin. He delivered me from all the sins to whichI have been miserrably subjected till then. Then the Lord spoke to me through Acts.22:16 and in obedience to His voice, I took water Baptism on 30th August 1970, afterwards, I encounted much oppositions in my own Home. The whole of my house, my own kith and kin began totear and set fire to my Bible. They put me to countless sufferinggs and hardships and did their best to win me back to my former Hindu faith. But the Lord Jesus confirmed His word in accordance with Isa 54:17. In this way the gracious Lord is keeping me in His precious way be actually bearing me up against innumerable difficulties. The burden of taking this precious Salvation is still in my heart and I am praying that God would strengthen me physically as well as spiritually to carry His word to the hundreds and --thousands of young souls like me who perish in darkness not seeing the precious light of Salvation. At present we are having more than 50 Churches in Tamil Nadu and in Kerala State. We have sent more than 700 Orphan children trained in our Children's home. We minister to the poor and needy by means of the Gospel and Social Services. At present we have 50 churches all over the State of Tamilnadu. We build our own church buildings and parsonages for the pastors and their families. We support 40 pastors and their family each month. Beside this, we also run two children's home for destitute children, we are free boarding the housing for 100 children. We also run three English schools for the public for a moderatefee. Through these schools, we introduce the Living Christ to the children. We are also engaged in a literature ministry, so far, we have published more than 25 books such as an exposition for Psalms, Joshua and Ruth and five volumes of sermon outlines for Pastors, stories for children, etc., in our regional languaes. More than 7 million people have benefited by reading our books. We also reieased five volumes of Christian Music on audio cassettes. Recently, we have started a free lending library, with more than 2000 books and audio and video tapes for the benefit of chrisitian Believers - irrespective of denominations. India ua a ripened harvest field. The last few years, the spiritual climate has changed dramatically. People are open to the Gospel as never before. The hour of God's visitation land. India is searching for a Guiding star, looking for a sure foundation, crying out for a Saviour - it is time to take action.

    Therefore, Please take time to consider it and put it before The Lord. "THIS IS A CITY THAT NEEDS JESUS."

    As I close may Jesus keep you and guide you in whatever way for you to become a part of OPEN DOOR MINISTRIES.
    With love and prayers.

    Covet the prayers of one and all on my behalf.
    B. stephen Devakumar
    Founder & President.


    greetings, i got your info from a friend and i have to come myself to your are you doing pastor.the lord gives you more grace resources to enable carryout the assignment he has given to you.
    i am from nigeria and i pick interest because you have africa at heart.
    from your profile you have not visit nigeria for any of your programmes? will it interest you to come to nigeria and have a crusade? we did like to have you and our small church will be glad having you here.
    please get back to me pastor if we can work-out somthing.
    God bless you
  • Vincent Wanyonyi Makonge

    Dear Howard Sands,
    I am happy that God has divinely connected as together for his work.I have always asked God how will this work Grow as he told me and reach other parts of the country and even Africa but recently i was getting a revelation how it shall be and thank God he has given you to me as a partner in his vineyard,i want to appreciate God for the work he has helped you do in Africa,we are praying for you that you receive grace to help you accomplish that which is ahead of you.
    We are inviting you to Kenya so that you can share to as what the lord has given to you and the team Welcome man of God.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Yours in Christ,
    Pastor Vincent Makonge.
  • Bishop Dr. A.D. Hyman

    I pray that all is well with you and we are looking forward to network in South Africa when you come to be assist to you and your ministry team.
  • Apostle Dr.Ibe Okenwa

    Beloved,Glory be to our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ who has keep you standing for his Kingdom till now.He who began this great work in your life will bring it to perfect accomplishment.Thanks for your extended hand of fellowship
    Let us do this Kingdom business together in rightousness we have one task,export souls out of hell,inport them into heaven by the help of the holy spirit.welcome.
  • norah

    Hello my name is Norah from England and have moved down to Dubbo NSW a month ago.

    I am languishing for Powerful Annointed Preaching, do you know of anyone/church that meets this description?

    Bless you

    Norah and Darryl Yeo
  • Worship

    This is the time for us to cleanse our souls so it is good that we have instructions on how to do so in that case we just need to follow them to see if there is truth in it. To repent(name our sins) by our bedside to God and then be baptize( the cleansing away of sin) to receive the circumcision. The Holy Ghost is the goal for fellowship with God
  • Tracy Lawanda


    I pray that you are having a wonderful day in Yahweh.

    I thank God for you, and the ministry with-in you. Continue... to do the will of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Tracy Lawanda
    Servant of the Cross/Prayer Warrior/Certified Chaplain
  • Bishop Julius Maina Mbayachi

    Dear Servant of God,Praise to God for the wonderful work you are doing in the Lord and please you are welcome to prayerfully consider working with us in Western part of Kenya and also help you plan for leadership seminars and crusades.
    Bishop Julius
  • pastor Blatey Williams

    Dear pastor Sands and wife Joy
    how are you today? i am very fine in the Lord and hope you are fine also. P astor I was so glad this morning when I check my mail to know that you have added me as friend in the net work of black preching network and you also sent a link to join which i did today may the Lord bless you hope to stay intouch with you. pastor Blatey

    halo Howard n Joy,
    i have just joined BFTF. Please keep me posted on the happenings and hopefully we shall meet in one of the mission fields.
  • Rev James Kwesi Wobil

    Hi nice to meet you, i wish to always hear from you, i love as my father in the lord. may the glory of the heaven father be with you and enlarge your heritance in he lord. AMEN

    I am making an appeal to all my friends to help me purchase a public Address System @ a cost of 3000.00US DOLLARS BY June 2009.My a/c no.0240190275639,Equity Bank,Kenya,E.Africa.
  • Archbp Leonardo Marin

    Greetings from Archbishop Leonardo, primate of The Latin-american Anglican Church. God bless you.