Ranpheal .P .Barleh




Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
word of life
College Attended (optional):
world Bible college
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
i am refugee
Favorite Preachers:
pastor chels

Comment Wall:

  • John Peavy

    Praise the Lord Click here or go to www.onlinetvministry.org to see how churches, artists, ministries, and businesses around the world are effectively marketing and promoting their ministries, products, services, books, and events to a worldwide audience. Share your message in an effective way that will bring you results. This is the same tool that both small and large businesses are using to attract new customers, maintain the current ones, and their profits are skyrocketing. Churches and ministries are reaching the lost, expanding globally, and attracting new converts to their ministry. If you or the church or ministry you belong to needs additional finances outside the four walls of the church this tool will help you. This powerful marketing tool has helped me and many ministries and businesses to grow consistently. Have a blessed day!
  • Carol Ann Poisson

    Hi Hon!
    I would love to be your friend. How are you doing Hon. I am very busy trying to catch up with all my 22 sites I am in. This is my Ministery to sreach God's word to all the world. Time is running out. Not all who says Jesus didn't I cast out demons in your name. He will say I knew not, so he will be punished foreved, and It breaks my heart to see them deny, Him, and show no love for them, after They tell God. We need to work Hard to win as many souls for Jesus as we can. Are you a True Child of God? If not you need to ask jesus to come into your heart and Life. Use your faith Honey. Faith without Works sis dead. we all must rememner, that it was,Him that Got me saved. Spread the word? God Bless You and keep You safe, and may spread His Gospels, as well.

    Well Hon, You have a very good day in the lord. God Bless You can Post whetever God put on your heart. Thank You for being a wonderful friend

    God Bless You hon
    Jesus & me. ha ha ha ha