Elder Frenchnette Bryant


Antioch, CA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Antioch (San Francisco & Sacramento)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
New Birth West Coast Cathedral in California
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am passionate about the word of the Lord. The Lord saved me and filled me with his Holy Spirit at the age of 21 years old. I had no church or religious back ground but i knew in my soul that there was only one true God who created the heavens and the earth. I was blessed to be taken under the spiritual wings of Pastor Ricardo Nichols, who patiently help me to grow and mature in the Lord.

My deepest desire is to see souls be save and delivered in the name of Jesus and that God's glory and power will me manifested in their lives and they will know that he is their God and he loves them unconditionally.
My favorite saying "Invest in them that they may invest in others" meaning invest Love and the Word of the Lord that we all will be perfected.

Presently I am a member of NewBirth Church in Pittsburg Calfornia, my Pastor and spiritual father Bishop Carl Smith and First lady Adrienne Smith. I praise God for Bishop Carl Smith who is an humble, loving and inspiring teacher and preacher of the gospel. Who sincerely serves and cares about God's church and the saving of souls....Our presiding Bishop: Bishop Eddie Long
Favorite Preachers:
Dr. Creflo Dollar
Bishop T.D Jakes
Bishop Carl Smith, NewBirth Calfornia
Bishop Eddie Long
Apostle Paul
Pastor Ricardo Nichols, Deceased

Comment Wall:

  • Rev & Mrs McKivett

    greetings nice to see u join
  • Prophetess C. Bryant

    God Bless you woman of God
  • Rev & Mrs McKivett

    Thank you for your words and I. love to fellowship with you one day
  • Prophetess Lutricia Braggs

    How are you,the Lord said "It's On the Way" so rejoice and again I say rejoice.
  • Rev & Mrs McKivett


    hello, flying over dropping plenty of love. thanks for finding me worthy of been your friend, i prayer this friendship grows from grace to grace.
    it will interest us to have you in our small church here in nigeria.get back to me if this interest and we can more about it my dear pastor.our small church glad to have you.
  • Tonya Jordan


    God bless thank you so much for your prayers and being ther for me May God continue to bless you real good
  • Mommy Dearest

    Thanks for extending your friendship! May God bless you, keep you, gift you and give you His peace.

    God is Love,
    Mommy Dearest
  • Remegio CBlanco

    Dear Pastor Frenchnette Bryant,

    Pastor , thank you so much for your kind words. Pastor,i thank the Lord fro being your friend. Be assured that we're praying for you and yours. Pastor, please visit us here in the Philippines to help us to conduct church and mission activities. We love you all.

    In Christ,

    Pastor Remegio C.Blanco
    Tel.Nos:+6375-5732794/ +63908-3734404
  • Minister Albert Anderson

    Let Him who resides on the inside touch the lives of those on the outside. Continue ye in the work of the Lord.
  • Apostle Erwin D. Taylor

    Blessings to you as you do all that God has committed to your hand. I don't know if we've met, but we have Pastor Ricardo Nichols in common. Continue to do kingdom work. Grace and peace...
  • Apostle Erwin D. Taylor

    I knew Pastor Nichols from his initial pastorate in Cleveland, OH. I was there from 83-86 and honored to be there with Dr. James NIchols, his father initially. Continue to use your gifting and service to preach the gospel and cange lives.
  • Apostle Israel Onoriobe

    Dear Pastor Frenchnette Bryant,

    Choice greetings! Thanks for adding me to your list of friends. I appreciate this and would love to see a development of this relationship as we exchange ministry in both nations.

    I am in Philadelphia now, but will fly out tomorrow to Germany and the United Kingdom. I will be coming back from 15th July - 30th August 2009, and I will be coming from Australia into Los Angeles. If you are interested, we can lock up some dates around that time for ministry and fellowship at your church.

    Our doors are open unto you in South Africa and other continents we are ministering in.

    In His Kingdom,

    Apostle Israel Onoriobe
  • Evangelist/Lady Shevelle Ford

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! The pleasure is mine. I have a brother Valejo and lots of cousins in Richmond. I look forward to networking with you, actually if possible, please forward me your mailing address, I would like to send you a copy of my newly released book entitled, "I'm Not God; I'm Just a Woman"I am planning a book tour to your area soon, and could use any help available. It's a must read!!!!


    Lady Ford Delete Comment



  • Apostle, Darryl J Udell Sr D.D.

    Full Gospel Non-Denominational Holiness Church
    Pastor Albert Falley

    "Holy Women United In Prayer"

    Hosted by: Elder Lorena Marshall Jimmerson
    Full Gospel N.D. Holiness Church

    Elder Rita Udell, Co-Pastor
    Rialto Christian Center
    Rialto, California
    Women's President, Churches of Faith In Christ Fellowship Inc.

    Elder ILah Cole
    Greater New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Women's Vice President, Churches of Faith In Christ Fellowship Inc.

    Apostle Joyce Lane
    The Glory of Zion Ministries
    Madera, California

    May 29, 2009
    6:00pm - Prayer Service
    7:00pm - Evening Service

    May 30, 2009
    8:00am - Prayer Service
    9:00am - Morning Service
    (Free brunch following 9:00 service)
    1:00pm - Afternoon Service

    Full Gospel Non Denominational Holiness Church
    8770 Christian Ave.
    S. Dos Palos, CA 93665
    (209) 675-1966

  • Evangelist/Lady Shevelle Ford

    Pastor Bryant,

    I'm gladyou received the book let me know what you think! I am so looking forward to coming to Antioch, those pictures of the water are georgeoug. Let me know how the later part of May or June works for you, I'm narrowing down the details of my trips. My cell number is 225-721-1647, feel free to contact me with any questions.


    Lady Ford

    It is hard to hide from my God, he has a way to reach us all, for his ways are not our ways........come see what our Lovin, inc Creations Social Network is all about!, with each one teaching one we can UNITE and reach the world! at www.lovininc.ning.com COME SEE WHAT OTHERS ARE TALKING ABOUT....

    Khadine Beckford
    President of Lovin, inc Creations

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • God's Comedian LaSalle LaSalle

    God bless you Pastor Bryant! This site has been a blessing to me indeed. In all you do lady, take some time to laugh. May God bless the work of your hands always.
  • Bishop Allen Richardson

    www.unitedchurchesworldwide.com <------------------check this out a wonderful fellowship of churches.

    www.dfwbibleseminary.org <-----a nice seminary as well.....

    Bishop A Richardson PhD
  • Apostle Isaac J. Miles Sr.

    Thank you for allowing me to connect with you. I look forward to working with you for the Kingdom
  • Min.Verlin Meade

    Thank you may God bless always. www.vmeade.com
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

    Greetings Pastor Frechnette Bryant,
    I want to say thank God first of all and to you for allowing him to use you to bless me with those words. may God continue to bless and use you in every area of your life for his Glory. Christian
    Hot Christian Graphics!
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Prophetess, Estella King

    Great is the Lord, God bless you , pray that all is well, It is going to be great getting to know u, so rejoice in the Lord always an again I say rejoice, for God is Great and He is greatly to be praise.
  • Pastor Felicia Johnson

    Bless you Pastor , Thanks for the friends request looking forward to the fellowship...
  • Dominique Howard

    Thank you for the request Pastor Bryant! I am honored to be your friend.
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

    HI Pastor Frenchnette Bryant,
    I'm dropping by your page this morning to ask you to please send to me your email address to my inbox on this on this Black Preaching Netwok, and I will send you my new one. You see A HACKER or A SCAMMER has somehow hack into my email account and stole my USER ID and my Password, and sent emails saying that they were me, and that I had lost my wallet and I needed $1,000,00 to get home because I was a long way from home but it's a LIE, so I had to setup a new account and I will send it to you once I get yours. Please don't send any comment to this old accont (ljbpastor@yahoo) because that's the one that stole my imformation from. God Bless You.
  • ravi raj. Kadiyam

    This is Ravi Raj from India doing Ministry in rural areas and I have mother and on elder brother all are in Ministry field working for the Lord and I have done my Theological studies (M.Th) and I am involving in social work too for the sake of Lord.

    I will be looking for your mail either this or my personal mail that is harvest4christ@gmail.com

    Waiting to hear from you soon

    Yours in Christ
    ravi raj
  • ravi raj. Kadiyam

    This is Ravi Raj from India doing Ministry in rural areas and I have mother and on elder brother all are in Ministry field working for the Lord and I have done my Theological studies (M.Th) and I am involving in social work too for the sake of Lord.

    I will be looking for your mail either this or my personal mail that is harvest4christ@gmail.com

    Waiting to hear from you soon

    Yours in Christ
    ravi raj
  • Apostle Abel Aureli

    Dear Pastor Bryant,

    Would you please pray for us and for our finances?

    I know that this financial crisis is affecting the whole world, but for a missionary family overseas support is vital, not only for the ministry, to reach new communities with the saving message of the Gospel, but for our survival as well.

    Unfortunately, since this crisis, a few supporting individuals lost their job and a couple of supporting churches closed down, so we got to the point that right now we are losing around $ 600.00 of monthly support and we don't even have a single penny on our account. We also have a debt of $2.500.00 on our credit card! We have never been this bad in finances for the past 24 years, since we began our ministry in Italy. So, please pray for us and for our finances. We don't want to give up and surrender to the attack of the enemy!

    If you like to see something about our ministry, you can watch our Photo Show at: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=sNAsWI15S-s, or you can visit our site at: www.operitaly.org, and also you can join our Five-Fold Ministries Group at: http://five-fold-ministeries.ning.com/profile/ApostleAbelAureli.

    The enemy knows that in order to carry on our ministry we need to raise support from overseas because contrary to the general belif, in Italy there are only 0.5% of born Again believers, and many Catholics consider us a "cult", like the J.W., the Mormons or the Moonies!

    Again, I do understand the bat times are in the USA as well, but the Cananian woman responding to Jesus, said: "even the dogs, feed themselves from the crumbs which fall from the table of their owners"! So, we are not asking for what belongs to your church, to your missionaries or to your family, but for the crumbs! We are doing what Jesus Himself told us to do, and that's to "ask, to seek and to knock", then it's up to you to respond as the Lord leads you. So, thank you for your prayers and for any help you will be able to provide.

    You can send your Tax-deductible donations through PayPal at info@operitaly.org, or you can make your check payable to: "International Ministerial Fellowship (IMF)" and mail it to: P.O. Box 32366 - Minneapolis, MN 55432-0366. Please add a note in the envelope, which says that it's for Operation Italy!

    Thank you and God bless you a "million times over", for your love and for your care.

    In His Service,
    Apostle Abel Aureli
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Vivian Turner

    Grace and Peace Pastor Bryant, Thank you for the friends request. Please accept my tardiness in responding, I had not logged on for awhile, I was working on my new novel.

    When time permits, please stop by and read an excerpt and sign my guest book. The book will be out the end of Sept.

  • Vivian Turner

    Kind words are always the right kind, so I stopped by to say:

  • Mommy Dearest

    If you get a moment please check out my new site, http://mom-me-dearest.ning.com/ come join in the sisterhood, we'd love to have you!

    --Mommy Dearest
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates