Howard Sands


Penrith, NSW


Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Blue Mountains, NSW Australia
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Ministry - Beautiful Feet Task Force *
College Attended (optional):
Life Ministry Bible College, Hope College, Good News International University.
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
In 1980 the organisation was founded by its director, Howard Sands, with a burning desire to both win souls and encourage the church to be active overcomers in everyday life, fulfilling the Great Commission. Born on the Scripture found in Romans 10.15, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring good news ..." B.F.T.F. is based soundly on the Bible as the Word of God, historically correct, spiritually powerful and relevant for today. We believe that outside of Christ man is eternally lost and that Christ's substitutionary and sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary is the only way which man can find peace with God and eternal life; it is therefore necessary that this gospel be preached to all men, everywhere.

Howard graduated from Life Ministry Bible College, Melbourne in 1976. He founded B.F.T.F. whilst on the ministry team of the Christian Convention Centre at Mildura, Vic. He has been, salesman, sales manager, branch manager and managing director of various business enterprises, Howard was awarded an honours certificate stage 2 from the Life Underwriters Association of Australia in 1987, he completed his Bachelor of Business with a double major in Business Management and Marketing in 1994 and received the Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry from Hope College Gold Coast in 2000. Howard is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God in NSW.

B.F.T.F. is currently involved in evangelism and leadership training in Asia and Africa, particularly, India and Indonesia, Uganda and Tanzania. Howard has taken many small teams there to minister in evangelistic crusades and leadership conferences. He has ministered in churches and outreach crusades across Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, U.S.A., U.K. U.A.E., Romania, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Ghana, Cameroon, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa.

Howard believes that the most effective ministry is achieved both in and sent out from the local church. Howard & Joy lived for 7 years in Wagga Wagga, N.S.W. where their 2 children, Kylie & Joshua were both born. Joy graduated from Vision Bible College, Sydney, CRC Bible School Victoria & Psalmody. At Wagga, Howard acted as church administrator and Dean of Part Time Bible School for Wagga New Life Centre. Howard has been an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God in NSW Australia since 1993, and for 2½ years Howard & Joy were the founders/senior pastors of Canberra New Life Centre, AOG. He was a lecturer & founding board member of the Canberra Ministry Training College a multi denominational ministry training college (now Unity College). They were active at Riverlands Christian Church, Penrith NSW for over 11 years where Howard was the Missions Director and board member, Joy was the Senior Pastor’s PA for 7 years. They have since pastored an AOG church in Sydney’s north west and now minister through regular victory services, missions and itinerant ministry.

Howard was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity in Sept 2014 at Chennai, India from Good News International University.

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If you are interested in ministry to Africa come and join us at Africa Network

Favorite Preachers:
John Maxwell
Oral Roberts
Myles Munroe
Cliff Beard
Charles Finny Joseph
Ian Woods
Brian Houston

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  • Apostle Dr.Ibe Okenwa

    The gospel culminated on one thing which is Love.Out of Love is out of God,All we say and do today in the name of the gospel will be fruitless with out love.It was love that motivated God to make or create a beautiful world and gave to man to rule.This love also moved God to give his only son for man`s redemption.We may bear big tittles ,Apostles ,Prophets,Pastors,Teachers,Evangelist,Bishop,etc.we can Build Cathedrals,gather hundreds of thousands if all this have no root in love we work in vain.God whom the Bible said in Genesis 1;28 created us in his image is Love according to 1John 4;16.John 3;16 says`For God so love the world that he gave his one and only that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life`The entire gospel comes to a focus in this verse.God`s love is not static,it reaches out to every one who is willing.In 1John 4;16b the writer continued by saying `whoever lives in Love,lives in God and God in him.Living in God is not going to Church,having a position in the Church,having one title or another,being a good preacher,singer etc but living in God is living in love.
    HOW CAN ONE LIVE IN LOVE?In Luke 10;25-37 the bible stated a very vital parable by Jesus himself,An expert in the law stood up to test Jesus`teacher he said,what must I do to inherit internal life?Jesus replied by asking him what is written in the law and how it is been red.In verse 27 the man answered `Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as your self`.Jesus congratulated this man for answering well.One thing that I have seen the Church still struggling with is the issue of loving others as we love ourselves,every one will want the best of life for themselves but it is difficult to wish others the same without minding their race,nationality,religion,baground and social statues,the bible did not say love the people of your race,tribe,gender,religion,family,nation your self,but your neighbor.the man like some may ask today blessed tried to show human intelligence by asking Jesus another question in verse 29 `who is my neighbor and Jesus said to him`A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell into the Hands of robbers.they strip him off his clothes,beat him half dead.A priest happened to pass by the same road but when he saw the helpless man he refused to help,the same did a Levite,this two where religious people who may have some religious reason why they should not help the man.Finally a Samaritan came across and helped.Samaritans were believed to be Godless and sinful people.
    Jesus asked who among this is a neighbor to the man?the expert in law answered the one that had mercy.Matthew 5;7 says `Blessed are the merciful,for they will be shown mercy`.As one who desire to be used by God this end time,the greatest amour must be love with out barriers,sacrificial love,the Christ kind of love that reach out to the dieing ones,the oppressed,the widows,the orphans,the helpless etc.Last Sunday I saw the love of God flow as I handed bags of rice over to about 60 less privileged we invited to the Church and clothed more than 30 young girls and some helpless men with cloths.The most touching was a man who came mad with dirt all over him and torn cloths,whom God delivered and after was changed in good cloths when he came to testify,people were amassed.
    Do you want to see God move in your ministry this end time?move with love and Compassion and the anointing will com in a way you never seen it before.Your neighbor is the nest person you will meat after reading this massage,tell him or her how Jesus loves them,reach out and help.
    remain blessed.
    Love from Apostle Dr.Ibe Okenwa.
  • Sam C. Ikeokwu

    God bless you real good Dr. Howard Sands, is a pleasure getting in touch with you and ministry. I am excited to know you and to have you as a friend. Remain blessed. Pst. Sam C. Ikeokwu. pls. contact me on this mail address;
  • pastor sunday

    i need your help tko accomplished a puirpose.
  • pastor sunday

    God bless you Dr.Horward Sands you may be surprise about my request but i have developed and written this books
    'understanding your spiritual influence"
    "you can do it if you really want"
    I need you to proof read, add and edit, because i don't want to just publish a book but i need good finishing i know i can cofide in you.
    thank's and God bless
  • dare joseph crown

    hillo,pastor it nice having you as my friend,i wish you more anointing to break new ground in vinyard bless u and your wife.
  • Pastor June Tsotetsi

    Pastor Howard,I really thank God the almighty that i managed to join this wonderful venture.Hope to hear more from you.

    God bless.

  • Anthony C. Igwilo

    Greetings to you in Jesus Name,I will like to join your website for everything that has to do with Gosel propagation thrills me allot.God be with you.
  • Pastor Nzyoka Munyao

    Hi Pastor Anthony:
    Receive my Calvary Greetings in the Wonderful name of our Jesus Christ ,hoping that you are doing well in the Lord. I am a Studend in Mahanaim Bible College in Nairobi.We have a Ceremony to those who will Graduation in Certificate in August15th to 21 and I am one of them.,I do ask the play from you . may the Lord Bless you. I Love you and your Famiry.
  • Pastor Charles Agano Muga

    Dearest, Howard Sands.Am so happy to Join Global Ministerial Fellowship International.And i would be happy to know more about it this time, so that i may be glad to share Gods glory to any body who is ready to join the team.our is upcoming ministry that lacks many things to do Gods work to glorify the name of our Lord Jesus.The Global International is a powerful International Fellowship and a great International ministry that it has been a blessing to many young ministries like mine. I pray so that i may continue to grow to help the body of Christ both national and I nternational.I hope God will help us to do Gods work through His mercy to glorify His name.For this great work more blessings to Global International Fellowship ministry. Yours in Gods Service Pastor Charles
  • Pastor Rebecca Myers

    God bless you wonderful man of God, I have whole-heartedly accepted your
    friendship... I like us to know each other better through this social network
    by and by, and to even meet face to face one of these days by the grace of God. My email... or better still you can talk
    with me at ... +2316692355... Once again may God richly bless you.
  • Rev Joshua Oyaro

    Hi Howard, good to read more about you and what the lord is doing through you,
    I would like to invite you to Kenya for evangelistic meetings and training.
    Let me hear from you.

    Rev Joshua Oyaro Kenya
  • Rev Joshua Oyaro

    OK, Thanks for your invitation to come to Kampala, but I will be in the USA in September, how about you visiting Kenya early next year 2010.

    God bless
  • tom m machana

    Its ablessing to have you as afriend.may God through us be ablessing to many blessed with your family.tom
  • Isaac A.Boateng

    Dear Gospel Minister,you're most welcome to come for missions preaching engagement in Ghana,West Africa.

    Thank you for your hand of friendship. i am so bless
  • Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

    Great news to the whole world today!!!!!
    Read 2 Timothy 3 chapter verses 1-5 verses
    II Chronicles 2:14
    God has been dealing with me for some time now about the times we are living in. 2 Timothy says that in the last days perilous times shall come. That means that we are living in dangerous times. The bible tells us that we are going to be lovers of our own selves. People are loving themselves and loving pleasure more than the things of God. People are putting God's work last and their own pleasures first. Children are disobedient to parents, people are unthankful and unholy, do not have any natural affections, we are being false accused, people despise you because you are good because you are not like they are. This chapter even goes on to say that they have a form of Godliness but deny the power.
    If you had read the news lately you will see people killing themselves, (2 11 years olds did on the same day in different parts of the US) killing others for no reason, killing their own children, men going with men, women going with women, preachers are committing adultery and fornication, church people are jealous of one another and praying evil to befall their sisters and brothers, lying and stealing. The economy is bad, money is drying up and you cannot pay your bills, you cannot take vacations like you used to, people are losing jobs every week. Unemployment is at an all time high. People are losing their homes to foreclosures. In Ghana West Africa here most people want tobe rich and they don't want work, so upon this they went for gods or Juju Powers to receive huge and quick money. This is called SAKAWA in Ghana. But finally they find themselves in death during accidents, other turn into some animals like copra, sheep, goats crocrodies, snakes, etc, Others too, took their girls friends for money and this is done by small boys especially, at ages from 18yrs to 25 mostly. I, Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah believe's in my spirit that other countries to are also going through worse things, so please help me spread the Lord Jesus out into the world and Praying then decreasing these strong hold in Jesus name. Because The list goes on and on and on.
    2 Chronicles 7:14 says that If my people, (God is not talking about sinners. He is talking about you, church folks) which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,(the bible tells us that pride come before a fall. Many of you on today have done somethings to some people, your spouse, co workers etc... and you need to tell them you are sorry but you will not. If you do, it is not from your heart. You do not want to listen to any type of authority, you want to do it your own way) and pray,(God says if we regard iniquity in our hearts, He will not hear us. We cannot expect God to really move for us if we have unforgiveness in our heart) and seek my face, (God wants us to diligently seek Him. Not being busy body in other people matters, not sowing discord, but fast and pray)
    and turn from their wicked ways; (when God say wicked, He is talking about ways that is morally very bad, evil, fierce, vicious, causing harm, distress or trouble; marked by mischief. So, when the bible is talking about perilous times, it is talking about wicked times.)
    then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
    If you are going through a dry season right now and it seems that the heaven is shut up and there is no rain, if it seems the locusts have devoured the land, if it seems that pestilence are among the people of God, then we need to do these 4 things.
    1. Humble our selves
    2. Pray
    3. Seek the face of Jesus
    4. Turn from your wicked ways
    Then God will hear from heaven, and first He will forgive our sin and heal your land.
    I dont know about you on today, but I need God to do the supernatural for me. If you need that on Today, humble your selves before God. Repent, tell Him you are sorry, Diligently seek the face of Jesus and after you do all that turn from all your wicked ways.
    If you do not then the wrath of God will fall on you. We need God to move like never before, we need God to destroy all works of Satan, we need God to shield and protect us in these last and evil days. I see preaching falling dead from playing with God and leading people astray. God holds leaders, and ministers to a higher standard.
    Isaiah 59:19 says when the enemy comes in like a flood,the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.
    Coming to Africa, Ghana as a visit or to Minister then connect to us through these numbers: 233-21312004/233-244657468/233-276166067
    Or You want Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah to visit your country, church, family, etc. Feel free to contact us above or below, thanks.
    Website: Please to hear Us here all the time.
    Join today Spread Jesus Out here too.

    1. The portions of scripture that you expounded upon are powerful! Thank you for sharing this true word. A lot of people hate to admit when they're wrong, therefore, they find it difficult to humble themselves, but as for me, I know where my help comes from. It comes from the Lord and I gladly humble myself before Him. Thank you so much for sharing this word with me.

    Marcella, Usa.
    2. Yesterday's ,somebody who has HIV/AIDS came to me at the Church and was cured.We give God the Glory.
    3.Somebody was dead,and was confirm by the Doctor to be taken to the Mutuary,and we requested for the dead body to be taken to the Temple/Church and afeter the prayers he became alive.We give God the Glory.
    4.Somebody was sick and She did scan,but the sickness was not known,but the Lord revealed the sickness
    to me,and i prayed over the water for her to drink and she was heal.We give God the Glory.
    5.I gave direction to people on Friday,any thing you are doing ,lets pray over it.Many came with testimonies,
    but one amusing testimony,was someone how as not sold for some long time now,started to sell sell his goods without sitting down the whole day.Glory and Honour be to Almighty God.
    Please this is your opportunity to reach the Man of God for any direction Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah
    or any means possible.
    Oh Yes
    Join now
    Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah
  • Maurice Obungu

    Praise God man of GOD am glad for the work you are doing especialy in afrca. remember He who has begun o good work in you will not leave it till the the day of accomplition. and He is with you always.
    Man of God let Kenya also be in your plan.
  • Rev. samuel paul

    Thank God 4 ur life, family& ministry great reward a waiting u at the end of all . i pray that the lord will increase u & bless u. one thing i will be expecting from u is how to get me down to ur place u will soon see my picture & family i also need ur prayers always.
  • Dr William D.O. Ouma

    Hello, Mr & Mrs Sands,
    I am happy to learn that you requested we be friends. I request you send me e-mail about what you do in Africa so we can better try to hook up for the glory of God. I live in Kenya, but have work in 5 nations. My e-mail address is I will appreciate getting your e-mail.Blessings
    Dr William Ouma

    May God Almighty through his divine mercies and love always guide you forever more.Amen.I am privilege to extend our lord's spiritual greetings and blessings to you and i will continue to be interceding on your behalf and your ministry.Have a comfortable blessed moment.

    Your's truly,

    Evangelist Elizabeth.
  • Yisahak Abraham Sage

    may God bless you in aboundent
    my name is yisahak abraham
    i have a ministyr working in ethiopia if you want work with us and in ethiopia you are welcome
    many blessings
  • Austin D. Emeson

    Beloved Man of God, thank you so much for adding me as your friend. I am glad that I met you and also seeing that we both have the same Assemblies of God background. That will help us both in understanding each other. I will really love us to work and network together for the work of the Kingdom of God. Stay blessed!
  • joshua Adaglo

    Hello, Mr & Mrs Sands,
    I am happy to learn that you requested we be friends. I request you send me e-mail about what you do in Africa so we can better try to hook up for the glory of God. I live in LOME-TOGO, but have work in 5 continent. My e-mail address is I will appreciate getting your e-mail.Blessings
    pastor Joshua Adaglo TEL +228) 934 38 05
  • apostle tonny kirimi akhwesa

    i recived your messege sir and am so happy that you have a burden for africa and that paharps one day you will find it in your heart to come and visit us in tanzania man of God and continue praying for africa,my email adress is more information.
  • Ronald juma zewedi

    Jesus poured all 3.5 litres of his blood; He had three nails hammered into his members; a crown of thorns on his head and, beyond that, a Roman soldier who stabbed a spear into his chest.
  • Felix Onyebuchi Eboh

    thanks and God bless you for adding me. I pray that our communication be acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. Amen
  • Pastor DAVIDSON

    Hello Pastor,
    God will richly bless you this season of yieltude...............

    God Bless you for all the wonderful work your doing. Africa is a people that are hungry for God. May goodness and mercy follow you, SHALOM
  • musawenkosi simelane

    Come on brother lets take on Africa and the whole world.My God said we must occupy till He comes. I bless God for people live you in my life.

    glory be to God for accepting me as a friend and really appreciate, please visit our website for more information about our ministry:

    I thank you for your choice to me despite the many African friends you have.
    I want to work with men and women of God who can come to my country to preach the word of God so that souls are saved.
    Men of God who are ready to help pastors who are in need on all levels, spiritually, financially, materially.

  • Jonathan G. Jackson

    Hey Bro, Howard,
    greetings from Liberia!
    I was so happy added me as friend. I am Jonathan Jackson a Liberian and a graduate of the University of Liberia. I am a Youth pastor of my church, I will love you been my friend.
    May God bless you.

  • shepherd takayidza

    lets make an appointment to meet 0425257780 is my number call i will respond
  • Rev Joshua Osayimonbo Samuel

    We are personalities of light, as we shine darkness is banish, in as much as we allow the light which we are to shine we remain master and lord over Satan and his demons. The farther this brightness goes the more ground we cover for God, we are all that light represent just as God is all that light represent. Matt 5:14-16 and Acts 13:47. I see us as network of lights and darkness has no place in us and where we are. We are here on a mission to put darkness out of existence. Let’s celebrate the light we are.
  • Pastor Kabash L. Cooper

    can I be a p of the network
    from pastor cooper
    new matadi mov, Liberia
  • Apostle Uchechi Jane Elechi

    God bless you. Thank you for having burden for the continent of Africa. I am happy to have you as my friend. Apostle Uchechi Jane Elechi
  • Armour Ncube

    Thisi is encouraging. My prayEr is that He lifts you higher from one glory to the other as you continue in His service. We are located in Canley Heights and the ministry is just starting. We minister as a daughter church of Grace Outreach Assemblies.

    I just want to encourage you as you walk with Him and in Him. We feel highly favoured that our God could give a burden for our homeland to a servant this far. Be blessed
  • Pastor Precious A. Ikem

    It's my pleasure to have you as a friend to partnership and share the love of Christ together with you. It will also be a pleasure to host you in one of the invents for 2010.
    God bless.
  • Pastor Precious A. Ikem

    It's my pleasure to have you as a friend to partnership and share the love of Christ together with you. It will also be a pleasure to host you in one of the events for 2010. God bless
  • Pastor Precious A. Ikem

    It's my pleasure to have you as a friend to partnership and share the love of Christ together with you. It will also be a pleasure to host you in one of the events for 2010. God bless
  • Kisaame David

    I wish you a Happy New year . Hope to hear from you soon . I have contacted some Pastors in the group of Uganda . thanks for your love for Africa
    .Pastor David
  • Ahoulou Niamke Thomas

    i m happy that you write me on this .i want to join you and play great for this great work.
    this is my mail .
    my address 12 bp 1770 Abidjan 12
  • Pastor Victor odero okello

    Thanks for the invitation to come and share the passion of His word in Africa,When would be the event,I would wish to come.Victor Okello
  • Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.

    All I have to say - as far as this opening video for the new video ministry called "Salt Of The Earth" - is UH, OH. No more sugar-coating the Gospel. No more denying that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to salvation. No more making those who are not saved comfortable in their sins. It's time to boot Satan's lies off the highest cliff and take a more sterner approach because the imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is at hand...

  • boniface nguku runji

  • Apostle S. Sylvain

    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    May He gives you more favor and grace to carry on the mandate of the great commission.

    You are blessed.
  • Pastor Ganizani Valantini

    Thanks for the invitation...and thanks also for having Africa upon your heart. May our friendship grow to the glory of the Lord.
    Grace and peace to you :)
  • Duke Duncan

    Thank you for the invitation my brother in flesh and spirit. I look forward to more correspondance with you.