Pastor Gona Calebu


Guntur, Andhra pradesh


Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
The Hebron Church
College Attended (optional):
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)

Greetings to you in the wonderful name of the Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. It is with great honour that I write you this email

I humbly seek your permission to introduce the Indian Ministry. I am glad
as I am extending my prayers and wishes to you and towards your ministry. And It is so good to hear how God has kept you - and raised you again to minsiter His Word,I just wanted to say that you are precious - a precious gift from Father God - to the nations - for a time like this. And I pray God's presence, His anointing, His insight and revelation in Jesus wonderful Name.

I hope Lord is anointing and using you mightily in His service.

I am introducing my self to seek your prayers for the work that I am doing
in India. I am PASTOR Gona.Calebu from Guntur- Andhra Pradesh South India,
Founder and President of “Pastor Gona Ministries” serving the Lord
for the past 25 years. I am working among tribal
people in our forest area and villages, me and my family members conduct every month pastors meeting"s,childrens and youth meetings,gospel crusades ,We all cover about 15 to 20 villages in addition to the slum areas as industrial areas.
I take jesus to unreached areas. Where the majarity of
population is hindus. . I am very grateful to the Almighty God for calling
me to serve Him in this part of the world

I will be praying for you and for your Ministry. I believe in these end
times we have to labor hard and pray for each other. Hope to hear from you
along with your prayers and blessings.

Thanking You

Yours Brother in Christ
Pastor Gona Calebu
Gudesevasula Colony
Andhra Pradesh
South India
Phone No: (+91)- 9177439383
Favorite Preachers:
reading bible spread the Gospel unreached areas and villages

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