
30, Male

rochester ny

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Rochester ,ny
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
ark of the covent
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
the devil tried to kill me two times by drowning me. but that was just a wepon fromed that didnt prosper. it didnt prosper because the lord had a great perbose for my life. i am sent to be an apostle by god. i am only 16 now and im moving up the chain , my goal is to draw all the young plp in to the church. i am a living testimony for the young plp good bless.
Favorite Preachers:
apostle willam lee,

Comment Wall:

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

    href="http://www.guardiansministry.com">Nat3ddesign Graphics
  • Dr. Charles Easter

    Although we try to get a word daily sometimes we run out of time to search the scriptures and sometimes we want to hear a word from a preacher and we can't. You can now go to www.preachingallday.com and hear messages of inspiration from men of God. We want to enrich your spiritual experience daily through preachingallday.com. Also come join me at http://preachingallday.ning.com.

    personalized greetings

  • Arlee Turner Jr.

    Please rate and comment at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw2YlU12bYM

    God’s Ultimate Weapon HD/DVD Promo Reloaded

    [Note To My Current Friends - I am no longer able to access my old page because my e-mail account has been compromised. The account you see will now be my current account. Please re-add me to your friend’s list and thank you for your understanding…]

    The following media project is not only a video promotion for my upcoming DVD but it is also a video presentation of all videos I created for God’s Ultimate Weapon Ministry and uploaded to YouTube from June 11, 2009 to January 27, 2010.

    To see in full screen go to:

    This project was built, processed and rendered in HD using Adobe After Effects CS4 and Sony Vegas Pro 9.0. There were 42 visual composites layered separately in Adobe After Effects CS4 and rendered together using Sony Vegas Pro 9.0. Sound effects - Pro Scores by Video Copilot. Visual Effects: Action Essentials 2 by Video Copilot, Twitch and Knoll Light Factory. First half of theme song - Pro Scores. Second half - soundtrack from the movie Alien Vs Predator.

    For information on the upcoming “God’s Ultimate Weapon DVD” or if you are interested in having your own church project or event built and rendered in HD; e-mail me at arleeturnerjr@ymail.com or contact me on this website. May the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you all!

    Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.
  • Pastor Gona Calebu

    DEAR Minister Jaiquise
    Greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus
    Christ. It is with great honour that I write you this email And It is so good to hear how God has kept you - and raised you again to minsiter His Word,I just wanted to say that you are precious - a precious gift from Father God - to the nations - for a time like this. And I pray God's presence, His anointing, His insight and revelation in Jesus wonderful Name.
    I am PASTOR Gona.Calebu from Guntur- Andhra Pradesh South India,
    serving the Lord for the past 25 years. I am working among tribal people in our forest area and villages, me and my family members conduct every month pastors meeting"s,childrens and youth meetings,gospel crusades ,We all cover about 15 to 20 villages in addition to the slum areas as industrial areas.
    I take jesus to unreached areas. Where the majarity of
    population is hindus. . I am very grateful to the Almighty God for calling
    me to serve Him in this part of the world
    We request you all with joyful heart to come to our country india and conduct some gospel meetings and pastors conference so that we can spread good news of the JESUS CHRIST. We can add lot of souls unto the Kingdome of God. That will be a greatest blessing to india. If you come teach or train the pastors we can send the well equiped to the indian mission field so that they can build their own ministries according the Lord leads them all with the inspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT. and one more thing we are willing to work with you all. continue to pray for us and for our minsitry . Hope to hear from you
    along with your prayers and blessings.
    Thanking You
    Yours Brother in Christ
    Pastor Gona Calebu
    Phone No: (+91)- 9177439383
    this is my e mail: pastor_gona@yahoo.com