Pastor kashif

37, Male

Toba Tek Singh


Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Christian Colony
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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Day-care center for poor children
College Attended (optional):
Day-care center for poor children
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Poor People's Knowledge - Fund Project in Pakistan
Day-care center for poor children
This project is a non-profit, volunteer-run school for children who would otherwise be on the streets shining shoes or begging.
The world is a tough place, and there is no way to change that, but with a little compassion and a bit of time, we can actually make a difference. And if we can´t change the world, we can at least change their world.
We need volunteers to help teach, fund-raise, build, clean, love, and fight for these kids. This Project is located in the North of Quito in a poor neighborhood near the Pichincha mountain.
Program Description
The objective of this project is to help these poor, underprivileged children, and also to help their parents who cannot always afford a good education for their children. Sometimes these families are so poor that they cannot even afford to keep their children healthy, or provide them with nutritious food. The children in the project come from poor areas and some have family problems as well. This project is for children between the ages from 2 to 4. Some come from families whit an excessive amount of violence or poverty and where the parents have to leave to the children in the center because they need to go to work.
This project hopes to work together with the parents and the community to improve the quality of life of the children and the families in these communities.

This project gathers the families and the parents together through the “Parents School”.
The project serves as a kindergarten for little children, and the volunteers, by taking care of the children, are a huge help.
Volunteer Work Activities
Taking care of children from 2 to 4 years old.
-Teaching basic levels of Maths, Music, Grammar, Geography, and English to the children.
-Organizing of different activities for the children.
-Helping in the kitchen with the preparation of nutritious food for the children..
The volunteers can stay in a volunteers’ hostel or in a host family.
The volunteers have to work a minimum of 4 hours every day, and if it is possible, they can work full time (8 hours). The project opens at 8:00 am and closes at 17:00 pm
Free Time
Free time is available on weekends. During this time you can do excursions to other parts of the country or stay in town to get to know better the community and people.
All the volunteers need to have an intermediate knowledge of the spanish language before starting their volunteer work. If the volunteer is not at this level, Ecuador Volunteer can help him/her to find the best program to improve his their Spanish skills before starting the project.
Mr. Kashif
Christian Colony Toba Tek singh 36050
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Poor People's Knowledge - Fund Project in Pakistan

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