Elder David L. Baxter, Jr.


Columbia, SC

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Truelight SOPPFM,Inc., Myrtle Beach, SC & Founder of Cathedral of Hope SOPPFM,Inc., Reevesville, SC
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am the Pastor of The Truelight SOPPFM, Inc. and the founder of The Cathedral of Hope Sounds of Praise Pentecostal Fellowship Ministries,Inc. located in Myrtle Beach, SC and Reevesville, SC. I am currently the Presiding Elder of Region II of the 3rd Ecclesiastical Province of the Sounds of Praise Pentecostal Fellowship Ministries, Inc.Worldwide. If you would like to know more about the Sounds of Praise, please go to our International website, SOPPFM.org. Both ministries have been birthed out with the mission of Isa. 61:1-4. Our purpose is to not only win souls and mold them into disciples, but also to cause men and women to be transformed into "trees of righteousness, the planted of the Lord, that He might be glorified." I am married to Lady Kym Baxter and have 3 beautiful children.
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Allen H. Simmons
Bishop Alfred E. Williams
The Late Bishop Nathaniel Simmons - founder of the SOP
The Late Elder Patrick Frazier, Sr.
The Late Rev. C. L. Franklin

Comment Wall:

  • mary

    From:Miss Mary Davids
    Abidjan - Cote d'Ivoire
    Dear One,
    It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish in your country.

    Though I have not met with you before but I believe,one has to risk confiding in someone to succeed sometimes in life.

    There is this amount of Ten million U.S dollars($10,000,000.00) which my
    late father's deposited this money with a commercial bank here in Abidjan-Cote d'Ivoire safe keeping before he was assassinated by unknown persons.

    Now I decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Africa for security and political reasons.I want you to help me transfer this money from the commercial bank into your personal account in your country for investment purposes on these areas:
    1). Real estate
    2). The transport industry
    3). Five star hotel
    If you can be of an assistance to us we will be pleased to offer to you 20% for the totoal sum.
    I await your soonest response. (davidmary70@yahoo.com)
    Respectfully yours,

    Miss Mary Davids
  • Apostle Johnnie L. Clark

    Greetings, Elder, good to meet you here on this site. Looking forward to a long friendship...quick question are you related to the Baxters in St. George.
  • Missionary Brenda Berry

    Praise God,Elder Baxter, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to you and may you share the Gospel according to Christ Jesus With Us here at Black Preaching Network,I Look forward to your Friendship On This jorney.
  • Missionary Brenda Berry

    A Friend Is Closer Than A Brother,A Good Friend Would Lay down His Life For His Friend. He would pertect his friend from hurt and harm.
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

    Greetings Elder David L. Baxter, Jr,
    Thank for the freind request and remember that you, your family and your ministry will always be in my prayers. Kingdom Blessing
  • Eld.Brandon A.Cave, Youth Pastor

    Grace and Peace be unto you Elder!
    Thanks for reaching out. I pray that God omnipotent power be bestowed upon your life. Im excited and thankful to be apart of BPN..
    Be Empowered, Be Encouraged and Be Inspired
    Elder Brandon A. Cave
  • Immanuel McCoy

    same to u
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    I speak to every situation that has been held up & stagnated by satanic forces. I release heavenly judgement against every demonic activity assigned against my life in the Name of Jesus. I COMMAND immediate destruction against every contract which has not been validated by the Lord Jesus Christ who is my intercessor and my defense!

    Lord my Father, as I go forward declaring your Word ~ I shall run into intended blessings, kingly favors, promotions, approvals, overgenerous preferential treatment, gifts, awards, recognitions, talented brilliant highly-skilled aides/help, grants, pardons, support, advancements, approvals, ridiculous acts of kindness, plentiful rewards, favorable judgements, instant cancellation of debts, maximum benefits, extended courtesies, exceptional service, zealous assistance, devoted confidants, divine connections, friendships, committed suppliers, enthusiastic promoters of my destiny, fanatical prayer warriors, considerable advantages, special considerations, reinforcements, & happy returns ~ all assigned to meet me on my journey!

    I bless Your Holy Name JESUS my God & King! For You have all Power in heaven and earth! I thank you for the turn-around in my life! Father God, You preserve the faithful & plentifully reward the proud doer of Your Word. You give strength to the weak, and You are my HOPE! Thank you, for I shall have the courage to do Your assignment with your grace and the help of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen.

    God bless you saints of God as you speak your world into existence! You are a true king of God in every sense of the word! Walk in it! It is your inheritance in Christ Jesus our Lord. You have been given lordship in the earth as a representative of our Heavenly Father. You were created to create! AGAPE love!
  • bishop dawn B. willis

    blessings to you Man of God
  • Rev.Rameen Jackson

    Thanks for requsting to be friends. God Bless you my brother. Lets talk soon.
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Prophet Timothy Gilbert

    I appreciate that man and may God richly bless you and your ministry! My email addy is timothy573@gmail.com keep in touch and keep me in prayer!!!
  • Shaun ThePreach Callaway

    Kingdom Blessing to you Elder, Thanks for the Holy Greetings, Pray that all is well with ya Sir.
  • Bishop Lincoln A. Wright

    Thank you Elder Baxter. Happy to be your friend here on the network for Black Preachers.

    Sir, There will be never be another now so make the most of today. There will never be another you, so make the most of yourself.

    Bishop Lincoln Wright
  • Prophet/Pastor Aaron J.I. Hill

    The L-rd bless you Man of G-d. I pray all is well. LET'S STAY CONNECTED....May the richness of G-d's glory empower for the greater glory....shalom & Grace abide
  • Pastor Darrell Thomas

    thank you my friend for your Holy Greeting in the name of our Lord, we must always pray and faint not. God bless u....
  • Elder Lavelle D. Eagle

    Praise the Lord Elder! Please forgive me for this late response......I bless God for you gracing my page with your presence. I pray that all is well, and that you and you family are walking in the favor of God. Again, thanks for showing the love and know that I return it pressed down, shaken together!!! God bless!!
  • Tommy Lee Funderburk

    grace and peace man and woman of god. i would love to talk to you. i am from the baxter family my father was a baxter my name ues to be tommy l baxter jr. my # 803 324-8256
  • Tommy Lee Funderburk

    amen we are family in christ.do you have family in charlotte n.c
  • Elder Lavelle D. Eagle

    Amen Pastor. I look forward to a great friendship as well. I appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to keep in contact sir! When you have a few moments, I would like for you to check out an online magazine: www.brothaonline.com. It is a wonderful magazine and I think that you will enjoy the contents therein. Please spread the word around! God bless you and may heaven forever smile upon you and your family!!
  • Elder Shannon McRae

    Reverend, it's amazing how you finally on-line! LOL
  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

  • Bishop Tyrone Harrington

    thank you sir talk soon
  • Prophet/Pastor Aaron J.I. Hill

    Grace & Peace to you sir....Thank you for reaching out. it is my prayer that all is well....the L-rd bless you and keep you....shalom
  • Pastor Michael McLeod

    Thank you for inviting me to be a friend. Looking forward to connecting. Be Blessed Elder Baxter.
  • Elder Lavelle D. Eagle

    Elder, just wanted to drop by and give you a great God bless you!!
  • Bishop James T. Dixon

    My apology Elder for such a delay, I do not come to this site often. Thank you for sending the Holy Greeting back in April. Please connect with me on facebook that is about all the time I have to spend on social networks consistently. Would love to keep in touch.

    Much Love,
    Bishop Titus
  • Elder Lavelle D. Eagle

    Ministry is going well!! God is ever increasing and we are so very thankful. We are in the midst of our 6th year Anniversary. How is everything there?
  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

    Kingdom Blessings to you Elder Baxter, May you continue to flow in the fire of the Holy Ghost.
    His Servant,
    Pastor M. Truss-Barber

  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

  • Apostle Ken & Robyn Coats

    Keep your eyes on the finish line
    1. Ecclesiastes 9:11 declares I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all

    Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
    I am reminded of John the Baptist running his race I can imagine how hard it must have been to be an outcast no one to encourage him but yet determined to run the race that God set before him, he than past the baton to Jesus John 1 24-34 and Jesus through persecution beating being disrespected bruised for our iniquity took it all and yet forgave Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. And yet through persecution Christ endured it all by keeping his eyes on the finish line I can imagine him running the baton all the way to the cross with His arms stretched out like a runner winning the race saying” It is finished “I am writing this to all believers to stay encouraged love you all with the Agape love of God stay encouraged we need each other no matter what denomination you are in we are all His lets finish this race strong, lets finish clean Love you all stay encouraged
    Forever indebted to the King
    Pastor Ken Coats
  • Maurice

    Bless You Elder Thank You for adding Me.
  • Tawana Ross

    PrayzeFest Tour is a Free concert we are doing all across the country. If your church or organization would like to Host us contact me at info4@bedrockgospel.com and I will forward your request to the Prayzefest Team Coordinators. Our hearts desire is to lift up the name of Jesus..Lives are being change and transformed by the power of the Almighty God. We have a spirit of expectancy. We expect God presence to be there and we expect Transformation to happen instantly. This Concert is filled with Holy Hip Hop ministers, contemporary ministers, comedy and more. God has bless us nationally and internationally. A charge to keep we have a God to glorify. If you would like to hear the commerical I can forward it to you..email me your email address
    You can visit my website at www.bedrockgospel.com or www.thetriunenetwork.com. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

    Click to play Songs from ReverbNation:

    Global Love - Tawana Ross
    Contagious - Tawana Ross
    Just God - Tawana Ross
    One Lamb - Tawana Ross
    Change the world - Tawana Ross

    Enjoy! Blessings upon you


    Tawana Ross

    We also have a commercial running in the markets... To God be the glory!!! If you have any connects with radio stations, internet stations, people that want to interview or host the tour pass it on!

    Be Blessed,

    Email address : rahru1@hotmail.com

    PrayzeFest Tour 2010
    Booking: Ms. Rahru Arceneaux
    Administrator: Ms. Ann Hackney
  • Prophet Mark Eden Charles II

    Greetings to You Elder Baxter,

    I gladly accept your friendship on here sir. All is well here in Indiana we are in the process of relocating to Florida. We have accepted a position to come along side and be Executive Pastors for a ministry in Florida. So I am still in the mist of traveling in ministry and relocating at the same time. But God is continuing to bless and make his himself manifest strongly in our lives. Again if we can be of any help please let us know what we can do and we will go from there kind sir.

    Blessings to you,
    Prophet M. Eden Charles II
  • Min. Willie L Adgerson JR

    Great Elder. its and honor been your friend up here. I see you are from my neck of the area. I'm Santee on the other side of Orangeburg. Let's keep in touch
  • Bishop F. Allen Jones,Sr. Th.D.

    Welcome aboard my Elder....Always glad to have the family with me.
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

  • Jamian Pippen

    Thank you Pastor for the friend request. I definitely look forward to connecting with you in the near future!
  • Bishop Shawn J. Johnson

  • Apostle Joseph Carswell

    Thanks for the add Man of God. Continue to reach further in what God has called you into. Be blessed.
  • Jamian Pippen

    It is definitely my honor. Let me know if there is any way that I can be a blessing to you! I think we have to keep in mind that iron sharpens iron!
  • Jamian Pippen

    Do you instant messenger on there?
  • Elder Lavelle D. Eagle

    Elder!! Grace and peace unto you my friend...........I am praying that all is indeed well!
  • MIN L.C Graham

    no problem sir i was just up there in feb. hit me at any time 904 347 5271
  • MIN L.C Graham

    whats good been a while?????