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  • God's Comedian LaSalle LaSalle

    God bless the Bishop and welcome to BPN. I love,"down home gospel" too. That is why I always talk about the twins....Etha Mae and Utha God used them well. Their singing made the unsaved clap. In all you do sir, take some time to laugh. Be still to be blessed!
  • T.L. Hawkins

    Isaiah 40:31 ( KJV)

    31) But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
  • Vincent Wanyonyi Makonge

    Dear man of most high God,


    Thank you for your wonderful massage! we serve a truly awesome God.
    What a privilege. We are excited for your life and ministry especially as a family and not only you but as
    gift in the body of Christ.

    I know that God is doing a new and exciting thing in me and through me.
    I have more confidence than ever in my gifting and lam excited about my future in Christ.
    Lam very happy to be connected to you in the spirit! You are an encouragement to my soul.
    You will cause many enemies to flee from the territory of the lord Jesus Christ GLORY is to GOD. We found out through
    your newsletters. We saw your great efforts of writing from that place just like the Apostle Paul did two thousand years ago.
    GLORY to GOD for you and your ministry, may God continue to bless you and prosper your ministry.

    I would like to request literature,BIBLES,BOOKS, PAMPHLET, CD TAPES,MASSAGE ON CASSETTE and also our churches
    many of them are operated under the trees please assist us to build them.
    We also need food for orphans and clothes because there clothes were burned by people of turmoil which was in a were country Kenya as you seen on TV
    since election of December last years up to now. Please be kind and pray for our ministry as well and our children and all saints at our congregation.

    Please accept me as your co-workers and help me to promote this ministry.
    With these needs of the ministry I have approached you for your kind help.
    I look forward to from you soon


    Bishop Vincent Wanyonyi Makonge
    P.O.BOX 1543


  • Dr. Shane E. Rowe, Sr.

  • Bishop Christopher Wright

  • Prophet Elie Blesson

    Shalom Bishop
    My name is Elie Zadok and I am a prophet of the LORD and I live in Cote d'Ivoire in Abidjan the Capital and I am an evangelical church named The House of Manna-Fest Church.
    I come by this letter to ask you a amitier and collaboration as well as a spiritual aid ,......
    I want to work in collaboration with you so that souls are won to Christ and also represent your ministry or your church in my country and Africa.
    While waiting to hear from you God bless you abundantly

    Sem Cham Ministries
    cel: 0022508886272
    Prophet Elijah Zadok
  • John Peavy

    Praise the Lord Click here or go to to see how churches, artists, ministries, and businesses around the world are effectively marketing and promoting their ministries, products, services, books, and events to a worldwide audience. Share your message in an effective way that will bring you results. This is the same tool that both small and large businesses are using to attract new customers, maintain the current ones, and their profits are skyrocketing. Churches and ministries are reaching the lost, expanding globally, and attracting new converts to their ministry. If you or the church or ministry you belong to needs additional finances outside the four walls of the church this tool will help you. This powerful marketing tool has helped me and many ministries and businesses to grow consistently. Have a blessed day!
  • Kelvin B Johnson

    Psalm 90:12; Matthew 6:33
    Psalms 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

    Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    There is an old saying that, "You are never too old to learn" As I look at this text today ....Here I see a lesson, that one could never be too old to learn: The Psalmnist say's "Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom"........The Living Bible says..... "Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should."

    Someone said life is like a dollar bill....You can spend itany way you want to...... but you can only spend it once.

    When you spend money there is really one of two ways you can spend it......You can waste it .....or you can invest it.......The same thing is true with life.
    You can waste your life .......or you can go through life trying to make every minute or every moment of your life count.

    It doesn't matter whether you are young or old......... six or sixty.......... whether you are healthy or wealthy......puny or poor, You can make the rest of your life the best of your life.

    Suppose you were able to turn back the hands of time.....and you’re were going back to a starting point…. where you are old enough to know right from are old enough to learn.... old enough to understand.............and you could ask the Lord, the question “how do I make the rest of your life, the best of your life”......

    What do you think the LORD would say? What response…would such a question deserve……I stop by to tell somebody……..I don't think you have to wonder .....

    I believe the answer lies within the perimeter of our text.

    Mt. 6:33 Jesus said "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."

    I think you can summarize what Jesus said here in 3 words: "First things First"

    Now….. I know that sounds simple, but I want to tell somebody, that if We, starting today, would consciously, continously, constantly and consistently put first things first,
    I believe that it would absolutley transform our lives......the formula for how to do that, is found in this tremendous statement from the mouth of Jesus.
    "Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and His righteousness...and all these things shall be added unto you"

    In Other Words Set Proper Priorities

    The Bible is filled with Promises …..That tells us…. how God wants to bless each and everyone of us……..yes ….if David was here today… he would tell you ..”If you delight yourself in the Lord, that He will give you the desires of your heart”

    If John could be here…. I’m sure that he would remind us …”that above all things God wants us to Prosper and be in health even as our soul’s prosper”

    But it is all contingent on having your priorities set in order…..Seek ye first……

    Everything rises and falls right here......If your priorities are not in order - your life will not be in order.....If your priorities are not right - you can say what you wanna but…….you want be right.

    You don't have to pray about what your number one priority in life should be - you don't have to think about it - you don't have to discuss it - you don't have to look for it ..........All you have to do..... is just Do It. Why? Because Jesus has already told us what our first Priority should be, and that is "Seek first the kingdom of God"

    Now lets look at this ......The word SEEK means to "Actively Pursue"or "to Go After" to Investigate…to Explore… The word seek ….is in the present tense.......It means continuosly...Everyday of your life you ought to seek first the kingdom of God.....But I think I need to tell you.....

    in order to seek the kingdom..... you must first seek the King.......because you cannot have a kingdom without a King....The first priority of your life ought to be to seek the King of the kingdom.

    Did you not Know, that the Christian life is more than just excepting the Lord, it is seeking the Lord ....The Lord is not just someone you just passively accept. He is someone you actively seek........ can't you here James saying "Draw Nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you" .......God has promised in Jer 29:13 "Ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all of your heart"

    But I've come to tell you, it's not enough to just seek the Lord ...... (No) You must seek Him first. To Seek first means putting the Father first.....First before anything or anybody.

    As a matter of fact...... there are three words in this Passage, that I want you to circle when you get Home

    In Verse (30)..... I want you to circle the word Verse (32)..... circle the word Father Verse (33)... circle the word First........You know the Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please the Lord and I wonder this morning do you know what faith is? Faith is putting God first

    I think I need to tell you, that the Lord does not want A Place in your life.......(No) he does not even want Prominence in your life....He wants Preeminence in your Life.

    Jesus wants the First moments of everyday......He wants the first day of every week..... (Yes) Jesus wants the first Part of every Paycheck.....All I'm trying to tell Is..... the Lord wants to be First

    No .....the Lord is not interested in being first runner-up if though it was some kind of beauty contest.....He is not interested in being Vice-President in your corporation ....He is not interested in being second in command, in your army......God wants to be the King, on the throne of your heart ....and not just a co-partner in a we should seek the King of the kingdom

    Not only are we to seek the King ...but we are to seek the Kingdom.........The Kingdom of God ought to be the obsession of your life.......Not your Girlfriend....your Boyfriend......Not your Job .....not your career...... not Fame ...not fortune...not pleasure......But the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, ought to be the most important things on your agenda.

    When we seek God's Kingdom .......It simply means that we are seeking for the Glory of the the King
    every part and parcel of your life... every minute and moment of your time.... every ounce and pound of your strength.... every muscle and fiber of your body, ought to be given for the Glory of God

    Can't you here Paul saying in (I Cor. 10: 31 "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the Glory of God.")

    I think I ought to tell you here.. as I Wrap this up That seeking the Kingdom Of God...... also means seeking His Guidance.....
    A loyal subject always wants to do whatever the king would have you to do.

    There is no higher calling in life ...than to find out what your King wants done and then do it. Every morning of your life, you ought to begin by asking the Lord what Paul asked the Lord on the Damascus Road.........when he said.......Lord what will thou have me to do?

    So as I get ready to leave you ........
    The Psalmnist said.....Lord teach us number our days ...... and ....
    to recognize...... how few our days are..... upon this earth
    Help us spend those day as we should..........
    I don't know about you
    But I realize......that we don't have a whole lot of time in this life ..........
    but I wanna use the time I have...... and make the best days of my life
    So I've come to tell you........How The Rest of our life
    Could be the Best of our Life
    Can't you hear Jesus saying
    Seek Ye First ......That's All I've gotta tell you
    Seek Ye First.......The Kingdom of God
    Seek ye First........The Righteousness..... of the Lord
    And A-L-L these things..... shall be Added
    Seek Him while He may be found .......Call on HIM while He's Near
    I'm Seeking everyday of my life
    I'm running trying to make a hundred
    Ninety nine and a half want do
    Lord help me
    to make the rest of my life.....the best of my life