Prophetess T. Roberts


Jacksonville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Jacksonville fl
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
Mature Christian in Christ (Don't need a church home)
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Called into Ministry 14 years ago. Have the prophetic anoiting. Love praise and worship music. Inspirational writer. Enjoy peace and quite! Enjoy God's work. Not bound but free! Christ is my covering! Mature Christian in Christ a leader and not a follower. No how to listen and be lead by the Holy Spirit. Have favor with God and man.
Favorite Preachers:

Comment Wall:

  • Prophetess T. Roberts

    hi I would like to meet you
  • Virginia Hyder

    You are so welcome and thank you for becoming my friend in Christ. In Matthew 7:24 Jesus said "Therefore whoever hears these saying of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: (25)"and the reain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it din not fall, for it was founded on the rock. May the Lord continue to build you on the solid rock. Be Blessed Indeed!
  • Evangelist Temika Lyons

    Greetings Prophetess Roberts, thank you for the encouraging words from the Lord and may God continue to bless you.
  • Prophetess T. Roberts

    Cool, I have been a part of this church all my life and look for positive changes soon!
  • Prophetess T. Roberts

    wow Germany? would love to visit, what are you doing there?
  • Singer/Songwriter Kelly Manu

    Thank you so much!
    I'm loving my ministry to the absolute fullest.
    I feel so much joy inside everytime I encourage a lost and lonely soul.
  • Apostle.. JOHN HAMMOND

    Thank you woman of God may he increase his grace in your life and ministry.
  • Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala

    Welcome to minister to us in Kenya. I have read your profile is good and I willing to share with.
    God bless you.
  • Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala

    Please can you read more information on myblog and same time we can share.or visit
    God bless you
  • Teria Whitted

    thank i really needed to hear that you have no idea how that lifted my spirit
  • Lonnie Kluttz

    Greetings Sister,

    There isn't one scripture that says that tithing is money or that the paster's fees comes from tithing.

    God Bless
  • Yisahak Abraham Sage

    dear prophit of God
    thank you for being a friend
    shashemene is very good harder than other places in ethiopia
    but thaks to almighty God because of our almighty we are still living in breaking bondage and praising the lord about it
  • Apostle Nicholas Stanley

    God will position men at every stratagic point of your life and ministry to expand the scope of your influence in the physical and spiritual realm. You are a great person.little traits without God will break you, big trials with God will make you Great. May you always find strength in Gods luv and faithfulness. I am glad to meet you here. Stay blessed.
  • Pastor Eric Tolbert

    Thank you so much Prophetess. My prayers are with you. May God continue to use you and speak through you to touch the lives of many. I am honored to be connected.

    Pastor Eric
  • Apostle Nicholas Stanley

    Thanks for the words prophetess. God spoke to me while praying for my friends that you His end-time finishing arrow in His hands, just keep focused and prayerful. Be free to write me and partner with me. I would like to have your contacts if you don't mind. Stay blessed.
  • Pastor Eric Tolbert

    Prophetess Roberts,

    Just stopping through to wish you a safe and blessed Holiday. May God's spirit by with you as you travel through this day. Isn't it awesome to know that we serve the true God of Independence and freedom. For whom the Son set's free, is free indeed.

    Be blessed, and may God's love and favor overtake you.

    In Him,
    Pastor Eric
  • Yisahak Abraham Sage

    dear prophit of God
    i am very happy and honored to have you here in ethiopia please pray about it and if GOD sprit sent you here i am very willing to make a program with corporating with churches
  • Bishop Edgar Young Jr

  • Yisahak Abraham Sage

    dear women of God
    thank you for your interest to visit my countryi am very glad to have you here
    i will arrange a program two or three conferances in different places and when you come here you will pray for our country and we will see mighty hand of God
    about helping poor women and orphands living with hiv aids program i want you to join with me to help them
    you will love it
    read psalm 23
  • Pastor Felicia Johnson

    Bless you Prophetess, just wanted to say hello ...and Manifestation is on the way Glory!!!! love ya!!!
  • The Apostle

  • The Apostle

    Prophetess T, Let me know what you think about this. A I look forward to a Kingdom working friendship with you.lso I am inviting you to the summit in Austin I am hosting,
  • The Apostle

  • Pastor Eric Tolbert

  • Hardest Working Woman in Credit

    Time to wake up saints!! Don't ignore the signs..

  • Janice Marshall in Christ (JMC)

    Amen, the same to you my dear sister!
  • Barbara B, MBA

    Hello Prophetess Roberts,

    Please accept my invitation to add me as a friend and connect with 26,500+ black professionals that are supporting each other's businesses (churches are welcomed). It is a powerful group with lots of benefits and opportunity to connect with other powerful black professionals and their families all around the world. We officially launched the BBN in Atlanta, GA, August 29th. It was truly a historical event and the kick-off of our worldwide movement toward economic empowerment. "Marcus Garvey began this mission in the early 1900s when he united millions of Black people all over the world, and got everyone being, buying and building Black. With the great reach and power of the Internet, we aim to further his accomplishment."

    This is one of the hottest, new websites on the Internet, called Black people are uniting to network and support black businesses. It's really great. If you’re ready to be a part of a movement that will create wealth in our communities (that means you) I encourage you to click on the link, JOIN and list yourself (for FREE) for exposure and reach for your products and/or services. If you don’t have a business, you can come in as a consumer and be able to find and buy black products/services from our black businesses (join for FREE). Visit the site and check out the businesses where brothers and sistas are part of this GROWING movement to “Buy Black”. Please share this with other positive brothers and sistas.

    Be blessed,

    Barb B, MBA
  • Pastor Felicia Johnson

    Bless you sister just wanted to send some godly love you way!!!!
  • Prophetess, Estella King

    God bless you, I pray that all is well, and just stop by to say that I Give God praise for you my Sister for just being who you are in Him and I pray that the wind of God Glory will fall fresh even greater in your life,
  • Pastor Felicia Johnson

  • Marchette Irene Dewberry

    It truly is a blessing to get your e-mails I thank God for finding you as friend in Christ Jesus. Some times I get really depressed and it seems to get harder and harder to come out of them but when I read your e-mails it gives me the courage and strength to keep movin on in Christ.
  • Marchette Irene Dewberry

    thank you so much for your words of encouragement.Thats all I can do is stand on Gods word because I do believe
  • Marchette Irene Dewberry

    hi how are you well i'm here i just wanted to tell you that my sister died today at 4:30pm this afternoon her children are taking it hard so am i but i am doing my best to encourage them i'am raising her two sons i've had them both since they were babies my mother is raising her daughter but at this time my mom is in critical care herself i had to be the one to make all the decisions concerning her because my mom is hooked up to heart monitors an oxygen machines this is the hardest thing i ever had to do i had them doing everything they could to save her then my mom called down stairs to tell me that i had to let her go i just wanted her to be her for her kids but i geuss God said otherwise so now at this time i have all three of my sister's kids including my daughter that i adopted from birth please pray for me and my family my brother is in prison in FT.Stockton his name is Leon Hemphill i don't know how to get in touch to let him know about our mother and our sister
  • Marchette Irene Dewberry

    Well Hello I must say that I am doing better today I would like to take the time to thank God my mother is home from the hospital and I gave my sister the best farewell that I could. Now I have to go on and raise her children with all the love that I have for her she has two sons Thomas Collins Jr. (T.J.) he is 8yrs old Daniel Hemphill he is 1yrs old and a daughter named Destiny Gordon She Is 11yrs old and I also have another child that I am raising I adopted her when she was one day old she is my daughter her name is Passionelle Smith she is 13yrs old I have never given birth to any children but I thank God because now I do have children to take care of and to love. I don't have the financeses to take care of them with I only make 8 dollers and 15 cents an hour but by God's grace we have been making it
  • Marchette Irene Dewberry

    oh yes Maam we do celebrate Christmas I always try to put things into perspective for my kids they ask me why do we celebrate Christmas and I tell them it is because this is the day that we as humans choose to celibrate his birthday because no one really knows the exact day that Jesus was born. Jesus Christ was the greatest gift that God could ever give us because through Jesus we have salvation and a chance to enter into the kingdom of God and thats one reason we give each other gifts.I pray many many blessings into your Ministry and every time you touch preach and pray that the anionting of God will fall so strong that every thing and every one around you will be blessed, healed set free and delivered from every evil thing in Jesus name Amen
  • Apostle Nicholas Stanley

    Hi prophetess you know i cant forget you, you are always in my heart and iam praying for you. send me your email and i will send you a picture of me. Please keep in touch.
  • Evangelist/Lady Shevelle Ford

    Prophetess Roberts thanks for excepting the invite!! I look forward to a lasting friendship; actually we're going to jump into this thing head-first.... I need your help, and it won't cost you anything except a little time. Our outreach ministry is coming to YOUR CITY, and we need some people that are looking for a SHIFT, as they EMBRACE this SASON OF CHANGE....., too help us get the WORD out!!! LIFE-CHANGING!!!! We're actually coming to Jacksonville, this Saturday for a planning meeting and would love your imput if you're available...Let me know if your available its going to be Saturday the 12th at 9:30 @ Family Dinner 800 Dunn Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32218. Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lady Ford
  • Prophetess, Estella King

    God bless you, in everything you do, and I pray that you joy will be complete