


Profile Information:

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Senior Pastor
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WORLD MISSION WAS STARTED IN THE YEAR 1999 . I am the founder and the Senior Pastor. the church is solely about missions. To reach the unreached with the Gospel and raising leaders for the end time generation and to change peoples life.Those who avails themselves. I am married with three children.Prayer is my way of life. I believe that with much intense prayer we are able to overcome more territories. My heart is to bring souls closer to their creator. I believe also that it takes information to bring about our spiritual transformation. I am preacher, teacher, deliverance minister, worshipper
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    God bless you Apostle for being a part of the kingdom builders. may the good lord bless you for all you are doing for him and you say Amen

    welcome Apostle you here from later. Greetings to mama Rita

    For the Harvest
    Rev Osei Owusu
  • Apostle Lois J. Parchment

    For God be the Glory for the great things that he is doing in my life and also your life as well, Get ready this time and seasoning that God revealing the True Apostles and Prophets in these days, the counterfiets will be revealed, but those that have remain faithful in their calling will be established in these great days in the Kingdom of God.. so get ready God doing a new thing in your a life for a change to come, without a change their is no purpose in God, so reposition his Apostles arise and shine in the Lord and rearrange everything in order, according to God Purpose, plans, and destiny in the lifes of his people, so get yourself prepared what God getting ready to do in your life in the church for this mighty Apostolic movement of God,, The blessing of God will be among u and his anointing will become even stronger on you life as Holy Spirit began move greater. Get ready !!!!! God bless you
  • Rev. Prince Boateng-Asamoah

    Hail Apostle Kingsley, thou art highly favoured, blessed are thou among men for the eyes of the Lord has behold thee. Thank God for generals like you in the ministry and senior citizen in kingdom. I will like to know more about you. Please contact me at princeboatenga@yahoo.com or 233 244 381235.
  • Rev. Prince Boateng-Asamoah

    Dear Apostle Kingsley Bright Asare

    Am every ready as a kingdom soldier to deliver the mandatories of God to the people of God at any time when you call. But let me know the subject and the theme for the conference that one may be well equipped to deliver up to expectation. Thanks.
  • Prophet Christopher A. Zibiri

    Dearly Beloved,
    Thanks for your letter,May i know your physical address,your Mobile phone number,am likely to visit you soonest,hope am welcome?My Email is evangelistoshio@hotmail.com pls do write to me directly.My Mobile number is +233541926136.
    Thanks and God bless you in Jesus Name.
    Prophet,Evang.Christopher A.Zibiri.
  • Prophet Christopher A. Zibiri

    Thanks,feel free to do so,you are very much welcome.I do hope you have to
    contact me through my Email and phone numbers too:evangelistoshio@hotmail.com +233541926136 ,+233541926136,
    God richly bless you in Jesus Name.James 1:17.

    Apostle' i am in the country for my father's funeral. And would be grateful if you could give me the opportunity to bless your church before i leave for belgium. My numbers is 0244209951:thank you: apostle patrick
  • Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

    PROPHETIC WORD FOR YOU. PT107 by Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

    1. His (God’s) righteousness on you to make your Life easy in Jesus Name.

    2. May you prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your Soul prospereth in Jesus Name.

    3. Jesus is always keeping you in prayers-in his Name. Amen

    4. May it be to you as you desire it, in Jesus Name.

    5. You should be alert during the next few days, weeks, months, years, He is bringing all to pass than they have said concerning you in Jesus Name.

    6. God is checking it again by faith, and will do it, in Jesus Name.

    7. God is moving with higher speed to bless his people like you, in Jesus Name.

    8. God is in action to break through every area of your Life in Ministry, Family, Business, etc in Jesus Name.

    9. God is your provider. He will provide all for you, henceforth in Jesus Name.

    10. God is the master of everything. He owns and rules everything in Life, Ministry, and Family etc. He is Lord of all you have and you are about, in Jesus Name.


    I thank God for your Life so much for your spiritual desire, I know God is going to use you more the more in this end time,

    So keep the fire burning at all time in every circumstance. This are some of the prophetic directions, that i gave, even in my Church in Accra,Ghana,use a container of Voltic pure water and continue to make sure that there is water in it always,

    It may not be Voltic alone, but container that can hold water, I anoint it all the way from here by Faith. Immediately you put water, anointing will begins to flow, Abraham has no where to go, this all means by faith, I want you to apply your faith, a living faith. The same way apply to Sarah and co. She did apply faith, it’s your turn for you to apply your faith in God, in any way possible apply the faith, if it’s of God it will be possible. The Bible said, you shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass, am here to decree a thing according to the Book of Job 22:28,am here by today decreeing upon any one hearing the sound of my voice now, as you are about to apply your faith in God, take one Shoe or any of yours and decree upon it, that favour is mine, glory is mine, progress is mine, promotion is mine, e t c.The Bible said, wherever I will put my feet, there must be overtaking spirit, as I use this shoe, I command every sickness,primature death,problems,sorrow, etc, under my feet to die in Jesus name.Amen.Finally,each and every body must be serious to draw closer to God at all time, this alone will help us to fly like Eagles in the Vin yard of Jesus Christ.Amen.Get in contact with the man of God today and lets work together. Below addresss: God bless you.

    Everyone is welcome to send his/her prayer request and support to the above mentioned person/Ministry, or
    below address:
    Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah,
    Power Life Prophetic Ministries,
    Box 55 ,James Town, Accra , Ghana ,
    West Africa .
    Tel: +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004, +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468, +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067.
    Rush here for your daily" Prophetic Word for you".You can Email or call for your requests.
    Website: www.jesusfm921.com Listen to Apostle and other Great Men/ Women of God here.
    Email: paulasamoah@yahoo.com


    Please help Join spread Jesus out here too.
    Good News: 24hrs Children's prayers, 24hrs Adults prayers. Call or Email us today!!!!
    Remember, Jesus is the answer to every problem in this World, please don't dulg,be under the Umbrella of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Note: We take this opportunity to pray for the Ministers/Churches,Bishops and their Wives,Business Men and Women,Presidents in each Country,and Families all over the World.
    By Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah.
  • Vivian Turner

    Sending Happy Birthday blessings your way. May the Lord bless you with many more!!


    I love the Lord
  • Howard Sands

    I would like to make your acquaintance on the Africa Network, where we are developing ministry opportunities across Africa and building unity across the body of Christ.
    Together we can build a resource to help the African Christian churches grow strong in numbers, maturity and delivering the Great Commission
    Join us here

    Happy New Year
  • Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.

    This is my first attempt at stepping into mainstream video media using the tools of their trade. The first video was rendered with video compositing and editing software and uploaded to YouTube in HD 720 and the second is an avi video made with...ahem...Microsoft Movie Maker.

    Rate this video and watch in full screen at:


    I am so happy to have you on this network as friend. I have read your note and I am in great support to your vision. keep the fire burning and let see what will be. give me more information of what is happing thanks
  • Vivian Turner

    Man of God, Thank you kindly for your words of encouragements, they were greatly appreciated and received. May the Lord continue to use you for His glory and Kingdom building. Be blessed Apostle Asare!!