

Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
First Assembly Church
College Attended (optional):
Daniel Payne College
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I'm a born again child of God, I walk by faith and not by sight. I love the Lord with all my heart, I'm a believer, not a doubter, I'm single, have three grown children. and I'm standing bold for Christ.
Favorite Preachers:
Noel Jones,T.D. Jakes, Juanita Bynum and many more

Comment Wall:

  • Abad A. Perez

    Just wanted to say hello and to introduce myself. If you want to connect here you are welcome to add me as a friend.
    Rev. Abad
    Mission Planters Network
  • Anna

    Welcome aboard! You'll love this blessed place....
  • Apostle Dr. Melody Barclay

  • ElderJeffery Jones

  • Alex

    Friend, does your church have an e-mail where I can send my prayer requests to? I really need prayer support right now.
  • Abad A. Perez

    Thanks for adding me as a friend.
    Rev. Abad
    Mission Planters Network
  • Prophetess Arleen

  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

  • Apostle Dr. Gloria Trueh

    I welcome you Sister Marily into the Kingdom of God. You have made a great and powerful step to make God your Lord and Savior. God is going to use you mightly to win more souls for His Kingdom. Remember, that the joy of the Lord is your strength. Amen.
  • Evangelist Cookie Hunter

  • Apostle Doreen L. Malcolm

    Thank you for the Friend Request....Awesome and Mighty Woman of God!!!!! I look forward to the fellowship...

    With Love,
    Min. Doreen
  • Prophetess Arleen

  • Child of the Kingdom

    God Bless you sister Marilyn,
    I thank you for your encouraging words as I aim to continue speaking the truth even if it knocks me upside my head. :) I'll simply say ouch and move up higher. May God richly bless you.

    I Love you Sis. And keep on being a blessing to the body of Christ.
  • Tracy Lawanda

    Greetings Woman of Yah,

    I pray that you are having a wonderful day in Yahweh.

    Thank you for heading to the leading of the Holy Spirit to join Spiritual Support Group for Women. We are here to laugh together, cry together, and uplift one another.. I thank Yah for you. Remember you have the POWER! to move mountains.. Just continue to trust Yah. He has a purpose and a plan for your life. Welcome to the family!

    Your Spiritual Sistah Tracy Lawanda

    My Motto:
    "A new morning is a new beginning to get it RIGHT!"
  • Franky-D

    Thank you for the love back and I look forward to staying connected with you. TELL A FRIEND... If you get a chance check out my NEW ALBUM FREE TO DOWNLOAD WITH THE FLYER BELOW... NO GIMMICKS... REGISTRATIONS... OR HASSLES. 12 SONGS FREE WITH 1 DIRECT LINK! -CLICK HERE

    Here is a sample single from my latest Music Video called, "What It Does?" Mr D-Note featuring Franky-D & Krysten Ortiz-What It Does?
  • Pastor Silas John

    Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ...

    Dear Sister Marilyn
    God bless you to all of you... I am Pastor Silas John Running Bible Preaching Ministries In Pakistan, So I need your help and prayer. Please Visit Our website: and see our work of God..... Please Send Your Email

    God bless you + Family+ Church
    Pastor Silas John
    Call # +92306073587
  • Remegio CBlanco

    Dear Madam Marilyn,

    Madam Marilyn, thank you so much for adding me as one of your friends.Amen. Madam, be assured that we're praying fror you and all yours. Madam Marilyn, i do believe that one day you may able to come and minister to our Womens groups and hold revival. Madam Mariulyn, looking forward to hearing from you again.Love you all.
  • Pastor Glenn Rogers Sr.

    My Dear Co-Worker In The Ministry,

    I am asking you to please take the time to learn about “transfer-factor”. These molecules give the immune system its intelligence. This is the answer to your prayers that God would send something to help people to get better health. Not a vitamin, herb or mineral. It is in the first milk of every mother. This is God’s medicine!

    It boost the immune system 437% above baseline. Nothing had ever been documented to boost above 70%. It even stops the immune system from attacking the human body. It is in the Physician’s Desk Reference (P.D.R.), since 2005.

    In this region, Christians, Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and Atheist are joining to promoted send a solution to the many diseases that face your family and church members.

    Many doctors and researchers are saying that this is the most important discovery in 200 years this “miracle molecule”. We have never seen this type of unity, around a product. We have recently brought in some big name Bishops. None of us have seen people get well so fast.


    Visit - and

    Also, if you need a good church fund raiser or want to help someone get a good free internet business go to . This is a wonderful Christian endeavor.

    Preaching Christ For 40 Years,
    Runner-Up For “Outstanding Person Of The Year”,
    City Of St. Louis, Missouri, 1996

    Pastor Glenn Rogers Sr.
  • Abraham Israel

    Shalom My Dear Sister! Just A Powerful NOTE: The Name Of Our Creator As The Father is יהוה "YHWH"
    and His Son’s Name is יהוה "YHWH" Note: The Father & Son Name Are The Same! (John 5:43) They Are ONE!
    "Pronounced YAHWEH"
    Encyclopedia Britannica
    Yahweh - the God of the Israelites, his name being revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the tetragrammaton. After the Exile (6th century BC), and especially from the 3rd century BC on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh for two reasons. As Judaism became a universal religion through its proselytizing in the Greco-Roman world, the more common noun Elohim, meaning “god,” tended to replace Yahweh to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel's God Yahweh over all others. At the same time, the divine name Yahweh was increasingly regarded as too sacred to be uttered; it was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the (Jews) Hebrew word Adonai (“My Lord”), which was translated as Kyrios (“Lord”) in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament.

    The Masoretes, who from about the 6th to the 10th century worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible, replaced the vowels of the name (YHWH) Yahweh with the vowel signs of the Hebrew words Adonai or Elohim. Thus, the artificial name Jehovah (YeHoWaH) came into being. Although Christian scholars after the Renaissance and Reformation periods used the term Jehovah for YHWH, in the 19th and 20th centuries biblicalscholars again began to use the form Yahweh. Early Christian writers, such as Clement of Alexandria in the 2nd century, had used a form like Yahweh, and this pronunciation of the (Tetragrammaton) was never really lost. Other Greek transcriptions also indicated that YHWH should be pronounced Yahweh.

    The meaning of the personal name of the Israelite God has been variously interpreted. Many scholars believe that the most proper meaning may be “He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists” (Yahweh-Asher-Yahweh). In I Samuel, God is known by the name Yahweh Teva-?ot, or “He Brings the Hosts Into Existence,” the hosts possibly referring to the heavenly court or to Israel. The personal name of God probably was known long before the time of Moses. The name of Moses' mother was Jochebed (Yokheved), a word based on the name Yahweh. Thus, the tribe of Levi, to which Moses belonged, probably knew the name Yahweh, which originally may have been (in its short form Yo, Yah, or Yahu) a religious invocation of no precise meaning evoked by the mysterious and awesome splendour of the manifestation of the holy.

    Also see "Consonants Or Vowels?"
    Give Unto Yahweh the Glory Due Unto His Name!
  • Abraham Israel

    Shalom, My Good Dear Sister! I Love You As My Wonderful HEBREW Sister! In Fact All So Call Black People Are The Hebrew People Of The Holy Bible. When You Study The So Call Black People History And Hebrew History It Is The Same; The Names Was Just Change, You Can Make A List Of All The Names We Been Call And Answer To; You Have To Wake Up And Study The Truth About Our Real Name Of The Most High God "YHWH" Which Means YAHWEH; That Was Taking From Us As His People, We Where Cut Off By Yahweh Himself; (Read Gen 15:13, 1kings 9:6-9 Acts 7:6) Really Read And Study What I Am Saying Am Telling The Truth. He Is Wakeing You And I Up To Wake Up Our Love ONES!

    Note: Now Yahweh Is Bring You And I Back Onto Himself, Thats Why His Name Is Being Talk About More And More And More! It Will Not Go Away, It Will Only Get Biger And Greater In The Thy Earth. I appreciate you giving me your time to touch on Biblical thoughts and then also to share with you some of my study and research. Moreover, I want to mentioned to you the type of books that would be a must have in considering to formulate your Biblical Library. Moreover, these are some of the books that would cause one to move from a comfort zone, to an intense Biblical High! Praise Yahweh! Now these are some of the books that are recommended:

    1. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
    2. King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible
    3. Inter perter Bible Dictionary(set of 5)
    4. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of the Bible
    5. Webster's Collegiate or Random House Dictionary
    6. Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale
    7. Guinness Book of World Records, copyright 1985
    8. Jerusalem Bible
    As a Note: The Guinness Book of World Records talks about the letters "J' and "V" as being the newest letters added to English Alphabet, which is post Shakespearean 1630. So the letters "J" and "V" are only 379 years old. Also In The Hebrew /Greek There Is No Letter "J" Take These Bible Tools And Look And See; All "J"s Are a "Y" And All "V" Are a "W" In The Hebrew: Praise Yahweh! We Can Do All Things In Yahweh! It Is A Wonderful Time For Us To Be Here This Day! Note: Most Rev, Preachers, Evangelist, Churches, Artists, Ministries, Prophets, Prophetess, Men And Woman Who Say They Have Been Call By The Most High God Yahweh, Don't Even Call Him By His Real Holy Name; And On Top Of That, Those Who Know Want Even Tell Those Who Don't Know, His Real Holy Name Is YHWH Which Is YUD-HAY-WAW-HAY That Saids "YAHWEH". Look It Up: For Yourself "YHWH" And Then Tell The Truth, If You Are From The God Yahweh Of The Hebrews And Bible, Ex 5:3, Ex 9:1, Ex 9:13, When You Know The Truth Tell It And It Will Set You Free! Praise Yahweh! Great Are U! Note: Gather as Many Different Bibles and Dictionaries to HELP Build Your Library. Praise Yahweh! Shalom
    Blessing! Your Brother Abraham
  • Alex

    Do you want to pray together?
  • Evangelist Margaret

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
  • Apostle W.L. Smith

  • Alex

    Please, let me know when you have a word from the Lord for me!
  • Minister Karen L. Ribeiro

    Praise the Lord Mighty Woman of God! Happy New Year to you all!
    I am grateful that the Lord allowed us all to enter in 2010!
    2009 wasn’t the easiest of years, but through the eyes of faith, I see great things awaiting all of us in 2010. The reason I’m sending this email... the Lord blessed my publishing ministry with an awesome door of opportunity and we are looking to do even greater works on this year!
    Years ago, I wrote a book titled I Will Do A New Thing In You. A local ministry asked if I would allow them to include the book as a gift to women incarcerated. We want to do the same next year.
    Write The Vision Publications, is looking to publish a book titled: Women Of Great Faith. I need your group’s participation. The book will be comprised of messages by women of great faith.
    The process is simple. With your permission, we would publish a message of your choosing. All you would need to do is submit your message (500 words or more) along with your contact information, in word format to We anticipate having the project completed by the end of February 2010.
    Although we are not in position to offer monetarily compensation, once the project is complete, we will send you a complementary copy of the book. The ownership of your message will remain your property.
    We are sure the Lord will richly bless you as together we bless His people. One thing I can promise you for sure…books have a way of going places many of us may never get to go.
    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 336-997-2359. God bless you and thank you in advance.
    Minister Karen Ribeiro
  • EarthAngel Divine

  • William J. Bass

    This is Pastor William Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. I am inviting you to ck out our new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Go to After you have checked it out please e-mail me bk with your comments and thoughts at looking to hear from you soon. Have a blessed day.
  • Tracey Strother

    Visit Gospel316 GOSPEL316.COM; home of the new TV show, “Gospel316.” Join us in a celebration of faith and independence; as we launch the “Gospel316” Showcase Series! Gospel316 features independent gospel singers from around the world; and this weekly program will start airing this fall. Check the Gospel316.Com site or your local cable listings for program times and details.