



Profile Information:

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St James's Church
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About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am ms Viktoria an a born again christian, my word of advise.....Lift up the Eagles who have graduated that the Father will continue to guide them and they stay focused on the ministries they have began and they will be anointed with authority and power for the work they have been commissioned to do.
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus humbly advised that we pardon and pray for those who offend us, he never issued a compulsion that church entrepreneurs or any self-acclaimed, or devil- proclaimed, or hubris- anointed, or sincerity- hunted born-again Christian must make a decree which other daring, straight-forward Christians and human beings must respect.

Comment Wall:

  • Annette Harris

    thank you for being my friend
  • Pastor Jacob Asogonnde

    Please God bless you, and let us talk aboutvthe things that will make us serve the Lord better
  • PASTOR Steven Benjamin

    Greetings, Deacon Steven Benjamin,C.E.O. of the POWER OF PRAYER OUTREACH MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL, would like to be your friend and brother in Christ. Please click on my picture and send me a "add as friend" request.Thanks and God Bless
  • ONOSE Franklyn Edafe

    Hello Victoria,
    God bless u for recognizing he died 4 ur sake, give him praise always and he will throw surprises at u when u least expected.