Pastor Darryl L. Sampson

44, Male

Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Life Changing Christian Outreach Center
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Noel Jones
Pastor Jamal Bryant
Pastor Marvan Sapp
Bishop Bobby Pierson
Bishop Thomas Wallace
Pastor Gerald Dolphus
Dr. Shane Perry
Pasrtor Brian Galloway
So Many More....

Comment Wall:

  • Karen Pfeifer

    This is For You !!!!
    the Karen Show a local and global television talk show.

    The Karen Show will provide such topics as:

    Communities Resource Information,

    Church, Business Events

    Health Care Awareness

    Life Line Stories

    Live On the Streets- Talking to the Homeless,Jobless. Feeding the Poor.

    Keeping It Real Showcase

    Spotlight Pastors in the House

    Gospel Today

    Making It Happen

    Signup at:

    I would like you to be a guest on the Karen Show Tv Experience
    I feel you have a lot to share with God's people.

    For more information call 1-269-934-5571
  • Bernice Jones

    welcome to the family

    There are many who are now beginning to wonder how I am creating these incredible, groundbreaking motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects. The program being used is Adobe After Effects CS4 (There is a newer version, called: Adobe AE CS5). This is just one of many projects that I have created for YouTube to promote a DVD project called "God's Ultimate Weapon."

    If you are interested in my work and are interested in having a dramatic intro created for yourself, leave a comment in this section. Also, stay tuned for the tutorials that will show you - step by step - how to create some of these amazing projects!

    Arlee Turner Jr.
  • New Deliverance Outreach Center

    Greetings In The Name Of Jesus, I wanted to intrudence myself, I saw that we have Churches in the same City...We arecelebrating 27yrs of ministry this sunday Dec.5, at 4:pm. I also wanted to invite you and your congregation to a Holy Ghost Encounter with God.....Dec. 15, 16th and 17. We would love to have you visit with us. we will be featuring Bishop Brehon Hall, of Toledo, Ohio from the New Psalmist Church. You can view him on youtube. We would love to network with you........... New Deliverance Church 14538 Minetta Houston, Tx 77035 713-728-8288
  • William J. Bass

    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. Please ck out our all new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio you may log on at
    After you ck it out, please e-mail me bk at with your thoughts and or comments. Be Blessed
  • Pastor Kitoye Joy Oruan

    Red Ribbon
  • New Deliverance Outreach Center

    Thank You for responding to my comment. Since you could not come , we are having a Revival next week, Hosting Bishop Brehon Hall, from Toledo Ohio, Dec. 15,16, & 17.




  • New Deliverance Outreach Center

    Thank You for responding to me. God Bless You!
  • Tawana Ross

  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    Go forth with your dream and your plans in 2011!!  God has paved the path but only as you move forward will you discover that!!
  • New Deliverance Outreach Center

    Greetings, & Happy New Year" Just wanted to connect again, and let you know Bishop Hall is being brought back by popular demand. Jan.3rd thru 7th. New Deliverance Church,14538 Minetta, Houston, Texas 77035 713-728-8288
  • Bishop Amos Horton Jr

    Bless you sir


    As I watch and pray, and I look around at what has happened over the past 25 years, and especially over the past five years, I see a pathetic and spiritually helpless population nearly void of discernment. It is a population that has been taught and conditioned to live in the realm of error while being embraced by the governance of a spiritual “big brother,” who is there with polluted religion, a controlled educational system, a false economic system, an abundance of perverted entertainment, and everything else that is needed to make sure that the people get the error right and perpetuate the clandestine plan of Satan. The sad shock of it all is that we are not seeing a dabbling interest in this global enterprise of Satan by the people he seeks to control. We are seeing a fatal embrace of damnation. It is a condition that cries out for the righteous judgment of the Almighty Creator to fall upon a creation run amok. Thankfully, there is a remnant that can see and hear, and these are but a few, which are scattered throughout the world. I have personally met over 15 of you – you know who you are. I am proud to be among that number and we are a praying people who have been called out and have broken free from the fatal embrace of the perverted system of the antichrist…

    We are now, in these last days, beginning to see the wrath of God poured out on creation, as the coming judgment of all mankind draws near. Our Lord Jesus told us to lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh. We find these words in Luke 21:28. We are also told that there will be signs to watch for. In Luke 21:25 we read, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.”



  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    When you hold on to someone trying to let you go, you get drug through the dirt. Let it Go!!!!